After a lot of hassles, it seems that the Stop Online Piracy Act (aka SOPA) will go down the drain. All thanks to Obama and his "criticism".
I hope this is not some kind of PR BS, because as usual most corporations support the bill. Though many have declared it to be against there consumer's interests and thus declined supporting it like Facebook, Google, Twitte and others.

But when President Obama declares that he wont support the SOPA bill, things take 180 degree turn. At the same time he was opposed by one of the major corporations in the US (if not the world) News Corporation headed by Rupert Murdoch.

Side Notes about News Corporation:
1- Everything in the media with a "Fox" in its name is directly or indirectly owned by News Corp.
2- Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud of Saudi Arabia, through his Kingdom Holding Company, owns 7% of News Corp.'s shares, making Kingdom Holdings the second largest shareholder.
3- The Corporation was founded by Rupert Murdock himself.

Even if the bill went through, I really doubt they would have done anything against the various ircnd p2p networks that host pirated such said pirated material.
Even Wikipedia is protesting by closing for one day tomorrow
Obligatory fail joke: "I wash my hands with SOPA every day"
I hear Tumblr is down as well; I can't access it from work because of stupid corporate filter. Can anyone confirm the info?

@xterm: You want a joke; here's a web dev one: Stop SOAP
LOL, even Godaddy has a tiny, tiny, banner saying it now opposes SOPA

Its statement:

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) was with the U.S. House Judiciary Committee when an uproar erupted on the Internet. An overwhelming majority of the Internet community voiced strong opposition to SOPA legislation. Go Daddy joined to oppose SOPA.

On Jan. 16, U.S. Representative Eric Cantor (R-VA) stopped action on SOPA.

Companion legislation, known as PIPA, is still up for debate in the U.S. Senate. Go Daddy opposes current PIPA legislation, as do many other major technology companies and users.
Even Facebook is against it:
Mark Zuckerberg wroteThe internet is the most powerful tool we have for creating a more open and connected world. We can't let poorly thought out laws get in the way of the internet's development. Facebook opposes SOPA and PIPA, and we will continue to oppose any laws that will hurt the internet.

The world today needs political leaders who are pro-internet. We have been working with many of these folks for months on better alternatives to these current proposals. I encourage you to learn more about these issues and tell your congressmen that you want them to be pro-internet.

You can read more about our views here.