yasamoka wroteRubz, MANY people are suffering from this problem and many have not found a solution. So this is definitely a big issue they need to solve, if indeed the problem can be solved from their side (and it should, the problem is simply about tolerance, they need to accept data streams over different route or request that data be transferred over the same route.)

What about Micah? What did she reply? (Some more pressure means linking them to all forums suffering from the same issue...I will look up all the forums relating to the issue, maybe you can help me out there too, after this #)@(#)%(@!! internet becomes normal again)

About "Personal Wifi Hotspot", I don't think it's an option in the iPhone 4, except if you jailbreak. /trolling/ you should have gone with an Android phone :P /trolling

EDIT: In the meantime, try to find servers that are not PB-enabled and do not have cheaters (meaning admins and strict policies against cheating), then let's list them here. Maybe we can manage till they (hopefully) fix it.
HTC One S comming next week :p

Regarding non-PB servers, i get one or two available with players max when i try, and they are littered with hackers. There was a very good group of non-pb servers with EXIT in the name, but they all turned pb on lately
Dont really need to list the servers, just check what is available when your on, and use it, if any decent ones are available nyway

What's your bf3 soldier name?
My BF3 solder name is: yasamoka (obviously)

New update:
Note #5: Please do the following and report back:

1. Click start and type "cmd". Press enter.
2. In the black window, type "nslookup 357250-gosstapp023.rspc-lhr.ea.com"
3. Copy the output into a new note here.
What are they trying to figure out?

they stopped replying to my notes :p

Server: dsldevice.lan

Non-authoritative answer:
Name: 357250-gosstapp023.rspc-lhr.ea.com
Another update:
Note #7: OK, thanks. Let's look at the network path to that host. Please do the following:

1. Click start and type "cmd". Press enter.
2. In the black window, type "tracert -d 357250-gosstapp023.rspc-lhr.ea.com".
3. Copy the output into a new note here.
hey guys , i have the exact same problem with punkbuster , and i am on idm adsl connection , its definetely an idm issue...
speenxya wrotehey guys , i have the exact same problem with punkbuster , and i am on idm adsl connection , its definetely an idm issue...
Welcome on board:p

Have you contacted IDM or evenbalance about it?
i contacted idm , they said they will get back to me , no one did
evenbalance said the same thing they to say to everyone else , update your pb, make sure firewall isnt blocking , or av , same stuff which i did for 1000 times , even formatted the pc for it , i think im gonna give up , since the only solution is to change isp's , my friend plays on terranet , and he has no problems , ill just play another mmo
On another topic (http://www.lebgeeks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=105382#p105382), nuclearcat said something interesting that I think explains the problem we are facing:
nuclearcat wroteI think your ISP using load-balancing in proxies ugly way. 1 request russian satgate ip, one request lebanon over ogero. I so this often on some ISPs.

Try to find VPN or some reliable proxy (take attention, it should be secure also, or ur traffic can be sniffer there by hackers), and access ur hotmail over there.
yasamoka wroteOn another topic (http://www.lebgeeks.com/forums/viewtopic.php?pid=105382#p105382), nuclearcat said something interesting that I think explains the problem we are facing:
nuclearcat wroteI think your ISP using load-balancing in proxies ugly way. 1 request russian satgate ip, one request lebanon over ogero. I so this often on some ISPs.

Try to find VPN or some reliable proxy (take attention, it should be secure also, or ur traffic can be sniffer there by hackers), and access ur hotmail over there.
I had no success with making a couple of free VPNs work so far, i will try others tonight and might end up paying for a full service one. But I still believe that the IDM and Evenbalance should be the ones to resolve their routing / loadbalancing setup to agree with users demands, not the otherway round.

Evenbalance stopped replying to my notes, and IDM act like im speaking chinese - it is realy frustrating.
@Rubz: the same is beginning to happen to me. Evenbalance stopped replying, and I wouldn't even bother sending IDM an email. I will talk to them on phone now. Damn it.

Talked to IDM, explained it well to support, he understood it well, and forwarded the issue, explaining as I explained to him, to the "2idara". Here we go again...

