xazbrat wroteI have a couple of orders from late last summer totaling just under 3 million LL. If I ask for my money back, it will be half the value when I paid for it and they aren't time sensitive items (bedroom stuff mainly). That being said, I cannot recommnend anyone order anything
from them until they show a consistent pattern of TIMELY fulfillment of orders.
That is what i was saying since the beginning man, they buy usd with people's money and when lira value goes higher than the time when people paid they ship some orders, when it goes down they refund they make lots of money by devaluing yours while staying legal
5 days later
ozone1864 wroteSo guys I have an order since October.
Last message I got from them is due to pandemic and lockdown delivery will be delayed.
What do you guys suggest wait or refund ?
if you can wait 7-9 months to receive your items, wait
if not refund

I have ordered a baby-walker for my sister's newborn baby back in september 2020.
ironically after 7 months now the baby starts walking, I lost hope to receive my items so I request a refund
and now I'm struggling with them, 3 weeks have passed and every time I ask where is my refund I got a stupid answer or no answer at all
zizo99 wrote
ozone1864 wroteSo guys I have an order since October.
Last message I got from them is due to pandemic and lockdown delivery will be delayed.
What do you guys suggest wait or refund ?
if you can wait 7-9 months to receive your items, wait
if not refund

I have ordered a baby-walker for my sister's newborn baby back in september 2020.
ironically after 7 months now the baby starts walking, I lost hope to receive my items so I request a refund
and now I'm struggling with them, 3 weeks have passed and every time I ask where is my refund I got a stupid answer or no answer at all
Some people said I ordered iPhone 11 from Libazon, iPhone 12 got released and I have yet to receive the phone.

Other people said we have ordered the 2000 series rtx cards from libazon, 3000 series got released and I have yet to receive the card.

And then, there's zizo99

LifeEngineer wrote
You cannot call it that. Libazon existed since 2017 and served thousands of orders without issues.
true they existed since 2017, but they were the most expensive, their prices were double the prices of their competitors.
LifeEngineer wroteMe and couple of friends did orders in the millions of LL around start of 2020 (start of the pandemic) and we all received all of our orders in 3 to 6 months period.
i received my orders too, we got lucky being early birds, none of my friends received anything and its almost a year for some. to be fair they are delivering small orders after 6-7 months, just to keep the hopes up and continue with whatever their plan is.

now i came here to share a friend's case. he placed an order with libazon for 66m.

and after months of waiting messaging back and forth, (im not gonna go into details here, we all know the typical answers) he asked for a proof for the order, he contacted Raja directly and she sent him this.

he contacted apple and asked for a copy of the invoice, see below.

you can clearly see that everything got forged except the order number, they sent him a fake invoice!

see more..

and more..

i don't know how they're gonna pull this off but i know that @techguru joined the telegram group we created, and started sending screenshots for his orders being delivered in a month encouraging everyone to buy, while those who ordered months before him havn't received anything yet.

he joined the group, gave some hope to everyone then left immediately.

draw your own conclusion.
If someone can pay 66M for a shit mac with a stand I am sure they afford to take them to court for all that.
DNA wroteIf someone can pay 66M for a shit mac with a stand I am sure they afford to take them to court for all that.
That was me.. Honestly I placed the order knowing that I will get nothing in return. AVO was challenging me to try them as they looked legit for him.

I was so sure that my order will never arrive... I offered him 5 million LBP in case it does for the sake of fun but the whole thing didn't make sense to me.

The number of lies that b!tch Rajaa was throwing at me was unbelievable.

I tried to corner her by offering another 30 million lbp just to get my order but she wasn't interested... I offered to ship the item myself, pay for vat and customs but again she ignored every offer.

Bottom line is, they take your money, convert it to USD, make you wait couple of months so that the rate is high enough for them to offer you a refund and make you wait indefinitely to the point where you have no option except requesting a refund.

I didn't really lose money as i had lbp in the first place and I have a lot of payments at 1515lbp so yeah but it's confirmed, they are scamming the majority of their clients.
The most frustrating thing is that Tech Guru was the guy who was defending them like crazy, advising people to buy from them, but then everything went south, he vanished completely, acting as nothing has ever happened :)
Hey guys, aren't they part of a party in Lebanon that doesn't have enough USD and have sanctions on them?
@dan28 and @theilluminative I don't understand why you're involving TechGuru in the matter.
If you have some kind of personal vendetta against him, or simply hate his guts, take it on a personal level with him without involving him in the above matter.

