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Guitaret wroteAnyone undergoing the immigration process right now who is willing to answer a few questions for me? Maybe we can start a new thread since many things have changed in the light of COVID and our recent banks collapse.
If you want, you may PM me for specific questions. I am the admin of the Lebanese Landing whatsapp group(it's for Lebanese who finished the process and are landing in Canada) There also is a Canadian applicants whatsapp group for Lebanese but it is currently full with over 255 members(it's really sad) In any case, I am always up to date on what is going on. (and sorry, I can't add applicants to the landing group, but I can ask the people there for you in case there is something I can't help with)

Concerning the bank collapse, the Canadian government does not care in terms of visa applications, they still consider 1 usd = 1500 lbp. And so if you have 15 million liras in the bank they still consider that 10(11?) thousand Canadian dollars and will consider your money requirement fulfilled. Your only problem is figuring out how to pay the application fee of ~1000$ if/when you do get accepted.

I lived in Toronto for a year, then moved to Montreal(currently in Montreal) even though I loved Toronto more as a city, and the income tax is lower(by about 8% than Montreal) the insane rent prices in Toronto make it very difficult as a starting city in Canada. I do not like Montreal, I managed to get an apartment there for cheap(unlike in Toronto where I was living in rooms that cost more than what my apartment is costing me) and I have a stable job, but I don't like French, there are fewer new immigrants in Montreal so it is more difficult to make friends (in Toronto it seemed like everyone is a new immigrant, everyone is looking for friends).
If I had to do it all over again I would try my luck in Alberta. English speaking, lower rent and lower income tax.

As for tech, I noticed there is much more opportunities for php developers in Montreal than there is in Toronto, far more opportunities. I found it real hard in Toronto as a php developer. In any case, you are not married to the city just because you start in it, you could always move. The government will give you a tax rebate if you spend money changing cities, so it really does not cost very much.
7 days later
I appreciate your offer to assist @user, as I express to you right now, still, I did not apply for the IELTS exam, perhaps I got discouraged when I knew I had to do well in the French exam as well. Maybe the true reason is that I couldn't be in peace with accepting that the last 10 years working hard in Lebanon are for nothing, and I need to start from scratch somewhere else (sad thing really). We are all looking for this sense of stability or security, but, we don't really know where to look. I am afraid of wasting another few years just to end up being in the same state of mind but somewhere fancier. My priority is no longer financial security (or "fresh money"), 2020 has taught me the hard way to appreciate the simple things in life and I am grateful for that. Having said that, I work in software and it isn't difficult for me to land a fresh money job here, in fact, I am getting many job opportunities over LinkedIn. But as I said, this isn't a priority anymore.
I am sorry for being all over the place, but perhaps you can answer the below:
- Are you sure about the Canadian government still accepting the 1500LL/USD rate?
- Where do I start the online process (any link)? Because every time I want to apply, I end up with an assessment form telling me I am not eligible.
Thank you
Guitaret wrote - Are you sure about the Canadian government still accepting the 1500LL/USD rate?
- Where do I start the online process (any link)? Because every time I want to apply, I end up with an assessment form telling me I am not eligible.
Thank you
I am pretty sure about the 1500 LL to usd thing because I asked the guys that got their immigration approved after the crisis(and applied after) and they told me that is what they submitted. The only site to trust is canada.ca it is the government website and in it you apply, I will post to you the direct link though because it is a rather large and very confusing website
Sign up with cgkey.

Every year above 30 years old loses you points. I made it in 2017 with a score of 438 which is a low score. Before you assume that it was easier back then (it was not) scores were in the 500s and they were only taking 1000 applicants a month(vs around 6000 a month last year) and I made it because they suddenly ramped up the number of people they take and it caused a shock downward on the score. I had seen the 2015 and 2016 scores and I assumed it was impossible for me to get in, but I did the work anyway, and when the score came down I was ready with a profile, had I missed it I might never have made it.

