i solved the problem !!!!!! :D
i have oped the NAT i told ogero i have an old modem and i need its password so they sended the password by email and made DMZ to the PS3 now iam haveing 3 bars connection ! i guess when they solve the problem i will have 4 green bars !
on a side note i've noticed that playing games that don't require a lot of players ( Free for all , party games and combat training ) will give a near perfect connection.
When you go to the normal team deathmatch and 6-12 players, you will have a 2-3 bars connection ( after the last patch )
So enjoy !
PSN id : ElChoop
yeah , did you open your NAT ?
beside i will add you on psn :wAzAntar
Yea i opened it saturday and notice an improvement in matchmaking.
I rarely got a one bar, ( except when a game had a Lebanese player in it , weird i know )
Other than it was all good especially in free for alls and party games.
Chup wroteHey,
Is anyone having connectivity problems after downloading the newest patch a couple of days back ?
I'm with IDM and i didn't have any connection problems up untill that patch.
But now all i can find is games with a latency that surpasses the 250ms ( most probably the host is a US one )
I tried to log in with the Europe account ( testing if they switched the matchmaking algorithm to a regional one ) but i faced the same problem.
Is anyone else having this problem ? Regardless of your ISP ?
I can't seem to know if it's an ISP problem or a patch one.

Hi guys, I use Ogero ADSL,
after downloading the latest patch Black ops 2 (1.07) on PS3, things got really ugly.
match making set to NORMAL (by default) - it takes a lot longer than before to find matches.
and when it does find a match, the connection starts with 2 bars. the minute i start moving the connection turns into a red 1 bar.

I have tried everything from switching ADSL routers to new configuration but nothing worked.
I am addicted to Playing Black-ops and this situation is unbearable.

all i can say that im surethat it is not an ISP problem since other games perform as they used (Blackops 1) (killzone .......)

kindly advise
Chup wroteOpen your nat
Ok, here is my case.
I have the old non wireless speed touch ogero router
I would appreciate it if u tell me a best router replacement brand I mean (because this one has a no DMZ option)
And if u can tell me how to do it

Thank you a lot
Hey Guys,

PS3 Version:
If anyone Has Call of Duty Black Ops 2 [Region 1 = BLUS written on the game box] who is willing to trade it against
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 HARDENED EDITION [Region 2 = BLES] send me a pm.

Doesn't matter if used. My copy is also used.