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#101 October 31 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

maro25 wrote:
GeorgeN wrote:
maro25 wrote:

I'm actually on cable via a provider that uses THGV. I'm not on DSL so I believe its fairly simple to switch once I find a better alternative :(

I believe that is the reseller's fault. THGV's connection is not that bad at the moment. You get FUP'd if you download too much, and whether you download anything or not at night they cut your download speed by 50% flat in all cases. But that's it.

mmm what made this think it is THGV fault is that I know someone else who is also on THGV but through a different provider who is experiencing similar issues! And also when I speak to my provider, he blames THGV. So im lost at this point!

According to nuclearcat they are due for upgrades, I believe he mentioned in a previous post. But I don't trust them anymore so i'll just go with a stable ISP like idm/cyberia.


#102 October 31 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

GeorgeN wrote:
maro25 wrote:
GeorgeN wrote:

I believe that is the reseller's fault. THGV's connection is not that bad at the moment. You get FUP'd if you download too much, and whether you download anything or not at night they cut your download speed by 50% flat in all cases. But that's it.

mmm what made this think it is THGV fault is that I know someone else who is also on THGV but through a different provider who is experiencing similar issues! And also when I speak to my provider, he blames THGV. So im lost at this point!

According to nuclearcat they are due for upgrades, I believe he mentioned in a previous post. But I don't trust them anymore so i'll just go with a stable ISP like idm/cyberia.

I agree, I have been with IDM for over 10 years and they are really stable.


#103 November 3 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

dl speed

Here we go again.. haha


#104 November 23 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

THGV has been really bad lately, especially at night!


#105 November 23 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

maro25 wrote:

THGV has been really bad lately, especially at night!

Same, from 8pm to 1am the speed doesn't exceed 60kb/s. It's so frustrating because you can't do anything during this time... Also for some reason i can't access twitter and reddit without a VPN. (Reddit sometimes work and sometimes not).


#106 November 23 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

Space wrote:
maro25 wrote:

THGV has been really bad lately, especially at night!

Same, from 8pm to 1am the speed doesn't exceed 60kb/s. It's so frustrating because you can't do anything during this time... Also for some reason i can't access twitter and reddit without a VPN. (Reddit sometimes work and sometimes not).

Same here! some sites (such as reddit) dont even open between 6pm and 12am. I think they are applying some kind of FUP during peak hours and by no means this is a fair policy!


#107 November 26 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

maro25 wrote:
Space wrote:
maro25 wrote:

THGV has been really bad lately, especially at night!

Same, from 8pm to 1am the speed doesn't exceed 60kb/s. It's so frustrating because you can't do anything during this time... Also for some reason i can't access twitter and reddit without a VPN. (Reddit sometimes work and sometimes not).

Same here! some sites (such as reddit) dont even open between 6pm and 12am. I think they are applying some kind of FUP during peak hours and by no means this is a fair policy!

they turn on throttling at exactly 8 or 8:30 pm, bringing down your speed to shit. Youtube and instagram works fine I think - but they throttle everything down to exactly as you said, 60kb/s. You will be throttled like this even if you don't use the internet at all. Yes THGV is the worst ISP atm, don't even try to use the internet for anything at night. I put in a request to switch ISP to cyberia 2 months ago and it still didn't go through because ogero isn't bothering. I really can't stand it anymore.


#108 December 19 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

Hello guys an update on thgv, I haven't had any throttling during peak hours at all for the last 2 days, and ping is also very very stable with low variance. Not sure if this is intended.

Last edited by GeorgeN (December 19 2022)


#109 December 20 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

Management change. New management asked to set different policies.


#110 December 21 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

nuclearcat wrote:

Management change. New management asked to set different policies.

Haha thank you for always updating us nuclearcat. I don't know what happened but suddenly ADSL from thgv is perfect again. Not sure how long this lasts haha


#111 December 21 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

nuclearcat wrote:

Management change. New management asked to set different policies.

and there are more news to be said I guess?


#112 December 22 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

nuclearcat wrote:

Management change. New management asked to set different policies.

So basically everyone was right for the past couple of months about their service being shit, and you were only blaming ogero instead of telling everyone it was the "policies" not that you didnt know it seems...

anyway enjoy it while it lasts guys.


#113 December 22 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

DNA wrote:
nuclearcat wrote:

Management change. New management asked to set different policies.

So basically everyone was right for the past couple of months about their service being shit, and you were only blaming ogero instead of telling everyone it was the "policies" not that you didnt know it seems...

anyway enjoy it while it lasts guys.

That problem you had - was different issue at that moment and policies was not bad that moment too.
Also that issue i resolved, just found another user with same issue, who instead of useless chatter and cursing - has basic knowledge on stuff and was interested in solving the problem.


#114 December 22 2022


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

Prince wrote:
nuclearcat wrote:

Management change. New management asked to set different policies.

and there are more news to be said I guess?

Not much, conflict still in progress, as tech i just execute orders on policies and follow legal / court decisions.


#115 January 11 2023


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

I for one enjoy their services. I pay for 600GB plus, real ip and low ping. I get about 25 megabits down and 6 up. Service is relatively stable. what annoys me is that i have to contact them every time when they forget to turn on unlimited night or real ip after each end of the month


#116 January 13 2023


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

fadijm wrote:

I for one enjoy their services. I pay for 600GB plus, real ip and low ping. I get about 25 megabits down and 6 up. Service is relatively stable. what annoys me is that i have to contact them every time when they forget to turn on unlimited night or real ip after each end of the month

Agreed, THGV has been a great service since change of management as stated by nuclearcat. They still throttle during peak times but the throttling is very small and acceptable compared to before. Most importantly they have a very low/stable ping at peak times with very low variance so right now they are a very good choice for gaming. Bravo to whoever made all these improvements.


#117 January 30 2023


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

fadijm wrote:

what annoys me is that i have to contact them every time when they forget to turn on unlimited night or real ip after each end of the month

Same issue.

I'm not 100% sure, however, using 20gb from quota throttles your connection to 1mbps and this isn't the first time it has happened, it is pretty frustrating you can't use anything with 1 mbps while there are 7 people trying to access Netflix, Youtube, Facebook, and video calling, I mean there's a reason why I chose the 950gb/month plan.

Last edited by Space (February 1 2023)


#118 February 2 2023


Re: Feedback for TH Global Vision (THGV)

Space wrote:
fadijm wrote:

what annoys me is that i have to contact them every time when they forget to turn on unlimited night or real ip after each end of the month

Same issue.

I'm not 100% sure, however, using 20gb from quota throttles your connection to 1mbps and this isn't the first time it has happened, it is pretty frustrating you can't use anything with 1 mbps while there are 7 people trying to access Netflix, Youtube, Facebook, and video calling, I mean there's a reason why I chose the 950gb/month plan.

THGV throttling can be pretty horrible. At least it's better than when they used to throttle everyone to 300 kbit/s at 8 pm. Cyberia isn't much better, they throttle you to half your speed at all times, they also have packet loss at night even on gaming packages. Last time I checked, thgv didn't suffer packet loss at night.


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