aliessayli2 wrote
RoyNm wrote@vegetaleb The i5-6500 is now in stock at macrotronics for 242$ and at pcandparts for 208$.
macrotonics $242 and at pcandparts for $229 both inc VAT
Yep some shops will never learn...they have websites so they know people will check their prices like they check pcandparts ones but still :/
Looks like pcandparts is the only one to have H170 boards thanks to MSI
12 days later
The i5 6600 is out at pcandparts!
It's at 223+VAT
The 6500 price dropped slightly from 208 to 202$ :)
As it's not a K version the +20$ are not worth over the 6500
vegetaleb wroteThe i5 6600 is out at pcandparts!
It's at 223+VAT
The 6500 price dropped slightly from 208 to 202$ :)
As it's not a K version the +20$ are not worth over the 6500
Motherboards dropped prices also
vegetaleb wroteThe i5 6600 is out at pcandparts!
It's at 223+VAT
The 6500 price dropped slightly from 208 to 202$ :)
As it's not a K version the +20$ are not worth over the 6500
Fucking PCandParts are nearly forcing you to get an i7 if you want to overclock.
Can't wait to see how better games will be with the new CPU, I finally sold my nearly 6 years old system, I will replay FC 4, MGS5 and Black Ops 3 with the new system.
Though some rare games like Black Ops 3 need more than the 8GB Ram I ordered, I will use 8GB from SSD for paging file
Finally installed my new system!
I am gonna try some games, everything went flawlessly thought there is a little ''tick'' sound every 5 secs coming from the PC, it's very faint but it wasn't here before, dunno from where it comes exactly

So How is your new system performing mate , I am reading some reviews (Joker Production) that i5 4960k even overclocked to 4.9Ghz strated to bottle neck (fallout 4) , Think the trend will increase in 2016 , 2017, 2018 - in an exponential manner.
Tech Guru wroteI am reading some reviews (Joker Production) that i5 4960k even overclocked to 4.9Ghz strated to bottle neck (fallout 4) , Think the trend will increase in 2016 , 2017, 2018 - in an exponential manner.
Fallout isn't even that CPU-intensive, it's the likes of ARMA that alway get CPU bottlenecks. I don't see the trend increasing in the future, it's mainly due to games not taking advantage of more than 2 cores, with DX12 and Vulkan practically here, that trend will most likely stop as devs turn their heads to the lower overhead APIs that take advantage of 'moar cores' (looking at you AMD).
Dying light was unplayable with my old i5 750 but with the 6500 I can play all at max 1080p. Didn't apply latest updates though.
Big difference with Tomb Raider 2013 and BF5 about +10fps.
Game with 1 or 2 fps gain is Far Cry 4.
Black ops 3 won 8fps.
Didn't try fallout 4 yet as they don't have it yet in 2000ll stores
Die_Kapitan wrote
Tech Guru wroteI am reading some reviews (Joker Production) that i5 4960k even overclocked to 4.9Ghz strated to bottle neck (fallout 4) , Think the trend will increase in 2016 , 2017, 2018 - in an exponential manner.
Fallout isn't even that CPU-intensive, it's the likes of ARMA that alway get CPU bottlenecks. I don't see the trend increasing in the future, it's mainly due to games not taking advantage of more than 2 cores, with DX12 and Vulkan practically here, that trend will most likely stop as devs turn their heads to the lower overhead APIs that take advantage of 'moar cores' (looking at you AMD).
-Fallout 4 takes full advantage of 8 cores
-most if not all AAA titles from now on will require 4 cores or greater, and a 2 core CPU in 2015 cannot be used for serious gaming, no matter how high they are clocked (compatibility problems with 2014 games like farcry 4 and DA inquisition + many more AAA games with huge stuttering issues on 2 cores)
16 days later
With the latest Bios update for my MSI Gaming M3 the stock fan is not doing noise anymore :)
I am very happy about skylake, video conversion is 3x faster than before and overall Windows is much snappier
StannisTheMannis wroteDoes anyone know if the ThermalTake CLP0596 Frio Advanced is a good CPU cooler for the i5-4460? I found it on PCandParts.
You don't need a CPU cooler for the 4460, the stock cooler should be fine as you can't overclock.

Simply Go With Either

-Thermal Take Contac 21
If stock cooler is enough for the CPU, do you recommend at least adding extra case fans ? The case(NZXT S340) can fit another 2 fans from the front , so i am thinking of adding 2 SP fans.
StannisTheMannis wroteIf stock cooler is enough for the CPU, do you recommend at least adding extra case fans ? The case(NZXT S340) can fit another 2 fans from the front , so i am thinking of adding 2 SP fans.
I'd definitely add two more fans to the front of the S340, use them as intakes and the other two as exhausts. Get 140mm fans instead of 120mm as the front supports dual-140mm fans and 140mm fans move more air and are quieter.
Thermalpaste is very important too, if you feel the CPU fan is not cooling properly the CPU take it off put a rice size of thermalpaste and put it back.
Though it's difficult to find a good thermalpaste in Lebanon
vegetaleb wroteThermalpaste is very important too, if you feel the CPU fan is not cooling properly the CPU take it off put a rice size of thermalpaste and put it back.
Though it's difficult to find a good thermalpaste in Lebanon
The thermal paste on the stock cooler is good enough, not the best but gets the job done.
Get a couple of NZXT FN V2s, they're cheaper and aren't from ThermalSteal.