EDIT: Rubz, I have an idea. If we are forced to find an alternative solution, then we will rent a VPN server, and split payment equally. As more people join us (and I'm sure there will be many), the costs would be so low per person it would be negligible. What do you think? (We can also benefit from that server by being able to access our home networks from anywhere from internet side).
Guys give me a few hours and ill see what i can do. But if a solution comes up it will have to wait for tomorrow. I just want some answers just as you.
Lol Look at This, exactly the message you got:
Note #36: OK, thank you for doing this. I am currently working directly with DICE to see if there is a unique case where game packets and PB packets do not take the same route to the game server. Under such conditions, it is possible that you will get the "No Packet Flow" kick. It will take me a while to completely troubleshoot this with DICE because the issue is non-trivial. I will update this ticket once we discover the possible source/solution for this.

In the meantime, several users with similar issues have contacted their ISPs and been able to resolve the issue by requesting that *all* traffic from their connection be routed the same. You might want to try resolving this directly with your ISP or, if possible, switch ISPs.
Im up for splitting charges for a working VPN, once we have exhausted all our options - as I do not have much experience with using VPNs and would rather not go through the hassle unless its the only way left

EDIT: How about we all march into the "2idara" and share our thoughts face to face :D
Well guys it seems that the error started when they switced from fiber to fiber @ ogero. Regardless of the problem most of you guys are not able to play.
Yea lets burn some routers over at IDMs building :P. Maybe the smell of burnt silicon and geeks getting rushed to the hospotal will wake up someone.
Well guys it seems that the error started when they switced from fiber to fiber @ ogero.
Indeed that is a fact, it is when i got upgraded to my full allocated bandwidth of 2 MB probably end of feb or early march
4 days later
Update: IDM game me a ring this evening to check if "battlefield is now working" since I have a case open. I have told them it is not, and rexplained the problem to the support guy, who seems to have understood; for the gazillionth time... He said they will work on a solution.
15 days later
Ok here is what happened with me:

1) They gave me a real IP, internet got cut out
2) They reverted me to internal IP, internet came back
3) They reverted me to real IP, internet cut out for 3 days, came back Tuesday (yesterday)
4) Tried Battlefield 3, no DICE (pun intended)
5) IDM called, said they will work on routing (they captured IP addresses, ports, etc...)
6) IDM called, told me that on the official website for PunkBuster, it is stated there are issues with PB that many are experiencing. I have a real IP now and data is arriving perfectly from one IP. Why did it use to work on same connection previously? That was before the update that left many having the same problem. (Why does it work on 3G? It may have to do with the IP addresses that I connect with saved by PunkBuster.)

Now we should wait for a server update I guess.

IDM's customer support is fantastic. They kept calling each time to see if the problems were solved. They tell you what the next step is going to be too.
yasamoka wroteOk here is what happened with me:

1) They gave me a real IP, internet got cut out
2) They reverted me to internal IP, internet came back
3) They reverted me to real IP, internet cut out for 3 days, came back Tuesday (yesterday)
4) Tried Battlefield 3, no DICE (pun intended)
5) IDM called, said they will work on routing (they captured IP addresses, ports, etc...)
6) IDM called, told me that on the official website for PunkBuster, it is stated there are issues with PB that many are experiencing. I have a real IP now and data is arriving perfectly from one IP. Why did it use to work on same connection previously? That was before the update that left many having the same problem. (Why does it work on 3G? It may have to do with the IP addresses that I connect with saved by PunkBuster.)

Now we should wait for a server update I guess.

IDM's customer support is fantastic. They kept calling each time to see if the problems were solved. They tell you what the next step is going to be too.
Thay "gave" you a real IP? did u have to pay for a new Fixed IP subscription or was it on the house?
And with this IP you still get kicked for no packet flow?

Ok, so what do I have to be doing now? :D or are we waiting to see if this real IP is gonna cut it?

/flutters with exitement at the hint of progress
What a coincidence..I called IDM about this issue today too after I had sent them an email 2 weeks ago. This issue started like 4 months ago for me too.

They called back and told me that the issue is from punkbuster's side & I should wait for an update...

This sucks :/
@Rubz: yeah, didn't work with real IP. And I verified that I have a real IP. And I didn't pay for it. You should get a real IP if you tell them you have this problem, too. First verify that it works over 3G.
@gipoy: yup, it sucks...but I'm almost convinced that it's from Punkbuster's side, save for it working over 3G...
I had no problem with punkbuster over 3G

May I have the name of the IDM dude you were resolving the issue with so that I may reference? I would hate to start from scratch with someone new. and If its not a problem, PM your DSL land line number?