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  • Brevet and Terminal Grades

Brevet : 16.23
Terminale - SV : 13.325
Lol back in time, I got both french brevet and lebanese one.

French brevet was not mandatory but the lebanese one was .

French brevet 13.5/20
Lebanese brevet 10/20 ( yean i scored exactly 100 over 200 god knows how and i still believe that was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me because I would have failed the whole year for this thing )

French Bac 14.2/20 Math spe ( Math 16.5/20 , physic 19/20, chem 17/20, philo 3/20, bio 13/20, French written 11/20, french spoken 13/20, histoire-geo 8/20, Arabic 20/20, sport 14/20 )

I did not pass the Lebanese bac lol... it was just a backup plan, just in case.
Kareem wrotephilo 3/20
(Y) :P actually i got 7 but expected to have something similar, i finished the exam in 30 min, waited till the peeps let me out and got out, i know nothing from the material i was responsible of, i literally know nothing, guess i was lucky enough to have a drunk dude correct my paper :P
Got 16/20 in philo. :D
I didn't knew if I should be proud or ashamed :/ .