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  • Computer Engineering at AUB or LAU?

So I am currently a 17 years old senior and applied to both LAU and AUB, my school grades are great in scientific subjects and my SAT scores are 530, 560, 800 (writing, critical reading, math). I think I'll get accepted to both. My major of choice is Computer Engineering if I go to LAU and ECE (electrical and computer engineering) if I go to AUB.
Can anyone point out the difference between the two majors? Or they're the same but with different names?
I tend to lean more towards hardware than software. Although I do like software a lot. So I want a good mix of both.
Help pls? ._.
Define "hardware", the one you're leaning to.
@m0ei The "physical" stuff, anything that doesn't have to do with writing programs (software)
Stygmata wroteLBC or MTV
Haha :)

I already have an opinion but it's been a while since I've been to any of the two. Would be nice if you could visit both uni (they are close to each other after all) and if someone there can give you a small tour, so that you can see what it looks like, the mood, the facilities.

I also think they have different curriculum and different approaches.
EzikMezik wrote@m0ei The "physical" stuff, anything that doesn't have to do with writing programs (software)
euhm... that doesn't answer my question and it's absolutely wrong. It seems you have no idea about hardware to begin with, it looks like you're mistaken hardware to PC hardware, not as embedded devices. Programming is everywhere, Computer Engineering similar to ECE will teach you programming because you'll need it to program your microcontrollers (at least). Computer Engineering will dig deeper than Computer into digital signals and microcontrollers, while Computer Science will dig deeper into more math and theoretical computer science. So even if you like to study more about embedded devices, you'll going to program and similar to any engineering degree, you'll be taking programming courses.
m0ei has a point, computer chips, many of them are programmable, although at a much lower level. Chances are you have to deal with programming at some point even when designing hardware.
Maybe you're interested in electronics, physics and chip design.
Hey, let's say somebody gets as high as you did on the SAT, is it possible for him to get in AUB/LAU knowing that he is getting the average grade in Grade 10 and 11?
Johnaudi wroteHey, let's say somebody gets as high as you did on the SAT
How is getting high related to being admitted in college?
Mikh mikh mikh.
Here is the program of ECE at AUB: https://www.aub.edu.lb/fea/ece/Documents/CCE_ECE.pdf, you can see the list of courses offered and what is required to take in order to graduate. I don't really know much about LAU's program, but I have a friend majoring in Computer Engineering at LAU, and me ECE at AUB, I think as a whole they are both the same major with few differences.

We both took courses in circuits, computer architecture, operating systems, programming, communication and networks. Of course there are some courses that are required by AUB and given as an elective at LAU or vice versa.
rolf wrote
Johnaudi wroteHey, let's say somebody gets as high as you did on the SAT
How is getting high related to being admitted in college?
Mikh mikh mikh.
You just made me laugh

Personal preference, AUB all the way.. You'll thank me later as LAU for engineering is not located in Beirut at least for the second year your education will be located in jbeil.
So everybody on lebgeeks got money?
rolf wrote
Johnaudi wroteHey, let's say somebody gets as high as you did on the SAT
How is getting high related to being admitted in college?
Mikh mikh mikh.
Oh haha, my mistake.

But forreals now, are Grade 10/11 that relevant to get you into Engineering at AUB/LAU? I've heard that it's a 50/50 kind of thing, yet people keep saying that they are more into SAT scores as for your school grades can be affected because of certain factors.
Johnaudi wrote
rolf wrote
Johnaudi wroteHey, let's say somebody gets as high as you did on the SAT
How is getting high related to being admitted in college?
Mikh mikh mikh.
Oh haha, my mistake.

But forreals now, are Grade 10/11 that relevant to get you into Engineering at AUB/LAU? I've heard that it's a 50/50 kind of thing, yet people keep saying that they are more into SAT scores as for your school grades can be affected because of certain factors.
From experience and asking around, AUB is interested in your SAT scores more than school grades, but are most of all interested in your class ranking ie: even if you have a 10/20 global average but are first in your class you have a very good chance of getting accepted (with good SAT scores aswell). As for LAU seems like they accept anyone who has passed grade 10/11/12 while not failing math and physics.