They sell the cpu boxed, and if the fan is included in the box, it has a thermal paste on it.
I bought my own cpu cooler for my i7 4790k
I bought my own cpu cooler for my i7 4790k
It comes assembeled in the case, they can also assemble the psu with the wires routing and stuff without chargesvegetaleb wroteThey assemble it before delivery or once at your home?aliessayli2 wrotethey assemble the cpu without extra chargevegetaleb wroteAbout PCandParts, they usually sell the i5 boxed?
Do they sell thermal paste?
I paid 2800$ at pcandparts + 400$ for my cpu which I got from canada.vegetaleb wroteI will just order the CPU,motherboard and RAM, I have a good case ;)
So they will install the 3 parts in my case without charges?
no I don't think they will install it in your case at home, I asked them this:vegetaleb wroteI will just order the CPU,motherboard and RAM, I have a good case ;)
So they will install the 3 parts in my case without charges?
Let's just say that you can't put the words 'Biostar' and 'good' in the same sentence. Yeah, they're that shitty. Never ever get a board from Biostar, ECS or Foxconn.vegetaleb wroteBiostar motherboards, God knows how good they are
Add 10% to the pcandparts Price + ~4$ shippingRoyNm wrote@vegetaleb The i5-6500 is now in stock at macrotronics for 242$ and at pcandparts for 208$.
macrotonics $242 and at pcandparts for $229 both inc VATRoyNm wrote@vegetaleb The i5-6500 is now in stock at macrotronics for 242$ and at pcandparts for 208$.
Yep some shops will never learn...they have websites so they know people will check their prices like they check pcandparts ones but still :/aliessayli2 wrotemacrotonics $242 and at pcandparts for $229 both inc VATRoyNm wrote@vegetaleb The i5-6500 is now in stock at macrotronics for 242$ and at pcandparts for 208$.
Motherboards dropped prices alsovegetaleb wroteThe i5 6600 is out at pcandparts!
It's at 223+VAT
The 6500 price dropped slightly from 208 to 202$ :)
As it's not a K version the +20$ are not worth over the 6500
Fucking PCandParts are nearly forcing you to get an i7 if you want to overclock.vegetaleb wroteThe i5 6600 is out at pcandparts!
It's at 223+VAT
The 6500 price dropped slightly from 208 to 202$ :)
As it's not a K version the +20$ are not worth over the 6500