AVOlio wroteI'm not betting on anything brother.
Im not even trying to defend him per se, it's just that I've noticed many people, especially in that telegram group, bash and trash talk about tech Guru all the time for no apparent reason.
And most people in the TG group are members either in Lebgeeks or the FB group that tech Guru administers, and I guess all the hate towards him stems from the way of his general online behavior and activities in these communities and has nothing to do with Libazon.
In fact tech Guru joined the TG group to defend himself against all the accusations thrown at him.
Im certain the guy was just a regular customer with Libazon with no special relationship or prioritization what so ever.
The fact of the matter is, when he made his orders, Libazon was still new back then, and wasn't as popular or didn't have as many orders as later on.
That's the main reason why he received his orders in a short period of time (and he wasn't alone) compared to all of us now.
And the fact that Raja contacted him on LinkedIn, doesn't mean he's affiliated in any way with her or the company.
She contacted many people directly.
Again, at the time Libazon was still somewhat new, so the owner was free to talk back to inquirers and potential clients.
Your previous post sharing Kareem's experience was very informative and needed to be shared, and I'm sure if you left it for Kareem to share it himself he would've made a more detailed and thorough post.
But the part where you mentioned tech Guru was really mis-informative, unrelated and totally uncalled for.
I'll try for the nth time to explain to you....
1- People are bashing Tech Guru because as far as I know he's the only person WE KNOW who got his order in 3-4 weeks, I'm not aware of anybody else unless you are? And no Libazon is operating since 2017 so stahhp it bro.
2- I don't have the energy to share my experience; you know it and people on telegram do. Basically it's a scam that should be avoided at all cost.
3- During my journey I explained to you with facts, arguments and proof that the owner is lying to us, she's manipulating and buying time nothing less nothing nothing more but you kept convincing me to not refund because you trust your guts and you believe every word she's saying although I logged in to her Apple account and showed you the real invoice ( it took me all night to get my hands on it )
4- You kept believing her lies and justifying her answers which I didn't buy from day one again counting on nothing but instinct...
5- She completely stopped replying to you, blocked your whatsapp number and gave you the middle finger yet you refused to accept the truth
6- When you asked her how Libazon is profitable she answered you that the money they are receiving remains in Libazon account and they are buying the stuff from their own fresh money because they believe one day the Lira rate will be back to 1500. Her answer was a TADAAA for you however, and with all due respect, only an extremely naïve person will buy it.
Later on I showed you that the refund they issued is from BoB not OMT ( the original payment point ) and someone from Khatib family initiated it. Despite everything you believe my refund was a mistake and I should have waited even more.
To be dead honest, if you refuse to accept facts and proofs because you trust and believe nothing but your gut, it's either you're fooling me or yourself. I remember you applied for a Job at Libazon or was interested in one nah?