The guy just shared his experience at the time with the company, and I remember very well that time everyone was receiving their orders.
If there were instances of people not receiving their orders at the time, it really meant, at the time, that those items were out of stock or some other reason. Unlike now where Libazon started misleadingly using these excuses as a routine in order to shut customers up.
It was much later on when Libazon started getting sloppy and terrible with their service and delivery dates.
AVOlio wroteThe guy just shared his experience at the time with the company, and I remember very well that time everyone was receiving their orders.
true he did, and i got my orders at that time, he could've stopped there but no he kept on defending them here, on facebook and joining telegram channels like who does that? why all the hassle? people do that when they have something to complain about, not to vouch for other companies with nothing in return. the problem isn't that he kept vouching for them, he just disappeared when the company stopped delivering. he showed screenshots of him contacting Raja directly on linkedin, "more like showing off that she acknowledged him" he either saw a job opportunity, or he knew the company is fishy and did all that just to have his orders delivered and scr*w the rest. again see the screenshot for his orders being delivered in a month. you are in the telegram channel, see the orders for the people who ordered before him, he's being prioritized.

if you're betting on tech guru reaching out and saying "hey buddy thanks for defending me, let me contact my friend Raja directly, and ask her to ship you your tv asap." you're being delusional.
I'm not betting on anything brother.
Im not even trying to defend him per se, it's just that I've noticed many people, especially in that telegram group, bash and trash talk about tech Guru all the time for no apparent reason.
And most people in the TG group are members either in Lebgeeks or the FB group that tech Guru administers, and I guess all the hate towards him stems from the way of his general online behavior and activities in these communities and has nothing to do with Libazon.

In fact tech Guru joined the TG group to defend himself against all the accusations thrown at him.

Im certain the guy was just a regular customer with Libazon with no special relationship or prioritization what so ever.

The fact of the matter is, when he made his orders, Libazon was still new back then, and wasn't as popular or didn't have as many orders as later on.
That's the main reason why he received his orders in a short period of time (and he wasn't alone) compared to all of us now.

And the fact that Raja contacted him on LinkedIn, doesn't mean he's affiliated in any way with her or the company.
She contacted many people directly.
Again, at the time Libazon was still somewhat new, so the owner was free to talk back to inquirers and potential clients.

Your previous post sharing Kareem's experience was very informative and needed to be shared, and I'm sure if you left it for Kareem to share it himself he would've made a more detailed and thorough post.
But the part where you mentioned tech Guru was really mis-informative, unrelated and totally uncalled for.
I was reviewing pages 5-7 of this thread, clearly most of the members didn't want to be rational. they just wanted to snap a good deal.

Again, I am just amazed about how many times we (as Lebanese) get screwed and never learn. It was fishy from the beginning and some members started attacking whoever doubted them.

it was risky, whoever got into this should have realized that and should have weighted the benefits against risks. now all you can do is take them to court or maybe something else... whining will not solve the problem
+1 xerxes
Is it really so difficult to understand for people that even if someone had a positive experience, it is not a fact that others will have it the same now. Moreover, in these difficult times, many companies collapse, fall in quality, go bankrupt. What is OK yesterday is not the fact that it will be today. Literally.
AVOlio wroteI'm not betting on anything brother.
Im not even trying to defend him per se, it's just that I've noticed many people, especially in that telegram group, bash and trash talk about tech Guru all the time for no apparent reason.
And most people in the TG group are members either in Lebgeeks or the FB group that tech Guru administers, and I guess all the hate towards him stems from the way of his general online behavior and activities in these communities and has nothing to do with Libazon.

In fact tech Guru joined the TG group to defend himself against all the accusations thrown at him.

Im certain the guy was just a regular customer with Libazon with no special relationship or prioritization what so ever.

The fact of the matter is, when he made his orders, Libazon was still new back then, and wasn't as popular or didn't have as many orders as later on.
That's the main reason why he received his orders in a short period of time (and he wasn't alone) compared to all of us now.

