Man your fanboyism is killing your sight and objectivity!vegetaleb wrote If there is something known about samsung phones is how ugly are their design, extremely cheap :)
Good luck with s7, I hope you won't be bothered by touchwiz and lags as well as horrible audio. You must in xda how many s7 edge owners are selling it to get the 10.
Then after it's a matter of taste
Please tell me if the note 5, s6, s7, and all their variants feel cheep and look ugly!
If so, I can tell you that I respect your taste. But "sales, and the population" don't! Everyone likes those designs, me included!
Regarding audio, I honestly don't care too much about it! I care for loudness only, not for quality!
Yes touchwiz isn't the best, but its pros outcome its cons! At least me thinks so, and yet again "sales, and the population" too.
I may get the HTC 10 in the end. But there's a big difference between us.
You're lead by blind fanboyism and you don't see their flaws. You praise everything they do; every choice and you find an excuse for everything that they didn't... I don't! [and please, that's not personal attack... it's just my opinion and what I see :) ]