According to IDM support it's 1.5-2Km. (i'm connected to Hamra central)Johnaudi wroteMay I ask how far are you from the CO?Toufic wroteSilentcontrol wroteNot me im magically syncing at 9.999 with 21 atenuation and 11 snr
Magically... LOL
Here's my magic:
Bandwidth (Up/Down) [kbps/kbps]: 766 / 10.999
Line Attenuation (Up/Down) [dB]: 16,0 / 34,5
SN Margin (Up/Down) [dB]: 14,0 / 13,5
Though on speed test i never reach anything higher than 9.1 Mbps
And upload barely at 0.4Mbps
Then asked Ogero a couple of days after that and just before the upgrade, they said it's 2-2.5Km (Sa2iet El Janzir central)