Hello, I don't think the grade itself is very important as much as your rank in class. If you have 81 and you're first in class, it's better than a 90 and being 10th in class, well it's debatable...
Anyway your scores of your first SAT are not that good for ECE. If you get 1200+ in your SATs you have a good chance in getting accepted in ECE.
Also aim for 480+ in Writing in order not to take English 102 because it's an extra course that you have to take (if you score 470 or less) and it will not count towards graduation requirement.
I am a 4th year ECE student at AUB, If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me.
Anyway your scores of your first SAT are not that good for ECE. If you get 1200+ in your SATs you have a good chance in getting accepted in ECE.
Also aim for 480+ in Writing in order not to take English 102 because it's an extra course that you have to take (if you score 470 or less) and it will not count towards graduation requirement.
I am a 4th year ECE student at AUB, If you have any question do not hesitate to contact me.