And the fact that Raja contacted him on LinkedIn, doesn't mean he's affiliated in any way with her or the company.
She contacted many people directly.
Again, at the time Libazon was still somewhat new, so the owner was free to talk back to inquirers and potential clients.

Your previous post sharing Kareem's experience was very informative and needed to be shared, and I'm sure if you left it for Kareem to share it himself he would've made a more detailed and thorough post.
But the part where you mentioned tech Guru was really mis-informative, unrelated and totally uncalled for.
Dude, you defend him like crazy. You should relax and let him defend himself, unless you are his PA.

I tell you my own experience: I was convinced by Tech Guru to deal with Libazon. If you check his posts he encouraged you to deal with Libazon. He even promoted them on his FB page where he compared them to other shipping websites. People started to say "It's risky, etc.." his answer was "you will always get your items. I got mine. I contacted the admin, etc..".

Believe me nobody in the world would go through this hassle if he is not getting anything in return. WTF I need to defend Libazon like crazy? If I am not getting anything in return? Similar to you right now, stop defending the guy and let him answer.

It's annoying when you vouch for Libazon, encourage people to buy from them, then you disappear and act as nothing has happened when things became worse.

P.S: I have no orders with Libazon. I ordered in May last year couple of items and got them. Never ordered again as I was sure I won't get them again.
AVOlio wroteI'm not betting on anything brother.
Im not even trying to defend him per se, it's just that I've noticed many people, especially in that telegram group, bash and trash talk about tech Guru all the time for no apparent reason.
And most people in the TG group are members either in Lebgeeks or the FB group that tech Guru administers, and I guess all the hate towards him stems from the way of his general online behavior and activities in these communities and has nothing to do with Libazon.

In fact tech Guru joined the TG group to defend himself against all the accusations thrown at him.

Im certain the guy was just a regular customer with Libazon with no special relationship or prioritization what so ever.

The fact of the matter is, when he made his orders, Libazon was still new back then, and wasn't as popular or didn't have as many orders as later on.
That's the main reason why he received his orders in a short period of time (and he wasn't alone) compared to all of us now.

And the fact that Raja contacted him on LinkedIn, doesn't mean he's affiliated in any way with her or the company.
She contacted many people directly.
Again, at the time Libazon was still somewhat new, so the owner was free to talk back to inquirers and potential clients.

Your previous post sharing Kareem's experience was very informative and needed to be shared, and I'm sure if you left it for Kareem to share it himself he would've made a more detailed and thorough post.
But the part where you mentioned tech Guru was really mis-informative, unrelated and totally uncalled for.
I'll try for the nth time to explain to you....

1- People are bashing Tech Guru because as far as I know he's the only person WE KNOW who got his order in 3-4 weeks, I'm not aware of anybody else unless you are? And no Libazon is operating since 2017 so stahhp it bro.

2- I don't have the energy to share my experience; you know it and people on telegram do. Basically it's a scam that should be avoided at all cost.

3- During my journey I explained to you with facts, arguments and proof that the owner is lying to us, she's manipulating and buying time nothing less nothing nothing more but you kept convincing me to not refund because you trust your guts and you believe every word she's saying although I logged in to her Apple account and showed you the real invoice ( it took me all night to get my hands on it )

4- You kept believing her lies and justifying her answers which I didn't buy from day one again counting on nothing but instinct...

5- She completely stopped replying to you, blocked your whatsapp number and gave you the middle finger yet you refused to accept the truth

6- When you asked her how Libazon is profitable she answered you that the money they are receiving remains in Libazon account and they are buying the stuff from their own fresh money because they believe one day the Lira rate will be back to 1500. Her answer was a TADAAA for you however, and with all due respect, only an extremely naïve person will buy it.

Later on I showed you that the refund they issued is from BoB not OMT ( the original payment point ) and someone from Khatib family initiated it. Despite everything you believe my refund was a mistake and I should have waited even more.

To be dead honest, if you refuse to accept facts and proofs because you trust and believe nothing but your gut, it's either you're fooling me or yourself. I remember you applied for a Job at Libazon or was interested in one nah?
I am locking this thread for a 2 weeks cooling off period, as this is turning into a flamewar.
Remember that there's a human being on the other side of your posts.