1 - It could be intestinal/stomach gas cause by your diet. Gas moving from a place into another produces these sounds, especially after digestion, you know chemical reactions release gases.
2 - It could be Irritable Bowel Syndrome ( Mosran el ghaliz)
3 - Your intestines have a similar neurological structure as your brain, when you are stress it goes hooo-ya.

If you are stressed, manage your stress. Else, check with a doctor to check your diet. For me it was allergies to Milk / Lemons and acid / Garlic / Onions / Low temperatures.
Source: Close Dr
It could be IBS aka Irritable Bowel Syndrome, it's your intestine that is stressing, like some doctors say the intestine is the second brain.
I have this thing before a job interview or when I have an important thing to do and I am not 200% of success rate.
No medicament can help.
Just listen to calming music like yoga ones
thanks for the valuable information.
I also thought it could be my diet.
i usually workout till failure to release the stress. works nicely, you do get fucked during training, but after the workout you feel so good and relaxed. it's like your brain only sees positivity all around. worth trying
It's very embarrassing in a crowded class. When then doc stops talking, the class goes quiet, the symphony starts...
Oh and try to stop eating ''grains'' like foul,hommos,falafel...
These things trigger IBS
I love those but haven't eaten it a quite a while.
There are some some meds for the IBS but not all effective (not gonna list them here some users might miss use)

As MrClass said workout++, and the best workout is the bicycle, it keeps juggling your intestines till relief. In addition to some yoga workouts that you can find on youtube to release the tension in your stomach and intestines (watch?v=IvAx7q2LKqk).

Another solution you can try is to divide your meals to 6 small meals per day instead of 3. If you have time to prepare those 6 small meals.

Hope it helps : )
If it is something in your system, go to a pharmacy and get some charcoal pills. They will absorb any gases or other stuff in your system and that may help. And speaking of yoga, there are certain poses which are supposed to rid the body of flatulence and improve digestion. It could be the way you are sitting in class is promoting this activity, and if that is the case, you may want to get a pillow or something to change the way you sit and your posture.

euh - it might be worth writing down the main things you eat per day for like a month and share with us. We'll do the data science and troubleshoot your diet. If you see a doctor, they will find this list useful.

As summer is coming and if you don't have strong AC in the room, you might be able to rule out the cold.

I have free access to doc at work, I will try asking them this and get back to you ;p
I have that too, my stomach makes embarrassing sounds. I used to feel awkward but now I figured fuck it... It's not my fault, I don't need more things to worry about...
Thanks everyone for the replies.
@mir my diet consists of normal healthy food your mom would cook, i rarely eat fast food.
I mean 2 times a week: chicken, ovencooked or fried.
Around 2 days: vegetables (with or without meat).
breakfast is usually, 'man2oushe', i tried switching to light snacks(bueno or kitkat), same thing.
As for dinner, it's really different each time, but no fast food.
@user I want to think the same, but it's embarrassing, i wonder why others don't have it xD
You could have some parasites in your intestines because of badly washed salads or if you swallowed water during a bath inadvertently or when swimming....you can do a parasitology stool exam for less than 10000LL and the results come out in 24h. And yes with the garbage thingy all these months made our water even more dirty
Did you try changing your diet? Less spicy foods, less meat, for example. Smoking can also affect digestion.
No smoking, little soda pepsi etc.
I have a really healthy diet, not the 'desem' type healthy diet, but a balanced diet.
I haven't tried to lower my meat/chicken/vegetables consumption, because I don't follow a titled food-calendar. I eat what's cooked, and generally my mother does a great job of varying that.
thanks again!
I read something about treated charcoal, but i think it's a temporary solution, and some said one must take 3-5 pills at once.
I don't feel comfortable to swallowing this dose, and further more, i'm trying to figure out the problem.
You might be right actually, the sounds only happen when i'm sitting over long periods of time.
NuclearVision wrote@xazbrat
I read something about treated charcoal, but i think it's a temporary solution, and some said one must take 3-5 pills at once.
I don't feel comfortable to swallowing this dose, and further more, i'm trying to figure out the problem.
You might be right actually, the sounds only happen when i'm sitting over long periods of time.
Wouldn't take that many--take a couple at a time and see what happens. http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/activated-charcoal-uses-risks I hate taking medications when I don't have to, and this is better than getting some recommendation from a pharmacist or doctor. Those tend to have much worse side effects. Also, it is very short term. You wouldn't use for more than a week in any case. Anything worse, then maybe time to see a a doctor.

Another idea may be to use spices like cumin, cardamom, or fennel. They have been used as traditional remedies for digestion issues. I wouldn't know how to mix them together though--indian food perhaps.
12 days later
Had a super noisy day, got a box of charcoal pills! Advertised as مطهر للمعدة
i'll let you guys know how it works!
Do the ''Examen parazitologique des selles'' to check if you don't have parasites in your intestines.
It's quick,cheap and no need for doctor paper