So my advice, make the profile, do your end. You never know. As for the money thing, money is relative man. I did not lose any money in Lebanon (I was so pissed off from the system that I took my money with me out of hate, and it paid off) but here is the thing, my salary in Lebanon for the first few years was under 1500 usd a month, it topped out at 2000$ but that was including paying parking in Beirut, and including the humiliation of driving to work, and including many shit. In Canada, I am starting out with 3000 usd, after I get my citizenship I might land a job in Dubai or whatever for like 12000 a month. Would it then matter if I kept or lost that 1000 a month? keep climbing up.
10 years in software development are not for nothing, you probably have a lot of experience and that is worth a lot.
Guitaret wrote am afraid of wasting another few years just to end up being in the same state of mind but somewhere fancier.
This actually happened to me in 2019, I got super depressed, I felt just as miserable as I was in Lebanon even though I was in Canada. And personal note, I saw a psychologist in Canada he said I have everyday trauma from living a really stressful life in Lebanon, and we worked through all the work bullying, school bullying, shitty parenting where my parents treated me as a tool to brag about to other parents without caring what I wanted etc... etc.. and now I feel much better. I know it may not apply to you, I might be the worst case that I needed help, the point is. There is a solution to everything. I know the feeling of hopelessness and frustration and anger. I felt them in Lebanon for a long time, I was more frustrated that I was the only it seemed pre 2019 feeling them. And your brain makes it seem like you won't feel anything better ever again but it doesn't have to happen like that, it can get better, you just need to put in the effort.
user wroteshitty parenting where my parents treated me as a tool to brag about to other parents without caring what I wanted etc... etc..
Please dont get me wrong i understand you. however most of our parents lived in a shitty society (dont forget the civil war they endured). they didn't know better. we need to be different.
Sorry for out of topic. but this needs to be said. Our past is hurtful, let's change our future for a better society.
Guitaret wroteI appreciate your offer to assist @user, as I express to you right now, still, I did not apply for the IELTS exam, perhaps I got discouraged when I knew I had to do well in the French exam as well. Maybe the true reason is that I couldn't be in peace with accepting that the last 10 years working hard in Lebanon are for nothing, and I need to start from scratch somewhere else (sad thing really). We are all looking for this sense of stability or security, but, we don't really know where to look. I am afraid of wasting another few years just to end up being in the same state of mind but somewhere fancier. My priority is no longer financial security (or "fresh money"), 2020 has taught me the hard way to appreciate the simple things in life and I am grateful for that. Having said that, I work in software and it isn't difficult for me to land a fresh money job here, in fact, I am getting many job opportunities over LinkedIn. But as I said, this isn't a priority anymore.
I am sorry for being all over the place, but perhaps you can answer the below:
- Are you sure about the Canadian government still accepting the 1500LL/USD rate?
- Where do I start the online process (any link)? Because every time I want to apply, I end up with an assessment form telling me I am not eligible.
Thank you
And on a side note, French is not required for Express Entry, it does however boost your points. I got 469 points back in 2016 and my French score was low, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm French Educated. I got A2 on reading and B2 on the rest. I think nowadays you can get slightly more points compared to 2016~17.

Piece of advice, you can use Express entry online calculators to calculate your score.

Although I wouldn't advice that you strictly rely on calculators vs draws. I think I mentioned this before in here, even if your score is low, just get in the pool, the provinces look for candidates all the time while disregarding your points/score. The draws are only for Federal invites, the provinces get to pick whoever they want from the pool if they feel your skills are needed, and it's up to you to accept.
@user Thank you for sharing the personal stuff, appreciate the courage.
Trauma & stress, God knows I have enough of those for 2 full lifetimes (sigh...).
Perhaps this is my real dilemma: I am managing my life here well in terms of finance, and since we don't pay much income taxes here, and since I have my own place, perhaps I am better off staying here (in financial terms that is).
I couldn't make the first decision to leave because I do not know what a better life look & feel like, this is the extent of my knowing (like most people). The problem I am not able to fix here is stress, no matter what measurement & solutions I apply, it is everywhere and in large bunches. As much as I am remorseful for not taking the leaving decision when I was younger, I still know deep down inside that this is the right thing to do. I wish I become more modest and accept my losses, perhaps I will. A fresh and new life is a luxury deprived of most people.

