Is anyone having issues with PunkBuster while gaming? (Kicks for no packet flow etc...)?

I have not been able to game on BF3 for months now, because i constantly get kicked after 30 second of joining a game, reason "no packet flow"

I could not find a solution that would fix this on the web. I also contacted the PunkBuster perople and have taken me on a wild goose chase. I have contacted IDM but they also could not fix it. Apparently its some routing issue, Im Not Sure. I have tried:
Updating, reinstalling, portforwarding, disabling fire wall,running as admin, etc etc...

Is any other user of this service experiencing this problem with PunkBuster? I need to get to the bottom of it..


PS. This was the first message from PunkBuster Support (evenbalance)

Note #3: No Packet Flow kicks mean that NO information is getting to the PB server from your computer. Try disabling any firewalls that you may have that could be blocking this. Also, if you have a router, try bypassing it and see if anything changes. In some games this kick is issued when there is no PunkBuster installed or it is not enabled. Make sure you have a "pb" folder in your game directory and check if PunkBuster is enabled.
i never had any issue with punkbuster but last week PB had an issue that made BF3 lag a bit but they fixed it in 48 hours other than that no issues what so ever.
Being kicked by PB is related to your ISP blocking some ports so it is from ur end for sure.
I have the same exact problem as Rubz. I tried everything possible to fix it, to no avail. I contacted PunkBuster and I don't think I got a reply yet. I've contacted EA Support 2 times (live chat) and the first directed me to PunkBuster support, while the second will receive a certain log.

Rubz, follow these instructions, they may help:

First of all, you need to contact support via Live Chat and tell them that you will run UOTrace and send them the 2 polls according to the following instructions (and paste the instructions below). Then ask them how you shall send it to them.

The instructions are the following:

In order to investigate this further, please run a trace for us to review. For this the following steps need to be followed: - In order to do this, you need to have a PC that shares the same Internet connection you are attempting to use with your PLAYSTATION 3.

1. Using your Internet browser on your PC, open the following link to download the UOTrace program: [url][/url]

2. Run UO Trace. (If a pop-up box appears telling you 'UO Server List not found,' click No.)

3. Click the Options menu at the top of the window and select Advanced.

4. In the rectangular window where the server is listed, type in

5. Click the Trace Route button, which is the fourth button from the left.

6. After the trace route has completed, click the Poll button, which is two buttons to the right of the Trace Route button.

7. Let it send around 100 or so packets then click Stop Poll.

8. Click Edit and select Copy.

9. Click the Start button (Windows button for Microsoft Windows Vista) on the Windows Taskbar.

10. Select All Programs.

11. Select Accessories.

12. Click Notepad.

13. From the menu toolbar, click Edit and click Paste.

14. From the menu toolbar, click File and click Save.

15. Repeat steps 2 through 14 so that you have two separate files for us to compare and review.

16. Once you have completed the test, click on the Attach file link below the chat window and send both the files to me for review.
Yeah been there done that, their answer (EA support) is that i have a "routing issue" beacause of all the "unknown hosts" i get - (that are my gateway, and IDM) which i dunno how i develped - so i tried some bridge connection that didnt work. That was the end of it with Live Chat,

Ive been on support with (evenbalance) folks for 3 weeks, they asked me to post a few logs etc, reinstall, manual update, etc.. with the same problem. Now I am asking them if there is anything i need to tell my ISP to fix, and waiting on a reply to that.

I sent IDM a detailed email explaining PunkBuster, ports needed, tracerouts, hostnames for evenbalance 10 days ago explaining my no packet flow problem, untill today i have recieved no reply so I sent them a reminder, they replied within a few minuits to tell me "My game should be working now" apparently they havent read half of what i rote, but i will try when i get back home.

It has been 3+ months now - I believe this issue started when the central (DSLAMs) in my area were upgraded and I recieved my full quota, i think its some new hardware they installed at the central that caused some routing issue. - may be coincidental but thats the only "change" since then

But I am not sure of anything, and it is sad that neither EA, nor Evenbalance, nor IDM could get to the bottom of it

Btw Yasamoka who is your ISP?
have you also tried manually updating PB? everytime I start getting kicked out of bf3 I update the PB and that works.
babum wrotehave you also tried manually updating PB? everytime I start getting kicked out of bf3 I update the PB and that works.
Yes I have, and every other suggestion reachable by google..its been 3 months of trials :( and now Close Quarters is Out and i cant play it :(
My ISP is IDM!
Hmmm i have a great idea i will try tonight.I will try to connect via 3G and see how it goes.
Rubz wrote
babum wrotehave you also tried manually updating PB? everytime I start getting kicked out of bf3 I update the PB and that works.
Yes I have, and every other suggestion reachable by google..its been 3 months of trials :( and now Close Quarters is Out and i cant play it :(
Try one more thing to be absolutely sure it is your ISP. either go to a friends house and try using their internet |(of course different ISP) or try using a vpn to play the game. If either of the solutions works then you know it is your isp.
Well i dunno anyone else that plays it on PC :D and im not sure how to set up a VPN and what server to use...

