zheavy wrote
WizaRd wrote
neonsun wroteOk curiious here ,
What do you get in the CE version box, normal box ?
This is what you get in the CE Edition.

And my internet connection is irrelevant to this thread as I'm living in Europe.
wow, 200ms in europe? >.< i managed to fix my internet problem last night and i played for an hour at 90-130ms and i'm in lebanon.
90-130ms INGAME on Diablo??

I find it hard to believe. Everyone here is already complaining about the ping never being below 100...
WizaRd wrote
zheavy wrote
WizaRd wrote This is what you get in the CE Edition.

And my internet connection is irrelevant to this thread as I'm living in Europe.
wow, 200ms in europe? >.< i managed to fix my internet problem last night and i played for an hour at 90-130ms and i'm in lebanon.
90-130ms INGAME on Diablo??

I find it hard to believe. Everyone here is already complaining about the ping never being below 100...
i just got off after playing 2 hours, and it's very stable, i started off at 150ms and when i left the game i checked my latency and it was 90-100ms, i haven't been able to play diablo since it's release except for 10hours or so and having 200ms+, i managed to fix something last night with my connection [i've no clue how] and it's been stable since then and i'm enjoying my diablo with low latency :D
for those of you who have diablo 3 what graphics card do you recommend
lebanasian wrotefor those of you who have diablo 3 what graphics card do you recommend
i'm using nvidia Geforce 9500GT and that's kinda outdated now, when i was installing the game, the installer said i'm below requirements but now i'm running game on high graphics, normal fps is 40+, on coop and with a lot of mobs around it drops to 20-30, so just any decent graphic card should do, i don't think u'll find something worse then mine on the market these days :P
romel wrotedownload the torrent from the pirate bay,cheers
i found this link for the game on thepiratebay.se : http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7112948/Diablo_III[PCDVD][Multi9][2012]
does it work ? i mean i want the real game i just cant download it from blizzard downloader because its crashing every time and i have to start all over from beginning.
Earthmaster wrote
romel wrotedownload the torrent from the pirate bay,cheers
i found this link for the game on thepiratebay.se : http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7112948/Diablo_III[PCDVD][Multi9][2012]
does it work ? i mean i want the real game i just cant download it from blizzard downloader because its crashing every time and i have to start all over from beginning.
no, its just the game client, crack is not available yet
shant wrote
Earthmaster wrote
romel wrotedownload the torrent from the pirate bay,cheers
i found this link for the game on thepiratebay.se : http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7112948/Diablo_III[PCDVD][Multi9][2012]
does it work ? i mean i want the real game i just cant download it from blizzard downloader because its crashing every time and i have to start all over from beginning.
no, its just the game client, crack is not available yet
no no what i meant is i purchased the game online but blizzard downloader is closing sometimes and download is not saving so i want to use a torrent so i can resume. but i dont want a crack i want the game itself i have an account.
Earthmaster wrote
shant wrote
Earthmaster wrote i found this link for the game on thepiratebay.se : http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/7112948/Diablo_III[PCDVD][Multi9][2012]
does it work ? i mean i want the real game i just cant download it from blizzard downloader because its crashing every time and i have to start all over from beginning.
no, its just the game client, crack is not available yet
no no what i meant is i purchased the game online but blizzard downloader is closing sometimes and download is not saving so i want to use a torrent so i can resume. but i dont want a crack i want the game itself i have an account.
then it should work without problems
So I finished it yesterday at normal, being level 32.

How am I supposed to get to level 60 on one character? Run the same content again on a harder difficulty???

I find that lame to be honest...
yes you have to go through it at higher difficulties, normal is just like a tutorial lol. higher dificulties you get epic items and loot that's when the game starts to get challenging.
Is it a good game? I saw some of the gameplays on youtube & I didn't like the game honestly
blue_bear wroteIs it a good game? I saw some of the gameplays on youtube & I didn't like the game honestly
Did you bother reading the previous posts? There are many pros and cons already mentioned.
You know what, the most fun im actualy having is in the Auction House! its great, i love auctions.

Only missin the auctioneers chant :p
where can you see the latency in-game?
I am also on EU servers and its working great but curious to see my latency

Should we start a thread to create clans- Lebanese Clans :D
WizaRd wroteBlizzard servers have been more stable the past 2 days.

