it seems wise does not support speeds above 1mbps :S I sure hope mobi doesMr. Anderson wroteWise(wireless) Customer Support:
Starting November 1rst the price of the 512K/3GB wireless plan will become $27 instead of $45. Also, a new 1Mb/6GB plan will be introduced on Dec. 1rst, 2011.
It has begun
As I said the wait could last till December for new speeds! Lebanese experience ;)
And that is only for Beirut customers...for Keserwan and North it could take 6 to 8 months!!
Yeah quite a revolution mr sehnaoui lol
And that is only for Beirut customers...for Keserwan and North it could take 6 to 8 months!!
Yeah quite a revolution mr sehnaoui lol
Don't blame him for a $hitty Telecom sector and backbone...vegetaleb wroteAs I said the wait could last till December for new speeds! Lebanese experience ;)
And that is only for Beirut customers...for Keserwan and North it could take 6 to 8 months!!
Yeah quite a revolution mr sehnaoui lol
Blame the ones that came before him.
He accomplished what no one has.
And i'm quite sure he's on the right track and i salute him.
No one's questioning his ethics Chup, but he's been bathing in glory and accomplishment. How much of this accomplishment is concrete? He gives incorrect dates.Chup wroteDon't blame him for a $hitty Telecom sector and backbone...
Blame the ones that came before him.
He accomplished what no one has.
And i'm quite sure he's on the right track and i salute him.
Well he promised faster internet starting october 1st.No one's questioning his ethics Chup, but he's been bathing in glory and accomplishment. How much of this accomplishment is concrete? He gives incorrect dates.
I still didn't get the 2MB upgrade but i got the quota increase.
The issue now is with my ISP ( IDM ), and there have been speed increases in differents parts of the country.
Ogero users must be frustrated and i feel them, but we could give him a break for accomplishing something no one even bothered to do before him.
I'm not into politics, i'm just a citizen that followed the "Internet upgrade" era since the day it was brought to light, and i am pleased.
I don't understand you people 2 - 3 months not a big deal, NONE OF US COULD DREAM ABOUT 8MB in lebanon come on !! just dec 2011 or even jan 2012 at end we will have fair internet ...
You speak as if we're getting the best technology available. We're not remotely close to what we should be getting based on what we're paying and yet you consider 8Mb to be a dream and it's not even considered fair internet. Nevertheless, the issue is not having to wait a month, two or three. The issue is politicians either simply not aware, ignorant or just simply seeking praise before things happen.Lebscream wroteI don't understand you people 2 - 3 months not a big deal, NONE OF US COULD DREAM ABOUT 8MB in lebanon come on !! just dec 2011 or even jan 2012 at end we will have fair internet ...
Now before you start bashing me about this, keep in mind that this minor (yes minor, the major efforts weren't done by Sehnaoui, they were done by his predecessors). Sehnaoui simply carried the papers albeit with minor adjustments to the cabinet meeting and got them signed, Huzzah! Nahhas could've done the same thing, except Nahhas took into consideration the issue with Ogero. An issue that Sehnaoui simply discarded and the ones who got the shaft, are ogero subscribers.
Also you have to keep in mind that I've been using 'internet' since 9600bps if i remember it's around 1994 and I've waited for 17 years for a day where i could be happy with my connection, so forgive me if i'm irritated by someone giving me false dates.
+1 xterm, Finally someone who is honest.xterm wroteYou speak as if we're getting the best technology available. We're not remotely close to what we should be getting based on what we're paying and yet you consider 8Mb to be a dream and it's not even considered fair internet. Nevertheless, the issue is not having to wait a month, two or three. The issue is politicians either simply not aware, ignorant or just simply seeking praise before things happen.Lebscream wroteI don't understand you people 2 - 3 months not a big deal, NONE OF US COULD DREAM ABOUT 8MB in lebanon come on !! just dec 2011 or even jan 2012 at end we will have fair internet ...