Back to the trace route, i see that I have 100% packet loss on 2 hops, occuring at IDM - and thomson indicates no connectivity for some reason, this may be the culprit, and I have forwarded it IDM to see if there is a solution, .. lets hope they can find a way around it

Could anyone with a working BF3 (PC) post a traceroute using the detailed and impecable steps Yasamoka has indicated above? just to compare

Could our internet/network gurus shed some light?
UPDATE: It works on 3G...did NOT give me "No packet flow" PunkBuster error. I will now run a traceroute on 3G and compare the differences.

EDIT: Fruitless to compare polls. The 3G poll results show that most hosts after Alfa's own IP addresses (it seems) are unknown hosts. I will post the polls:

Poll 1: (IDM ADSL 2M)
Host Name                        IP Address        Hop    Ping Time   Ping Avg   % Loss    Pkts r/s   Ping best/worst
* Unknown Host *              1      0ms         0ms        0%        133 / 133  0ms / 0ms
* Unknown Host *            2      0ms         0ms        0%        133 / 133  0ms / 1ms
* Unknown Host *                  3      0ms
* Unknown Host *                4      39ms        73ms       0%        133 / 133  35ms / 228ms
* Unknown Host *                5      936ms                  100%      0 / 132
* Unknown Host *               6      41ms                   100%      0 / 132
* Unknown Host *           7      35ms        79ms       0%        132 / 132  35ms / 720ms
* Unknown Host *            8      36ms        69ms       0%        132 / 132  35ms / 209ms
* Unknown Host *              9      37ms        71ms       0%        132 / 132  35ms / 355ms
* Unknown Host *           10     93ms        130ms      0%        132 / 132  92ms / 285ms      11     93ms        131ms      0%        132 / 132  93ms / 403ms      12     95ms        130ms      0%        132 / 132  93ms / 279ms
ae-42-42.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.       13     166ms       201ms      0%        132 / 132  165ms / 360ms
ae-62-62.csw1.Washington1.Level3.      14     167ms       208ms      0%        132 / 132  165ms / 352ms
ae-13-60.car3.Washington1.Level3.        15     166ms       215ms      0%        132 / 132  165ms / 495ms
ELECTRONIC.car3.Washington1.Level4.79.169.74       16     166ms       203ms      0%        132 / 132  166ms / 357ms     17     167ms       212ms      0%        132 / 132  165ms / 438ms   18     168ms       200ms      0%        132 / 132  166ms / 346ms
Poll 2: (IDM ADSL 2M 20GB)
Host Name                        IP Address        Hop    Ping Time   Ping Avg   % Loss    Pkts r/s   Ping best/worst
* Unknown Host *              1      0ms         0ms        0%        109 / 109  0ms / 0ms
* Unknown Host *            2      0ms         0ms        0%        109 / 109  0ms / 1ms
* Unknown Host *                  3      0ms
* Unknown Host *                4      37ms        46ms       0%        109 / 109  35ms / 178ms
* Unknown Host *                5      36ms                   100%      0 / 108
* Unknown Host *               6      37ms                   100%      0 / 108
* Unknown Host *           7      35ms        54ms       0%        108 / 108  35ms / 214ms
* Unknown Host *            8      35ms        53ms       0%        108 / 108  35ms / 223ms
* Unknown Host *              9      36ms        54ms       0%        107 / 108  35ms / 207ms
* Unknown Host *           10     94ms        110ms      0%        108 / 108  93ms / 271ms      11     95ms        109ms      0%        108 / 108  92ms / 275ms      12     94ms        108ms      0%        108 / 108  93ms / 277ms
ae-42-42.ebr2.Washington1.Level3.       13     165ms       180ms      0%        108 / 108  165ms / 352ms
ae-62-62.csw1.Washington1.Level3.      14     177ms       190ms      0%        108 / 108  165ms / 366ms
ae-13-60.car3.Washington1.Level3.        15     167ms       197ms      0%        108 / 108  165ms / 391ms
ELECTRONIC.car3.Washington1.Level4.79.169.74       16     167ms       182ms      0%        108 / 108  166ms / 358ms     17     166ms       186ms      0%        108 / 108  165ms / 355ms   18     167ms       177ms      0%        108 / 108  166ms / 318ms
Poll 3: (Alfa 3G 1GB - in HSPA / UMTS mode)
Host Name                        IP Address        Hop    Ping Time   Ping Avg   % Loss    Pkts r/s   Ping best/worst
* Unknown Host *             1      1ms         1ms        0%        102 / 102  1ms / 3ms
* Unknown Host *               2      45ms        54ms       0%        102 / 102  43ms / 189ms
* Unknown Host *               3      48ms        54ms       0%        101 / 101  44ms / 192ms
* Unknown Host *           4      58ms        55ms       0%        101 / 101  46ms / 161ms
* Unknown Host *                  5      0ms
* Unknown Host *                  6      0ms
* Unknown Host *                  7      0ms
* Unknown Host *                  8      0ms
* Unknown Host *                  9      0ms
* Unknown Host *                  10     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  11     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  12     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  13     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  14     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  15     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  16     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  17     0ms
* Unknown Host *                  18     0ms
EDIT2: Tried IDM ADSL again with same server, same error. Going to call IDM now.

