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All are very good grades :D
i wish ill get those kinds this year
wish me luck
i got 210 on brevet i don't know how you translate that to a over 20 score. But don't put your hopes up on getting well in english/arabic because the grading is just illogical. I would emphasize on focusing on clarity and simplicity because the correctors get paid per paper so they would be basically taking a glance over your paper and if something isn't obvious they won't see it. Just my two cents
ranibalaa wrotei got 210 on brevet i don't know how you translate that to a over 20 score. But don't put your hopes up on getting well in English/Arabic
well, considering other people grades, i think English and Arabic are easy. and i'm not one of those guys who depend on logicality in Arabic/English, i really study them xD
I'm a rare breed of a combination of Nerd and geek. i am social and am addicted to technology and stuff but i also study a lot.
Brevet: 10
Bac francais math options: 13.13
Med school first year GPA: 81.47%
Lol at brevet i took 9 points of "rachats" and terminal 2nd sessions i took all 15.
jadz wroteLol at brevet i took 9 points of "rachats" and terminal 2nd sessions i took all 15.
امك داعيتلك بليلة القدر lol
Brevet : 17.2 ( no one ask why or how .. i personally dnt know ... i was hoping for 12 and be happy :P )
terminal : 11.9 bac francais option phys/chem
11.9 Science general

ps: im not exactly a hard and dedicated student dedicated for his study and all :P the same day as my brevet test i was awake playing call of duty 4 all night :P
Khaled wroteBrevet :ps: im not exactly a hard and dedicated student dedicated for his study and all :P the same day as my brevet test i was awake playing call of duty 4 all night :P
So you recommend me to stay up all night playing Call of Duty games? EPIC!
216/280 Brevet. Terminal SG this year :).
I can only remember my math's grade and physic's one in gs section (151/160) (94/110)
was there something else I missed :-) ?
Brevet: 209/280 14.93
Termin: 458/570 16.07
I Barely passed both :D
HDawi wrote
Khaled wroteBrevet :ps: im not exactly a hard and dedicated student dedicated for his study and all :P the same day as my brevet test i was awake playing call of duty 4 all night :P
So you recommend me to stay up all night playing Call of Duty games? EPIC!
lol nah man do yr homework adn study as hard as u can :P im telling u i really dnt know how i got it :P it was by mistake :P

anyway best of luck for all of u in yr terminal / brevet/ uni / everything

btw i say the overall grade really says nothing on the student's potential, i may have gotten 11.9 in terminal ( bac francais) but i got 19/20 physics/chemistry ( we have both as 1 course ) and 17/20 in math ... still got a very bad average.. i really really REALLY hate history and literature shit ...
I am brevet français this year last year i got a 17.95 average (18.5/20 physics, 19.5/20 math, 18/20 biology, 18/20 chemistry, 17/20 arabic, 17/20 french, 20/20 history, 19.5/20 تربية, and19.5/20 جغرافيا)
So how much Will i get i am very excited.
hamzewassim wroteI am brevet français this year last year i got a 17.95 average (18.5/20 physics, 19.5/20 math, 18/20 biology, 18/20 chemistry, 17/20 arabic, 17/20 french, 20/20 history, 19.5/20 تربية, and19.5/20 جغرافيا)
So how much Will i get i am very excited.
well those are astounding results, great job
Brevet : 15.2
Terminal : 15.2
The real thing that burns me is that for both exams I was wrongly corrected and deprived of I could proud of thanks to some devilish monster that corrected (barely passed) my History-Civ-Geo exams. You geeks have no idea how much a nerd feels when he knows some satan has done this to him :(
BTW, the nerd definition you all provided is only half true: a nerd must not only live to study and excel at school while avoid humans, but also try to become an addict/expert in some academic field when not at school. For example, some nerds are 14th century Irish Literature nerds who spend the majority of their free time (when not studying) reading some old Irish book, others are Monotheistic nerds who live to read Bibles and anything related to those religions, bootany nerds who read books about the growth of New World flora, etc, etc. etc, basically we read something that we have to or else we lose our souls :)
Man, looking at these grades: geeks = nerds. Results speak for themselves, most have an average above 15/20.
ILIA_93 wroteMan, looking at these grades: geeks = nerds. Results speak for themselves, most have an average above 15/20.
I totally agree. But if I get this much this year, i don't really care if you call me a nerd, a geek, or an ass.
Brevet 13.8/20

Bac 13.3/20

That's basically my average throughout all my school years, remained constant to an average of 13/20 :P