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  • Internships in Lebanon

Hello Lebgeeks,
I'm a second year student at the Lebanese University,am majoring in computer science,with a good average. I'm looking for an internship for the summer or for now if anybody can help with informations of where to apply, what will be good to put on a CV having no profrssional experience beside programming at home and winning a local competition.
Thank you all.
Check this out http://sefactory.io

It might help because you might learn new things, that sometimes Lebanese university curriculum won't teach you. You will meet a lot of the startup crowd who need programmers, so you might end up with a great job after. i would say it is better return on your time than just internship.
I know a lot of software houses who just used to get interns to do a lot of work but not really smart work, with few learning.

Which competition?
And what programming languages do you know?
I won the Lebanse olympiad in informatics held by LAU, i know C, C++,Java, Html, CSS, some Javascript, and going to take Prolog and Assembly this semester.
We need a developer in the company where I work. It's a silver microsoft partner company, we sell dynamics CRM solutions. JavaScript and C# knowledge is required, but knowing java will make very easy to start with C# due to the similarities, I myself didn't know C# before I started working there a few months back, took me only a week to master the required parts and understand the SDK. Tell us where are you from? And can you handle a full time schedule?