EDIT3: Updated the PunkBuster ticket with information informing them that it is not a software issue on my side, that 3G worked, that I bypassed the router to no avail, and asked if I could be provided with any IP addresses that IDM uses to connect to PB and transfer data. (They may be different, hence the error. IDM may establish connection on IP x and send data on IP y).

EDIT4: Talked to IDM support, told them that 3G worked, what the error is, etc...and told them that you have the same problem and you're subscribed to IDM, and that you have sent them an email about this issue. They have asked me for your phone number and the procedure you followed to try and fix the issue (I told them that the issue still isn't fixed yet). Rubz, contact me by PM please and send me your phone number and email if possible, so we can stay in contact and hopefully solve this issue). Another thing to note is that he acknowledged that we do not connect with a single IP address (it's to do with them being transparent proxies).
Your inbox is full :p

Interesting to see though routing in your case: (Am also using a 2mb 20GB connection)
*Unknown Host *
* Unknown Host * (Packet Loss)
* Unknown Host * (Packet Loss)
* Unknown Host *

In my case, a different routing and gateway (
* Unknown Host * (Packet Loss)
* Unknown Host * (Packet Loss)
* Unknown Host *

I'm also intrested to know how thier routing/ proxies have changed since this issue started - i wish a had an old Poll saved. Have they recently started using transparent proxies? it seems that it is causing dropped packets.
I hope it is something they can fix or work around, as it seems their current config is the problem- im not sure how much they can and are willing to do about it, yet PB is probably currently unuseable on all IDM connections.

They will probably try to sell us "fixed IPs" or something as the only solution

They dont seem to reply to e-mails until i send reminders, and its usualy one sentence with horrible english

Cant seem to use my mobile as a wifi hotsport, seems do be disabled from MTC - maybe ill get me a dongle.
This is a poll done on Ogero DSL trace route to ea servers at work - though i do not have a running BF3 installation here to test effect on PB errors.
Host Name IP Address Hop Ping Time Ping Avg % Loss Pkts r/s

dsldevice.lan 1 0ms 0ms 0% 11 / 11
* Unknown Host * 2 35ms 100% 0 / 11
* Unknown Host * 3 50ms 100% 0 / 11
* Unknown Host * 4 84ms 100% 0 / 11
te0-2-0-3.ccr22.mrs01.atlas.cogen149.6.154.5 5 183ms 0% 11 / 11
te0-6-0-3.ccr22.par01.atlas.cogen154.54.59.229 6 218ms 0% 11 / 11
te0-2-0-5.ccr22.jfk02.atlas.cogen154.54.43.157 7 287ms 0% 11 / 11
te0-4-0-6.ccr22.dca01.atlas.cogen154.54.42.29 8 299ms 0% 11 / 11
te0-1-0-5.ccr22.iad02.atlas.cogen154.54.7.162 9 293ms 0% 11 / 11
* Unknown Host * 10 276ms 0% 11 / 11 11 214ms 100% 0 / 10 12 208ms 100% 0 / 10

Seems worse than IDM :p
Rubz, they have had transparent proxies since before I installed BF3 even (got it before Christmas). It used to work fine!

Yes they talked about fixed IPs. Seriously, is that the only solution every ISP offers when something goes wrong?? (I would benefit from fixed IP though, I run services that I would like to access externally without using VPN).

You can easily use your mobile as a Wi-Fi hotspot. It is a feature that is related to your mobile phone and is not dependent on MTC at all. It's like the phone is receiving data, but forwarding it to the connected peers (acting as a router, it's transparent). Don't bother running a hotspot, I have confirmed that it works.

The traceroute is not related, I have realized. What's related are the IP addresses that are used to connect to PB. If the IP address over which the connection to PB is established is different from the IP over which data is transferred, then PB would be waiting for data to be transferred from the first IP. They would detect nothing, of course, and would throw up an error "no packet flow".

