vegetaleb wroteSkylake i5 6400 and 6500 are out in the US :)
Though 6500 is slightly more expensive than expected, it's 205$ but here it would be 220$ + TVA
6400 also is more expensive than older i5 of same range of about 15$
Performance in games will be better than older i5
Seeing history of CPU release date in Lebanon all these i5 will not be here before December
The 6400 is clocked at a measly 2.7GHz and turbo boosts to 3.2GHz. The i5 4460 will be a much better choice as it is cheaper, has cheaper motherboards and cheaper memory.
I don't do with old tech when I upgrade :P
Now this is creepy: Intel SGX
It's said to add a hardware DRM protection in the skylake series starting November.
It's not proven but it could be a pain in the a** with torrent files such as games,software...
So better get a skylake as soon as they are out in Lebanon to have a chance to get a September or October batches without this SGX.
Or get an older i5-i7 generation and loose the extra 5-10fps
Haswell -> Skylake is 5% overall performance increase at most in benchmarks. however you will notice 0% improvements in real life. Intel is not targeting better performance with each new generation, but better power efficiency.

They cant just add feature to a "hardware batch" it doesn't work like that, its either there when they design the micro architecture, or its not on that gen.
I beg to differ, the 6500 gets +16fps in Farcry 4 compared to 4460 it's pretty good
16fps can make a big difference as actually I get 47-50fps with 1440p all in Ultra using my old i5 750, from benchmarks I saw between my CPU and 4460 it's only a gain of 2fps but with the 6500 it will be 16+2=18fps
I will be able to play at 60fps and 1440p DSR with Farcry 4 and at 4K 50-60fps in other games like Phantom Pain
you are comparing games at 1080p where CPU affects the upper fps limit. the higher the resolution (1440p,4k) the less that effect would be.

the skylake CPU turbos higher than the haswell, and the overall dynamic freq scaling has been reworked now so that CPU changes the the freq on the fly instead of the kernel ( cpu bursts faster, and much more efficiently).

if you want to go for haswell go for the i5-4670.
There are no 4670 in Lebanon and my budget is set for 200$ for the CPU which means 4460 or 6500.
BTW Republic of Gamers has already the 6600 version but WAAAAAAAAAAAY too overpriced!
I mean even if you bring it yourself from US with Borderlinx it will not cost that much, dunno what these people smoke...
If you are planning for a new system from fresh usually a new Board, new CPU go with the newest technology, Intel 10nm Cannon Lake is expected on Q3 2016. The Cannonlake microarchitecture being a die shrink is regarded as a “TOCK” as interpreted through the Intel Tick-Tock model, hence it will replace the Skylake platform utilizing the benefits of the same processor architecture on a smaller 10nm node.

Read more:

ETA of the i5 6500, I7 6700 is mid November in Lebanon.
Tech Guru wroteIf you are planning for a new system from fresh usually a new Board, new CPU go with the newest technology, Intel 10nm Cannon Lake is expected on Q3 2016. The Cannonlake microarchitecture being a die shrink is regarded as a “TOCK” as interpreted through the Intel Tick-Tock model, hence it will replace the Skylake platform utilizing the benefits of the same processor architecture on a smaller 10nm node.

Read more:

ETA of the i5 6500, I7 6700 is mid November in Lebanon.
At Pcandparts? ROG is for Saoudi princes customers ;)
Anyway the sooner it comes the better, we could get a SGX free version and we will have a broader choice of motherboards like MSI Gaming M3 which will be in the 140$
Is USB 3.1 compatible with USB type C? or at least we can use an adapter? Only the most expensive motherboards have type C
Tech Guru wroteIf you are planning for a new system from fresh usually a new Board, new CPU go with the newest technology, Intel 10nm Cannon Lake is expected on Q3 2016. The Cannonlake microarchitecture being a die shrink is regarded as a “TOCK” as interpreted through the Intel Tick-Tock model, hence it will replace the Skylake platform utilizing the benefits of the same processor architecture on a smaller 10nm node.

Read more:

ETA of the i5 6500, I7 6700 is mid November in Lebanon.
Cannonlake is no more, Intel delayed their 10nm parts until late 2017 and renamed the sub-architecture Icelake, instead of Cannonlake in 2017 we'll be getting Kaby Lake, which may be like Haswell Refresh, with superior overclocking potential and a new chipset that will support Ice Lake unlike Z170 or it will be like Broadwell, superior iGPU compared to Skylake at the expense of less OCing potential.