Now before you start bashing me about this, keep in mind that this minor (yes minor, the major efforts weren't done by Sehnaoui, they were done by his predecessors). Sehnaoui simply carried the papers albeit with minor adjustments to the cabinet meeting and got them signed, Huzzah! Nahhas could've done the same thing, except Nahhas took into consideration the issue with Ogero. An issue that Sehnaoui simply discarded and the ones who got the shaft, are ogero subscribers.
Also you have to keep in mind that I've been using 'internet' since 9600bps if i remember it's around 1994 and I've waited for 17 years for a day where i could be happy with my connection, so forgive me if i'm irritated by someone giving me false dates.
In the other hand we are not getting new speeds if we speak theoretically as those speeds were available since before but only for special companies and inside ogero offices if you knew someone there ask them about their connection speed it was 4+ mbps from long time. If you observe whats going on in different point of view the prices are only getting lower and new packages are available for anyone, disregard about the issues which i dont believe the fiber optics they were talking about before, nothing has changed to my line nor to anyone in Beirut only across ogero centers some fiber optics were added and thats it.
Yeah getting 2mb instead of 512 is good but I hate when someone claims that HE is bringing us a revolution in speeds while in France they have 100mb by now, they had 20mb speed 4 years ago already. Also as xterm said nor sehnaoui nor the communist before him were the origin of the speed increase!
sehnaoui just wana have a golden place in politics after being beaten in the elections, he plays the savior of ADSL lol
sehnaoui just wana have a golden place in politics after being beaten in the elections, he plays the savior of ADSL lol
"ding...dong...merrily on high
it's up to 8 times faster
starting october
two thousand and eleven"
If Nahhas was still minister, he would have loaded his security guards with M16's and stormed the Ogero building instead of making stupid ass songs
it's up to 8 times faster
starting october
two thousand and eleven"
If Nahhas was still minister, he would have loaded his security guards with M16's and stormed the Ogero building instead of making stupid ass songs
this is a very frustrating experience, not because we were promised a faster internet, but because we actually believed it.
It is inexcusable that we are still talking 128kbps and 256 when the entire world is sooooo much faster. We are last on the internet chart and I think we were actually dropped off.
And yesterday, sehnaoui said on lbc that everything is on track, and they just remembered that they needed a couple of servers. Give me a break. Everyone who is pissed off has every right to be.
It is inexcusable that we are still talking 128kbps and 256 when the entire world is sooooo much faster. We are last on the internet chart and I think we were actually dropped off.
And yesterday, sehnaoui said on lbc that everything is on track, and they just remembered that they needed a couple of servers. Give me a break. Everyone who is pissed off has every right to be.
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Well i prefer Nahhas over Sahnawi, because Nahhas did and Sahhnawi applied.
I actually blame Youssef for all the problems were facing in the internet field. I hope they solved it soon.
@vegetaleb; France have 20mb/s internet speed ago 4 years ago, thats the difference that's France not Lebanon. We have serious and big issues that we should solve before even thinking of becoming like a country such as France. Trying to compare between France and Lebanon is just nonsense. It's like comparing an ant have the same power of a lion, lol.
Why didn't you talk about the MoT ministers like Marwan Hmede couple of years ago ? For god sake, just tell me one good thing he did ? You waited all these days and now after a good upgrade (not bad), better is yet to come, and you start complaining on the minister that he gave a wrong date and nothing happened, at least he's doing something and he's willing to do more.... Just remember you're living in a political and religious country. That's the main reason Ogero is refusing to follow the new demands and rules of MoT. Anyway i hope it gets solved soon enough. I only got an upgrade of the quota,still waiting like the rest for my speed upgrade.
I actually blame Youssef for all the problems were facing in the internet field. I hope they solved it soon.
@vegetaleb; France have 20mb/s internet speed ago 4 years ago, thats the difference that's France not Lebanon. We have serious and big issues that we should solve before even thinking of becoming like a country such as France. Trying to compare between France and Lebanon is just nonsense. It's like comparing an ant have the same power of a lion, lol.