According to what I know till now, the conclusion is this:
This is a fault on both sides. IDM, for not sending data over the same IP address (something they used to do
months ago), and PB for not accepting data from a different IP address than the one used to establish the connection.

Solution: check out PBBans (ma 2ile jalad :P), see if it helps you, and tell me what happens. I'll be talking to IDM now, or at night, to tell them of this issue, and follow through (I call them, please don't bother sending them emails, it would be nerve-wracking). I will ask a specific person from support to follow through on the issue UNTIL it is hopefully solved (I hope they do not recommend the fixed IP, this is bullshit).

Solution 2: connect to BF3 servers using a VPN that has very low latency to these servers (let's say 5ms), such that latency to BF3 = latency to VPN + latency from VPN to BF3, latency would hardly change for us.
Try , I used to use last year, it was good, not that great but hey I think it is more than enough for online gaming.

EDIT: Now that we are in the vpn subject, I also recommend using hamachi if you are going to play multiplayer games with your friends over the internet. It connects all the pc in a local network allowing you to play just as if you were in lan.
Btw, yasamoka, I have e-mailed you my details - I'm not sure if you have received them.

Did IDM support give you any glimmer of hope that they would be able to do anything about it? I really do not want to pay an extra 100 bucks for a Static IP... just to play BF3

I have checked PBBans, not much on there that would aid us in finding a solution to our elusive packets.

@Babum Regarding VPN I have installed propxn and created a "free" account, yet after launching the app, it tries to connect but gets stuck at 50% "VPN Status: Connecting" - I have made an exception for it in Windows firewall and i am running no other restrictive software

Edit: Must be "No Packet Flow" :D
Hahahaha, well if it makes you feel better I am having the exact same problem with the vpn. let me check what I find about it.
@ Yasamoka the log file created in PB folder shows the below (incase you need the IPs which PB is trying to connect to)
Appdata PB Folder Log

[07.03.2012 22:10:02] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[07.03.2012 22:10:02] Attempting to resolve
[07.03.2012 22:10:02] Resolved to [] (14)
[07.03.2012 22:10:02] PunkBuster Client (v2.292 | A0) Enabled
[07.03.2012 22:10:02] Game Version [944019]
[07.03.2012 22:10:02] Not Connected to a Server
[07.03.2012 22:10:05] PB Services socket initialized
[07.03.2012 22:10:07] PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB
[07.03.2012 22:10:08] Connected to Server
[07.03.2012 22:10:10] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully

EDIT: @Babum lolz, yeah in some sadistic way it does make me feel less frustrated :D
Rubz! Good news! After I told PunkBuster support that I did all the suitable troubleshooting steps, and that BF3 PB-enabled servers work over 3G, this is their reply:
Note #4: OK, thank you for doing this. I am currently working directly with DICE to see if there is a unique case where game packets and PB packets do not take the same route to the game server. Under such conditions, it is possible that you will get the "No Packet Flow" kick. It will take me a while to completely troubleshoot this with DICE because the issue is non-trivial. I will update this ticket once we discover the possible source/solution for this.
Let's hope for the best!
yasamoka wroteRubz! Good news! After I told PunkBuster support that I did all the suitable troubleshooting steps, and that BF3 PB-enabled servers work over 3G, this is their reply:
Note #4: OK, thank you for doing this. I am currently working directly with DICE to see if there is a unique case where game packets and PB packets do not take the same route to the game server. Under such conditions, it is possible that you will get the "No Packet Flow" kick. It will take me a while to completely troubleshoot this with DICE because the issue is non-trivial. I will update this ticket once we discover the possible source/solution for this.
Let's hope for the best!
Great ! fingers crossed! atleast now the developers are aware of what the problem is! It is quite a relief, but I woud expect them to take a few months to resolve it, if they do.

I have also relayed the issue to Micah from evenbalance too - maybe some more pressure will turn the cogs faster

Thanks Yasamoka

EDIT: BTW i still dont see the "Personal Wifi Hotspot" option in the iphone 4, sites suggest that i need to contact the mobile service provider.
Rubz, MANY people are suffering from this problem and many have not found a solution. So this is definitely a big issue they need to solve, if indeed the problem can be solved from their side (and it should, the problem is simply about tolerance, they need to accept data streams over different route or request that data be transferred over the same route.)

What about Micah? What did she reply? (Some more pressure means linking them to all forums suffering from the same issue...I will look up all the forums relating to the issue, maybe you can help me out there too, after this #)@(#)%(@!! internet becomes normal again)

About "Personal Wifi Hotspot", I don't think it's an option in the iPhone 4, except if you jailbreak. /trolling/ you should have gone with an Android phone :P /trolling

EDIT: In the meantime, try to find servers that are not PB-enabled and do not have cheaters (meaning admins and strict policies against cheating), then let's list them here. Maybe we can manage till they (hopefully) fix it.