Much obliged, I will contact you if I needed any advice.

@Hybrid thank you for your input as well.
Questions regarding the IELTS exam in Lebanon:
- You recommend the computer exam or the paper one?
- Does the British council accepts payment in a credit card?
back in my day (of 2016) the computer option was not available, I doubt it makes a difference because most tests are multiple choice, except the writing and the speaking(listening and reading are multiple choice) so it should be the same.
I asked about the IELTS payment and I was told fresh dollar only.

I chose the paper based exam and saved 30$, plus I prefer writing on a piece of paper instead of a keyboard. Is is recommended to choose the computer based exam if you have a very bad hand writing since you can lose points if they don't understand your hand writing.

Concerning the payment, as @user said, fresh dollars only or INTERNATIONAL credit cards.

Good luck with the exam
user wroteback in my day (of 2016) the computer option was not available, I doubt it makes a difference because most tests are multiple choice, except the writing and the speaking(listening and reading are multiple choice) so it should be the same.
I asked about the IELTS payment and I was told fresh dollar only.

No, only part of the listening and reading are mutiple choice. A lot is now given as fill in the blanks. One core difference between the computer-based vs paper-based, you have 10 mins at the end of the listening test only to transfer your answers from the question paper to the answer sheet. In the computer - based test , this is not the case. You type your answers directly into the computer and at the end of the test you got only 2 mins to check your answers.

For reading , writing , and speaking, the timing is the same. Every other aspect of the test is the same whether it is on the computer or paper
ah yes listening was fill in the blanks. It should not matter honestly for the listening because you fill in as you hear anyway, and without the recording playing again it is more or less useless to try and check. Unless you are checking for mistakes in the way you wrote a word.

I remember the last recording said "village x is situated between two mountains" and then the fill in the blanks was
village x is situated in a .... and I guess you are supposed to say valley. It gets tricky towards the end.
user wroteah yes listening was fill in the blanks. It should not matter honestly for the listening because you fill in as you hear anyway, and without the recording playing again it is more or less useless to try and check. Unless you are checking for mistakes in the way you wrote a word.

I remember the last recording said "village x is situated between two mountains" and then the fill in the blanks was
village x is situated in a .... and I guess you are supposed to say valley. It gets tricky towards the end.
Hybrid wrote And on a side note, French is not required for Express Entry, it does however boost your points. I got 469 points back in 2016 and my French score was low, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm French Educated. I got A2 on reading and B2 on the rest. I think nowadays you can get slightly more points compared to 2016~17.

Piece of advice, you can use Express entry online calculators to calculate your score.

Although I wouldn't advice that you strictly rely on calculators vs draws. I think I mentioned this before in here, even if your score is low, just get in the pool, the provinces look for candidates all the time while disregarding your points/score. The draws are only for Federal invites, the provinces get to pick whoever they want from the pool if they feel your skills are needed, and it's up to you to accept.
The CRS score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited under the Express Entry system #174 (January 21, 2021) is 454.
Too bad I did score 368 when using the calculator, I guess they did change their rules/priority because I do remember getting a higher result when filling the same form a couple of years back. Perhaps the addition of French plus explains the difference.
My best chance to apply now is to secure a job offer beforehand or take the French exam as well and miraculously score well.
An alternative (not sure if this is possible) is to secure a job and issue a work visa, then start the immigration from Canada, a 1-year Canadian experience can increase my score by 78 points.

This sounds improbable (I know), perhaps I should revert from going forward in this immigration ambition.
Guitaret wrote@user Thank you for sharing the personal stuff, appreciate the courage.
Trauma & stress, God knows I have enough of those for 2 full lifetimes (sigh...).
This is a real problem that one can have in Lebanon.

