Lebscream wroteI don't understand you people 2 - 3 months not a big deal, NONE OF US COULD DREAM ABOUT 8MB in lebanon come on !! just dec 2011 or even jan 2012 at end we will have fair internet ...
You speak as if we're getting the best technology available. We're not remotely close to what we should be getting based on what we're paying and yet you consider 8Mb to be a dream and it's not even considered fair internet. Nevertheless, the issue is not having to wait a month, two or three. The issue is politicians either simply not aware, ignorant or just simply seeking praise before things happen.
Now before you start bashing me about this, keep in mind that this minor (yes minor, the major efforts weren't done by Sehnaoui, they were done by his predecessors). Sehnaoui simply carried the papers albeit with minor adjustments to the cabinet meeting and got them signed, Huzzah! Nahhas could've done the same thing, except Nahhas took into consideration the issue with Ogero. An issue that Sehnaoui simply discarded and the ones who got the shaft, are ogero subscribers.
Also you have to keep in mind that I've been using 'internet' since 9600bps if i remember it's around 1994 and I've waited for 17 years for a day where i could be happy with my connection, so forgive me if i'm irritated by someone giving me false dates.