shant wroteHP is fine, unless you're gonna use your laptop on your bed or close the ventilation holes on your leg, then don't get it, get a fan for your laptop and hp is just fine
I have an HP Pavilion DV7 laptop with AMD Turion X2 2.3GHz CPU.
I placed the laptop on a wooden table, and ran Prime95 (stock paste, mind you). Temperature was 92C in a 26-28C room, in a few minutes (15?), probably would be the max sustained temperature, but it could have probably gone a couple degrees higher max (let's just say 92C max).
Anyways, I applied Arctic MX-4 thermal paste, and got, for the same duration of Prime95, 81C in a 2C cooler room. So a delta of 9C if you are courageous enough to disassemble a laptop and reassemble it.
That's on a wooden table, no lap, no nothing, nothing covering the ventilation holes, exhaust air temperature was being monitored, and if I remember correctly (I'm not too sure, though), exhaust temp was in the 40s (C).
This was done with 0 (zero) graphics load. Considering that the cooler is for both CPU and GPU together, and they're not separated, and the cooler is a small dual heatsink on heatpipe design (one heatsink for back, one for side), it is insufficient.
Considering that most laptops are dual core, and it is very likely that a processor would be used in the high ranges (or even 100%, if bottleneck), or if the game engine was efficient (I used to see 85C on Unreal Tournament 3 on that laptop with stock paste, approximately half hour of gaming, on a glass surface), along with the graphics card at 100% (so if no bottleneck, CPU < 100% and GPU = 100%, if bottleneck, CPU=100%, GPU < 100%), you could reach such temps while gaming.
Also don't forget that when you have a CPU bottleneck, you're likely to raise the graphical settings which mostly depend on the GPU, keeping the same framerate, but increasing GPU load and bringing it closer to 100%.
You would be shooting yourself in the leg.
EDIT: However, using a fan cooling pad I made (2 x 120mm Scythe S-Flex SFF21G fans) in the same room as when I applied the new thermal paste, I got 67C full load on CPU. So knocked down from 90C to 81C, then from 81C to 67C. 23C delta. I will give you the dimensions of the cooling pad soon, when I measure it, but be assured that it's not small. Each fan on its own is 25mm thick, along with enough space beneath it to provide sufficient airflow. Fans can be silent too, difference in temps between QUIET (or silent) and full speed is 1-2C max. You could also use this cooling pad to place the laptop on soft surfaces, such as a bed, or a couch, since it can be closed from the bottom. I'll post a pic soon.