i solved the problem !!!!!! :D
i have oped the NAT i told ogero i have an old modem and i need its password so they sended the password by email and made DMZ to the PS3 now iam haveing 3 bars connection ! i guess when they solve the problem i will have 4 green bars !
i can't beacuse i have a old modem speedtouch wired i don't have a password or a user name for it .
another thing we are not alone who are complaining from issue , thousands of people are complaining too , i was reading minutes ago on the COD community forums lot of people have the same problem exactly as we are having !
i tried as you are saying ! . my connection is good because when i play online on BF3 i have a 4/5 connection, the problem is only in COD BO2 after that patch 1.07 !
also in BF3 i play on European servers !
yes me i used to have 3 bars connection , now i Barely have 1 red bar . i thought it was from my modem , MY isp ogero , i guess its activision's problem because i tried battlefiled3 its working fine !
hello guys , if i want to change my modem does i have to buy it from ogero ? or i can buy any one from any store and connect it it will work without taking it to ogero ?
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