yes me i used to have 3 bars connection , now i Barely have 1 red bar . i thought it was from my modem , MY isp ogero , i guess its activision's problem because i tried battlefiled3 its working fine !
yea, then it most definitely IS an Infinity Ward problem.
Tried battlefield as well..
Bummer :/
iam trying to talk to activision support ,but they are not responding . iam not going to buy games for them any more !!
It's cool man. It just happened after the patch, they must have messed something up. i'm sure they'll fix it.
first of all this game is made by treyarch not infinity ward. after the patch you cannot join games outside your continent if you choose "best or "normal" setting so what this will do is connect you to Asian servers which will have high latency. i used to play on 4 bars always when i choose best but now am 80% of the times on 3 bars and 20% on full 4.

my advice for you is choose "Any" from the search preferences this will allow you to join Europe servers if your lucky you will get a good match. this problem has nothing to do with activision or treyarch its just that you have a shitty connection and there are very few players in our region.

edit: are you guys on ps3 or pc? because if you are on consoles the problem is much worse.
Yup i'm on PS3. and how come it's worse on consoles ?
well pc have dedicated servers consoles do not so this explains it all and as i told you this is not a problem with the patch and is permanent meaning that they will not fix it. you just need to set your search options to "Any" and hope for the best
i tried as you are saying ! . my connection is good because when i play online on BF3 i have a 4/5 connection, the problem is only in COD BO2 after that patch 1.07 !
also in BF3 i play on European servers !
Yes Mohammed, our latency to European servers is good.
However, with the new patch , the matchmaking algorithm is checking your regional settings first , as in finding games within your area ( Asia )
You can try this on Battlefield as well, change your server filter settings to Asia, and you'll see you'll get the same sucky connection.
Only way to enjoy Black Ops 2 now is to find a game outside our current region.
Everyone is complaining about this problem since the last patch.
Personally I thought it just got fucked up and kinda reformated my ps3.
And what do you know? That fixed the problem for me amd i'm back to 4 bars.
But please I don't encourage anyone to format all his saves then come nagging how it didn't work. I'm just saying it worked for me and I don't know if it will for you.
i talked to activision they told me to delete the patch and redownload it again it might fix the problem ! iam downloading it right now !
Oh yay ! I'll try now as well
Edit: didn't work
pc version got another update today which replaced ping bars with numbers, and we can choose the max ping we want to get in the search I am playing on 64ms :D,but consoles will not get this update since it isn't on dedicated servers :P:P
Extremly helpful.
i removed the patch and re-install it the same nothing changed !
Open your nat. It'll help a lot.
i can't beacuse i have a old modem speedtouch wired i don't have a password or a user name for it .

another thing we are not alone who are complaining from issue , thousands of people are complaining too , i was reading minutes ago on the COD community forums lot of people have the same problem exactly as we are having !
Then a patch is coming soon
i solved the problem !!!!!! :D
i have oped the NAT i told ogero i have an old modem and i need its password so they sended the password by email and made DMZ to the PS3 now iam haveing 3 bars connection ! i guess when they solve the problem i will have 4 green bars !