Hello, anyone of you having alot of requests timed out when pinging to google? Each 10 replies i get 1 request. Ogero User. And im having alot of speed decrease between 6 pm and 12 am. inside my modem it says 15 Mbit download. but on speedtest and speedcheck it says 7 or 8 Mbit. this problem has been since 3 or 4 days. Before all was excellent. Waiting for your replies.
6 days later
@Moudimadi access your modem parameters (SNR, CRC/HEC/FEC errors, etc...) and check things out.

The speed decrease could be because the modem is unable to sync (with the CO) at the previous speed due to noise on the line. That same noise could be causing more errors.
FEC are the ones you don't need to worry about... even in thousands because they were correctable/repairable at the receiving end, so those packets were not dropped. When a packet is dropped it usually needs to be retransmitted which causes a general decrease in your speed.

The problem could also be at Ogero's end as your CO could be overloaded and experiencing some packet collision which can cause ping requests to time out.

I believe some modems show 2 different speeds. The attainable speed (theoretical) and the current/synchronized speed (the one you actually have).
a month later
Any of you guys know someone who works at Ogero?

The fiber box was installed in our building like 4 years ago and it's still not activated, went to Bir Hasan two weeks and the people there were very helpful and understanding, the next day a guy from Ogero called me, got some more information and then he told me that he submitted a request to activate the box and it should be activated in a week, waited two weeks and I called him (Yesterday) and he told me that it should be activated by now and to go to my central (Sakiet Janzir) to apply for my fiber installation, went there and the lady was like yeah no your box is still not activated.

It would be really helpful if someone could connect me to someone who works there just to know what's happening, I'm stuck with DSL (Can't even have VDSL) and I work from home and really need to have better upload speed.
3 months later

My Fiber connection was down for a couple of days and Ogero isn't available to answer. I had a configuration file downloaded when I first got my router and I tried uploading it but It seems I was accidentally connected to my neighbor's WiFi (a relative) and now he has my configuration.

I was able to upload the file to my own router and the internet is working fine but my question is, are both routers on the same account now or are they separate?

(I tried resetting his router but it didn't connect to the internet so he still has my configuration)
jaqen h'ghar wroteHello,

My Fiber connection was down for a couple of days and Ogero isn't available to answer. I had a configuration file downloaded when I first got my router and I tried uploading it but It seems I was accidentally connected to my neighbor's WiFi (a relative) and now he has my configuration.

I was able to upload the file to my own router and the internet is working fine but my question is, are both routers on the same account now or are they separate?

(I tried resetting his router but it didn't connect to the internet so he still has my configuration)

Modems usually have two states, one that is called "soft" reset where it is instructed and recommended for users to follow in order to reset settings to their defaults, and there is a "hard" reset where it is used by tech people (not just Ogero ) to remove any preprogrammed settings.

see in your modem there is a default configuration file that the system refers to on every boot or restart in case of failure and that is the "last healthy state" of your modem.

since you were able to get your modem working the only thing is left is to hard reset your neighbor's modem to remove any configuration of yours.
please refer to the manual of that specific modem and follow instructions minding the need of his configuration file during this process, else you would end up in a working modem with no configuration at all.

if you want to proceed with this, then all you have to do after, is to take it to any Ogero maintenance branch to upload that configuration file for your neighbor.

Now one thing to note here, you cannot use two modems as in two dsl lines under one account and if you see it working by any chance be sure that the other connection is constantly dropping or trying to reconnect and yours may have the same issue. connecting a DSL line takes few seconds so you may not notice the "disconnection" happening on your or your neighbor's end.

i hope this helps!
Okay, thanks for the info!
M03 wrote
jaqen h'ghar wroteHello,

My Fiber connection was down for a couple of days and Ogero isn't available to answer. I had a configuration file downloaded when I first got my router and I tried uploading it but It seems I was accidentally connected to my neighbor's WiFi (a relative) and now he has my configuration.

I was able to upload the file to my own router and the internet is working fine but my question is, are both routers on the same account now or are they separate?

(I tried resetting his router but it didn't connect to the internet so he still has my configuration)

Modems usually have two states, one that is called "soft" reset where it is instructed and recommended for users to follow in order to reset settings to their defaults, and there is a "hard" reset where it is used by tech people (not just Ogero ) to remove any preprogrammed settings.

see in your modem there is a default configuration file that the system refers to on every boot or restart in case of failure and that is the "last healthy state" of your modem.

since you were able to get your modem working the only thing is left is to hard reset your neighbor's modem to remove any configuration of yours.
please refer to the manual of that specific modem and follow instructions minding the need of his configuration file during this process, else you would end up in a working modem with no configuration at all.

if you want to proceed with this, then all you have to do after, is to take it to any Ogero maintenance branch to upload that configuration file for your neighbor.

Now one thing to note here, you cannot use two modems as in two dsl lines under one account and if you see it working by any chance be sure that the other connection is constantly dropping or trying to reconnect and yours may have the same issue. connecting a DSL line takes few seconds so you may not notice the "disconnection" happening on your or your neighbor's end.

i hope this helps!

Okay I email thepeople@ogero and the guy told me to go to Mina El Hoson and there they told me that it can only be done over the phone

The phone people told me to email ithelpdesk@ogero.gov.lb and now I'm just waiting for them to send over the credentials..

average day government experience.. nothing is easy in this country..


