aliessayli2 wrote
vegetaleb wroteI received an email from microcity about skylake.
It looks like they only have the i7 6700 at 408$, no sign of 6500.
I am getting confused guys! Some websites are showing just 1 to 2 fps difference between a 4460 and a 6600 while the one I posted before showed a difference depending on the game between 2 to 15fps wbetween the 4460 and 6500, some guys told me that my gtx 970 is the limiter and not the cpu, I OC my already OC MSI Gaming yesterday and won a minimum fps of 8 but not the max fps(vsync off).
So should I sell my system and get a new 4460 one and save 50-60$ or take a new 6500 system? If there was a used 4690k + mobo + rams I would have take it but I can't find
how are you saving 60$ with the 4460 system ? pcandparts only has Z97A mobos for the 1150, while there are cheaper mobos for the 1151
You can get the 4460 at 200$
+ H97 board at Microcity at 135$
+ 8gb DDR3 at 50$
Total 385$
The 6500 is at 229$ at pcandparts
+ H170 board MSI Gaming M3 at 150$
+ 8gb DDR4 at 60$
Total 439$
Noob question but can you use boosted DDR4 ram on H170 or it's limited to 2133?
I mean can you put a 2400 module?
you can overclock ram. but it is pointless 0% perf improvement, and maybe negative pref from the increase in latency.
Ok guys!
I think I have found a buyer for my old i5+motherboard+rams, I am nearly 100% convinced to take the 6500 + MSI Gaming M3 H170 + 8GB Kingston DDR4.
Yeah there is MSI Pc Mate for cheaper but it lacks enough USB in the back.
I would have take a 4690k any day over the 6500 if there was in stock and they dropped the price like they did for the 4460 but it's not the case, 4460 is a good choice but there are no more good H97 boards in Lebanon with enough USB in the back, or it's an expensive 200$ Z97 one so there no more difference in price with a 6500+H170+8gb ddr4.
Do you think pcandparts will bring back 4690k (and at a cheaper price) and 150ish$ Z97 boards or they will focus on skylake line now?
About PCandParts, they usually sell the i5 boxed?
Do they sell thermal paste?
vegetaleb wroteAbout PCandParts, they usually sell the i5 boxed?
Do they sell thermal paste?
they assemble the cpu without extra charge
aliessayli2 wrote
vegetaleb wroteAbout PCandParts, they usually sell the i5 boxed?
Do they sell thermal paste?
they assemble the cpu without extra charge
They assemble it before delivery or once at your home?
They sell the cpu boxed, and if the fan is included in the box, it has a thermal paste on it.
I bought my own cpu cooler for my i7 4790k
I would have buy a thermaltake fan for the CPU as the stock one is not the best but they still don't have any model yet for 1151, dunno how the 6700k buyers are doing
vegetaleb wrote
aliessayli2 wrote
vegetaleb wroteAbout PCandParts, they usually sell the i5 boxed?
Do they sell thermal paste?
they assemble the cpu without extra charge
They assemble it before delivery or once at your home?
It comes assembeled in the case, they can also assemble the psu with the wires routing and stuff without charges
I will just order the CPU,motherboard and RAM, I have a good case ;)
So they will install the 3 parts in my case without charges?
vegetaleb wroteI will just order the CPU,motherboard and RAM, I have a good case ;)
So they will install the 3 parts in my case without charges?
I paid 2800$ at pcandparts + 400$ for my cpu which I got from canada.
They still made me pay the 10$ for assembly.
vegetaleb wroteI will just order the CPU,motherboard and RAM, I have a good case ;)
So they will install the 3 parts in my case without charges?
no I don't think they will install it in your case at home, I asked them this:

if I want only the CPU assembled in the MB it will cost me 10$ ?


We will not charge for assembling the PSU and board
They send the parts with aramex, and i am pretty sure that he does not know anything about computers haha
He is a courrier, unless they send someone else i do not knw about that.
But it is pretty easy to assemble the parts
Yeah I know, I already mounted 2 PC of mine but I was just curious to see (as Ali said they assemble them) if they would assemble them before they send them so you don't know if they add thermal paste or not.
I couldn't find any thermal paste in their list.
PC shops in Lebanon are going backward and pcandparts is the n1 now, microcityweb have only the 6400 and 6700k, no 6500 and they only have Biostar motherboards, God knows how good they are, at least an MSI Gaming motherboard is a good value.
Macrotronics would have the skylake CPUs on Monday but they are more expensive than pcandparts, it would cost me about +35-40$ more for the same parts lol.
Pcandparts could resume their sea road pickup option instead of doing everything on delivery, I mean for example I will sell my actual system on Monday, if I pass an order the same day I won't have my new system before Wednesday, so 48h without a PC
vegetaleb wroteBiostar motherboards, God knows how good they are
Let's just say that you can't put the words 'Biostar' and 'good' in the same sentence. Yeah, they're that shitty. Never ever get a board from Biostar, ECS or Foxconn.
5 days later
Geez I am sick and tired of these fake people who play on elmazad and OLX, they promise you to buy the i5 and other parts then vanish.
So no 6500 for me this week.
I am afraid that it will be out of stock as other shops have only the 6400 :(
RoyNm wrote@vegetaleb The i5-6500 is now in stock at macrotronics for 242$ and at pcandparts for 208$.
Add 10% to the pcandparts Price + ~4$ shipping
RoyNm wrote@vegetaleb The i5-6500 is now in stock at macrotronics for 242$ and at pcandparts for 208$.
macrotonics $242 and at pcandparts for $229 both inc VAT