My latency in-game is 160-200ms (used to be ~300 at launch)

It's still high enough by European standards though... considering I have 25ms in any other game.

Nevertheless, I never felt any lag at all.
Yup you do that over and over again, you never played Diablo 1 and 2?
when you play it again you start with nightmare level which is the real deal this time :)
WizaRd wroteSo I finished it yesterday at normal, being level 32.

How am I supposed to get to level 60 on one character? Run the same content again on a harder difficulty???

I find that lame to be honest...
I never played D1 or D2 so this was my first game...

And Blizzard explains the following:

Latency Indicator
The latency indicator in-game is not a simple ping like most games, and is actually a full process of the game sending an action to the service, the service processing it, and returning it to the client. This means that the latency indicator actually gives a more accurate account of what the experience is for game data, but in comparison to other games will seem high. We're more interested in issues where there is actual performance degradation, and certainly there may be, but the in-game latency number is not a simple ping and therefore shouldn't be used literally as a measurement against performance elsewhere.
Endgame Review

Notice: There may be some spoilers in this review, feel free not to read it.

So i reached Act II on Inferno solo as a barbarian and Act III on Inferno as a Demon Hunter. I am pretty much fed up with the game, my reasons are not as obvious as the ones posted by several people (here and everywhere else) who have not been past normal mode let alone nightmare mode.

The reason I rerolled as a Demon Hunter, was simply because life as a barbarian (or simply melee) in Inferno is a bitch. It's almost impossible (not full impossible) to keep 5 stacks of Nephalem valor up in order to farm gear. Yes, I did get past Act I on inferno simply because mobs have very few magic damage and most of them were still one shottable (and so are you) at this point. But then I zoned into Act II Inferno and no matter my gear, no matter the amount of resistance i had (600) or the mitigation (70%) or the spec (tank), I simply could not kill faster than they killed me.

So I rerolled a demon hunter and truth be told I got to 60 in 1/4th the time it took me on the barbarian simply because i did not need to explore anything and I knew where everything was. I simply did the storyline quest to get to Inferno and upon reaching Inferno, it took me little less than 2 hours to complete Act I with 5 stacks of Nephalem valor all the way through (butcher gave me 2 rares and 6 magic). Then I got to Act II and things got annoying, 1 mistake = fast death. I honestly grew tired of kiting even though I'm sporting a decent 70k dps with sharpshooter on. The randomness of the elite spawns wasn't as annoying as the abilities that the Act II mobs have. Even the smallest bee can one shot you, so you simply could not make any mistake. Belial was rather annoying but in the end I got him down and this is where I honestly got frustrated with the game.

My frustration is not having to "repeat" the acts, it's not from having the game online, it's not for having little content to play. I accept all that because I know that this is Diablo. But what i cannot TRULY accept, is such randomness in terms of loot. The stats allocation is absolutely random that the implementation can easily be understood by anyone with half a programming mind. The implementation is so silly! They randomize any "possible" stat on a certain piece of gear and that's that!

There's no limitation on the class level or the damage type level! You simply cannot expect decent stat from any drop at ANY point in time.

Which brings me to my final conclusion. The only way to really min/max your character is to deal with the Auction House, which honestly i was never fond of since the days of wow. You need to do successful trades and get loads of money to be able to properly purchase gear that suits your character and build.

I'll probably going to keep playing a bit, but I don't see myself lasting too long.
You forgot to mention the annoying 2 days time on any auction you put up.

I'm surprised they didn't learn anything from WoW.

Even the stupid chat window can't be resized... what the hell.
xterm wroteEndgame Review

I agree with you completely on your review, although I have only been playing as a DH and have not reached Inferno yet, but I can relate to you on almost all the points you made, For me personally the gear drop must allow you to upgrade yourself, for my luck I have not found more than 2-3 pcs of gear that were actually an upgrade for, had to buy everything from AH to survive Nightmare mode and now in Hell.

The RNG is just ridiculous, and now the prices on AH are worst :)

P.S: if you want to sell some old gear pcs of your DH level 50+ let me know you Buyout before you try ah :)
may i ask everyone to write a pros and cons with the warrior they are playing with so far? im still confused choosing between wizard, monk and barbarian and i don't wanna end up disliking my players abilities later on, btw virgin megastore says the borders are closed thats why the game has delayed