Okay they sent the credentials over email after signing a document and sending some stuff and I decrypted the PPPOE password for my own router from a tool i found on Github:


Scroll down a bit and download it, it's a life saver..
9 days later
A friend reached out with the question below. Would appreciate your feedback:

"Ogero is claiming that I can only register for Fiber because my building is connected. I actually am fine with DSL over copper, because fiber installation costs are higher than DSL due to vertical cable costs and a fancier modem. Is this true? Am I "stuck" with Fiber?"
Ogero doesn't control which plan or connection type you would want to register for.
In-fact, they only check and study client's requests for the following:

'Switch from DSL to Fiber or from DSL to VDSL'
'Check for line eligibility for DSL, VDSL, and Fiber'
'Check which subscription plan would best serve the client's needs - sort of a recommendation'

On the contrary, Ogero doesn't have the authority or the right to force someone to pick a connection type unless they have real technical evidence of its ineligibility. Your friend must ask for the technical details first and check whether DSL has been entirely removed for that specific area (it could be a case where everyone switched to fiber optics for instance and in such case, they would remove or disable DSL cables whichever is best).

Usually and from long personal experience with Ogero, talking on the line isn't sufficient, rather you need to go and talk to them in-person and ask to meet the manager or anybody above the level of customer support / accounting - sometimes technical engineers refuse to provide further details and that is when you get to ask for managerial assistance.

I hope this helps.
Thanks M03 for the extensive answer. It seems like this is a policy that came from the top around 5 months ago. They are flat out refusing DSL subscriptions in buildings that have a fiber “box”. This is based on conversations with 3 different Ogero employees in different departments.
He decided to go the fiber route but still save on the crazy prices charged by "electricians" for installation.

It is my understanding that the fiber modem used by Ogero (znid GPON) requires an SC/APC optical cable like this one. So is it just a matter of buying a long enough cable, laying it from the house to the building box and waiting for Ogero to connect it to the building box?
Hello, does any one have any updates on the fiber deployment? Seems like ogero is progressing in some areas but in a slow rate. Does anyone have any inside information on the area and where are they now?
bigricenergy wroteHello, does any one have any updates on the fiber deployment? Seems like ogero is progressing in some areas but in a slow rate. Does anyone have any inside information on the area and where are they now?
I just got a call from Ogero that both fiber boxes (installed in 2019 in both Hamra and Koreitem) are now activated (Thanks to Mr. Imad as I contacted him a week ago on twitter)

Now I have a question, can I install the fiber cable myself or do I have to go with a private company? And what's the average installation cost?
omar_killer wrote
bigricenergy wroteHello, does any one have any updates on the fiber deployment? Seems like ogero is progressing in some areas but in a slow rate. Does anyone have any inside information on the area and where are they now?
I just got a call from Ogero that both fiber boxes (installed in 2019 in both Hamra and Koreitem) are now activated (Thanks to Mr. Imad as I contacted him a week ago on twitter)

Now I have a question, can I install the fiber cable myself or do I have to go with a private company? And what's the average installation cost?
You will need an electrician just to connect the cable from the box to your house and you can probably do it yourself if you know how. And you’ll need a new modem.
What exactly did you ask Mr.Imad about and does he answer everyone?
bigricenergy wrote
omar_killer wrote
bigricenergy wroteHello, does any one have any updates on the fiber deployment? Seems like ogero is progressing in some areas but in a slow rate. Does anyone have any inside information on the area and where are they now?
I just got a call from Ogero that both fiber boxes (installed in 2019 in both Hamra and Koreitem) are now activated (Thanks to Mr. Imad as I contacted him a week ago on twitter)

Now I have a question, can I install the fiber cable myself or do I have to go with a private company? And what's the average installation cost?
You will need an electrician just to connect the cable from the box to your house and you can probably do it yourself if you know how. And you’ll need a new modem.
What exactly did you ask Mr.Imad about and does he answer everyone?
I'll be the one installing it as I already installed the dsl line, and the people the list that ogero sent me quoted me 100$+ which is insane.

I just asked him why the box was not activated as all of the other buildings in my street have fiber except my building, he then DMed me and asked for more details, two weeks later (yesterday) ogero called me and told me that my box is now activated.
omar_killer wrote Now I have a question, can I install the fiber cable myself or do I have to go with a private company? And what's the average installation cost?
Yes just do it by yourself, most of the people are charging more than 60$ for it. Make sure to install the cable to where your box is, and wait for Ogero guys to deliver the Modem then they will connect it to the box.
6 days later
Does anyone know what does the vdsl feasibility test consists of and why does it take so long to be done? What exactly do they test?
They check the distance between your phone/house to the centrale and monitor the line stats (like SNR, etc..) over a few days.
wollyka wroteThey check the distance between your phone/house to the centrale and monitor the line stats (like SNR, etc..) over a few days.
Because few years ago it took them more than 4 months to tell me that it is feasible and in the end they called me from the central to tell me that all vdsl ports are full. I reapplied last week at the centrale and again they will be doing the test which should take 10-15 days.
Because the stats might change. For example, I have VDSL and I used to get 28 Mbps, now I am lucky if i can get 20 Mbps! They told me that the cabinet in the street is affected by EMI but they can't do anything about it. If I wanted to apply to VDSL now, I won't be eligible
Yep noticed that also, my max rate used to be around 20 21Mbps, now barely 16Mbps