Why didn't you talk about the MoT ministers like Marwan Hmede couple of years ago ? For god sake, just tell me one good thing he did ? You waited all these days and now after a good upgrade (not bad), better is yet to come, and you start complaining on the minister that he gave a wrong date and nothing happened, at least he's doing something and he's willing to do more.... Just remember you're living in a political and religious country. That's the main reason Ogero is refusing to follow the new demands and rules of MoT. Anyway i hope it gets solved soon enough. I only got an upgrade of the quota,still waiting like the rest for my speed upgrade.
Could you please explain to me how Sehnaoui is supposed to give you a 100mbps connection when no one prior to Jebran Bassil even THOUGHT of investing in the infrastructure?vegetaleb wroteYeah getting 2mb instead of 512 is good but I hate when someone claims that HE is bringing us a revolution in speeds while in France they have 100mb by now, they had 20mb speed 4 years ago already. Also as xterm said nor sehnaoui nor the communist before him were the origin of the speed increase!
sehnaoui just wana have a golden place in politics after being beaten in the elections, he plays the savior of ADSL lol
I am with sodetel on the 256 package .
i think that they upgraded me to 512 :

although my ping suck but these are the best speed I've ever got. so i think for sodetel users the upgrade will come soon.
i think that they upgraded me to 512 :

although my ping suck but these are the best speed I've ever got. so i think for sodetel users the upgrade will come soon.
I just received a call from SoDeTel. But it wasn't to announce the new packages; instead, it was a poll.
They asked me which of these choices I would choose:
4 Mb / 12 GB / 40 usd
2 Mb / 9 GB / 30 usd
1 Mb / 6 GB / 21 usd
I told her I'd pick 4 Mb; same amount i'm paying now, and faster.
From the conversation after that, I got these facts:
These are not the final packages. They're choices in a poll, to see what their customers prioritise (price vs speed etc.)
Quota isn't final yet. I made sure to point out that the quotas mentioned are low compared with other ISPs.
Nightly unlimited isn't confirmed yet... basically nothing is confirmed yet. They will upgrade all accounts to 1 Mb around mid-October, and notify customers via SMS.
This month will be charged according to the "old" plans.
They asked me which of these choices I would choose:
4 Mb / 12 GB / 40 usd
2 Mb / 9 GB / 30 usd
1 Mb / 6 GB / 21 usd
I told her I'd pick 4 Mb; same amount i'm paying now, and faster.
From the conversation after that, I got these facts:
These are not the final packages. They're choices in a poll, to see what their customers prioritise (price vs speed etc.)
Quota isn't final yet. I made sure to point out that the quotas mentioned are low compared with other ISPs.
Nightly unlimited isn't confirmed yet... basically nothing is confirmed yet. They will upgrade all accounts to 1 Mb around mid-October, and notify customers via SMS.
This month will be charged according to the "old" plans.
- Edited

I think mine got upgraded to 1Mb.

This is my 10th test on different servers, i'm getting a max ping of 110 ms. I guess we're on IMEWE, i will make sure now.
ok, so far which ISP's upgraded there quotas? I'm with wise and nothing changed so far...!
- Edited
Well my ping in Aion has went down from 200+ to between 110 and 160ms
P.S: no quota upgrade for sodetel yet, only speed.
P.S: no quota upgrade for sodetel yet, only speed.
Here's the official word from Wise, as expected nothing worth celebrating forNemesis-301 wroteok, so far which ISP's upgraded there quotas? I'm with wise and nothing changed so far...!
"Dear valuable customer, as part of our commitment to provide you with the best internet connection at competitive prices, we are glad to inform you that starting November 1st, the price of the 512 kbps / 3GB wireless plan will become $27 instead of $45. Also a new 1Mb/6GB plan will be introduced on December 1st 2011."