Life becomes so draining that you are not left with enough energy to do the immigration process which is a stressful and exhausting process on its own.

Paradoxically, you need to be doing relatively well wherever you are to be able to immigrate.
Guitaret wrote
Hybrid wrote And on a side note, French is not required for Express Entry, it does however boost your points. I got 469 points back in 2016 and my French score was low, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm French Educated. I got A2 on reading and B2 on the rest. I think nowadays you can get slightly more points compared to 2016~17.

Piece of advice, you can use Express entry online calculators to calculate your score.

Although I wouldn't advice that you strictly rely on calculators vs draws. I think I mentioned this before in here, even if your score is low, just get in the pool, the provinces look for candidates all the time while disregarding your points/score. The draws are only for Federal invites, the provinces get to pick whoever they want from the pool if they feel your skills are needed, and it's up to you to accept.
The CRS score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited under the Express Entry system #174 (January 21, 2021) is 454.
Too bad I did score 368 when using the calculator, I guess they did change their rules/priority because I do remember getting a higher result when filling the same form a couple of years back. Perhaps the addition of French plus explains the difference.
My best chance to apply now is to secure a job offer beforehand or take the French exam as well and miraculously score well.
An alternative (not sure if this is possible) is to secure a job and issue a work visa, then start the immigration from Canada, a 1-year Canadian experience can increase my score by 78 points.

This sounds improbable (I know), perhaps I should revert from going forward in this immigration ambition.
Hey Guitaret, not to discourage you, but unless you have some Canadian and work or study experience, we do not classify.
The last draw was for the Canadian Experience Class at 454; the last No Program draw was late December at 468. We can expect the next No Program Draw to be in the 470's when it opens back up.

Again, no discouragement intended as I am on the same boat :) Just trying to help out and clarify stuff a little. The page for reference.
You always have the chance for a PNP even if your score is under 400, my advise is get in the pool, then work on improving your points.
Guitaret wrote
Hybrid wrote And on a side note, French is not required for Express Entry, it does however boost your points. I got 469 points back in 2016 and my French score was low, I'm actually ashamed to say I'm French Educated. I got A2 on reading and B2 on the rest. I think nowadays you can get slightly more points compared to 2016~17.

Piece of advice, you can use Express entry online calculators to calculate your score.

Although I wouldn't advice that you strictly rely on calculators vs draws. I think I mentioned this before in here, even if your score is low, just get in the pool, the provinces look for candidates all the time while disregarding your points/score. The draws are only for Federal invites, the provinces get to pick whoever they want from the pool if they feel your skills are needed, and it's up to you to accept.
The CRS score of the lowest-ranked candidate invited under the Express Entry system #174 (January 21, 2021) is 454.
Too bad I did score 368 when using the calculator, I guess they did change their rules/priority because I do remember getting a higher result when filling the same form a couple of years back. Perhaps the addition of French plus explains the difference.
My best chance to apply now is to secure a job offer beforehand or take the French exam as well and miraculously score well.
An alternative (not sure if this is possible) is to secure a job and issue a work visa, then start the immigration from Canada, a 1-year Canadian experience can increase my score by 78 points.

This sounds improbable (I know), perhaps I should revert from going forward in this immigration ambition.
Have a look to immigrate as a provincial nominee. If you get selected by a province you will have 600 points in the express entry that will sure guarantee you an ITA. Each province has a set of requirements , skim through them. You need to stay inside the province as full resident for at least 760 days (~ 2 years) and have the PR card. Otherwise, you need to be careful when deciding to move out a province that nominated you after getting PR status. This province can come after you, requesting IRCC to revoke your PR status.




Their are programs that donot need a CRS score.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot
Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
I found most PNP programs useless for technical/IT people
21 days later
Hey everyone, I set up a separate topic dedicated to immigration to countries other than Canada.

EDIT: I messed up the migration and accidentally deleted a good number of posts. I am sorry about that… would be very nice if you could post again your tips about Australia, Germany and other countries over there.