On the bright side Intel being on 14nm for much of 2017 may make AMD compete a little bit since they'll be on 14/16nm, and since AMD have partenered with IBM for the 8nm process, we might even see AMD undercutting Intel in 2018.
again "SGX" or DRM is not feature they can simply add to later batches, If "SGX" exist on one part of this generation, it would be on the rest.

as for type C, it's just a physical connector. it can pass through anything from usb 1.0 to usb 3.1 rev2. DP, HDMI, MHL... any protocol.
6 days later
I couldn't find a complete test of all the i5 skylake released against older gen, specially for 1440 and 4k battle.
Though it looks like in some games the 4690k win , in others the 6500 (but very slightly) and in many softwares it's exactly the same speed (video processing,3D...)
It's not the best days to get mobos at pcandparts as more than half of the z97 mobos are out of stock and only the most expensive ones for skylake are available. Most probably when they will get the CPUs they will have a much larger choice for both z97 and skylake mobos.
From my projections, a 6500+decent 140-150$ mobo+8GB DDR4 will be about 440$ TVA included, the 4690k+Asus mobo+8GB DDR3 OC will cost 485$. As for the 6600k+mobo+8GB DDR4 it will be in the 500$ ish
Unless Pcansparts will do some Christmas offers on the older CPUs and give up a combo 4690k+mobo at 370-390$ instead of 440$
vegetaleb wroteI couldn't find a complete test of all the i5 skylake released against older gen, specially for 1440 and 4k battle.
Though it looks like in some games the 4690k win , in others the 6500 (but very slightly) and in many softwares it's exactly the same speed (video processing,3D...)
It's not the best days to get mobos at pcandparts as more than half of the z97 mobos are out of stock and only the most expensive ones for skylake are available. Most probably when they will get the CPUs they will have a much larger choice for both z97 and skylake mobos.
From my projections, a 6500+decent 140-150$ mobo+8GB DDR4 will be about 440$ TVA included, the 4690k+Asus mobo+8GB DDR3 OC will cost 485$. As for the 6600k+mobo+8GB DDR4 it will be in the 500$ ish
Unless Pcansparts will do some Christmas offers on the older CPUs and give up a combo 4690k+mobo at 370-390$ instead of 440$
You should be able to get an H170 motherboard for $100 add to that $200 for the 6500 and $60(?) for the memory (that is if you get a board with DDR4 support) it should cost you $400 with V.A.T, not $440. There's no point in getting a locked CPU if an unlocked version is only $50-ish more expensive. Ypu should also add the price of a cooler to the 6600K as it doesn't come with a stock cooler.
Just whatever. By the time you buy it; heck, the moment you buy it, it will be already obsolete. Just get it.
Yep I always forget about the cooling system for K version, actual 4690k + mobo + OC DDR3 is already +80$ more than the 6500 for just the same performance, only a very few games will get more than 2fps gain. It's not worth the difference in price and pain of a loud cooling fan.
For the mobo, I want something more than the basic set like at least 6 rear USB, so not an entry level H170 but a mid to high range H170 (130-140$).
vegetaleb wroteYep I always forget about the cooling system for K version, actual 4690k + mobo + OC DDR3 is already +80$ more than the 6500 for just the same performance, only a very few games will get more than 2fps gain. It's not worth the difference in price and pain of a loud cooling fan.
For the mobo, I want something more than the basic set like at least 6 rear USB, so not an entry level H170 but a mid to high range H170 (130-140$).
Aftermarket coolers aren't loud, it's stock coolers that are loud. And you'll see a bigger difference when you OC, especially three or four years down the line when the 6500 can no longer keep up in CPU-intensive games while a 4690K OCed to 4.6GHz can still run them.
stock coolers are joke. even cheap aftermarket (20-30$) do far better job at cooling and noise levels
Here a test with the Ks OC at max and the non K with Turbo!!
You get about 5fps more with a 4690k OC at 4.5ghz vs a 6500 with its turbo On in BF4.
2fps more in Far Cry 4 LOL
GTA 5 only 7fps more...
Ok it's in 1080p but they are all set to Ultra, so is it worth paying the extra 80-100$ for at best 7fps?
I can understand if there was a difference of 10fps and more in all games, the 6600k though is skyrocketing with the OC!!
If only I can get a job soon it will change everything in terms of budget and I will get the 6600k
pcandparts put Skylake 2.70 GHz - i5-6400 SOON

but why only 6400 and what difference does it make that it's a 2.7 Ghz, is it better than the haswell i5 4460?
The 4460 is the last in the benchmarks, even the 6400 can beat it most of the time.
They brought the 6400 because 6600k is out of stock worldwide and 6500 will be a Christmas blockbuster next month. They want to sell as many 6400 they can at the highest price it could be before they bring the 6500 which will also sell like bread.
What I mean:
They bring the 6400 without the others for a month, instead of selling it at 190-200$ (because the 6500 will be at 205 to 215$), they will sell it at 210 to 220$, also the expensive mobos they have actually with 1151 will finally be sold to match the 6400 ;)
Then a month later they bring the 6500 at 205-215$, the 6400 will be at a normal price of 190-200$, the choice of the mobos will be broader too.
Unless they plan to bring only the 6400 and 6600k without anything in the middle, which totally s*ck, which means I will be forced to buy from abroad using DHL Borderlinx...because I hate when Lebanese shops force you to pay the max.