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  • Deleting my account on LebGeeks


Is there any way to delete my account on Lebgeeks? maybe get me banned or something xD

Thanks in Advance!
Out of curiosity, before you are gone, why would someone do that?
Try to post a sentence that is 100% grammatically wrong. I think that will earn you a permanent ban right away.
That's an odd request. Creating thread vs sending a PM to an admin.

Kind of curious about the back story too
What would you achieve by getting yourself banned?
I guess if you found none in your user settings then you can ask from an admin to do it for you.
I'm not sure what your goal is, you should give us more details about what you're trying to achieve.
Depending on that maybe you can just lock yourself out by changing your email and changing your password to one that you will never remember, I think it would be the same effect then a ban.
How sad!
When Lebanon becomes part of the EU, GDPR will force the admins to create such a button.
As mentioned above, send me or xterm a PM and we can take care of it.
Also curious as to why you'd like to delete your account.