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#1 June 5 2006


Ten Products Google Should Develop

1- Google TV: "Why not have personalized television ads tailored specifically for each user?"
2- Google Recommender: "would suggest blogs, search results, relevant email, scholarly articles and print books based on what I'm typing."
3- Google Barcode: "Get Froogle Local Search results of which nearby stores carry the same item more cheaply ande ven add in the cost of time and gas and only show those products which were lower overall."
4- Google Genetics: "a site with my personal DNA sequence on it. It would be able to tell me diseases I might be suseptible to and the likelihood of future hereditary ailments."
5- Google Storage: "A Free 250GB Hard Drive on the Web."
6- Google CrimeBuster: "help the government rapidly search the mass of different media to identify terrorist suspects and help bust the bad guys."
7- Google Pen: "Write like a pen, then quickly highlight a word for Google search. Or scan by circling text. Google looks up the scanned version online in its massive Google Print database."
9- Google Sing & Draw Search: " Sing the song you want to find to look it up. Imagine humming the tune to that one song that you love but can't remember the name."
10- Google Travel.

Ten Products Google Should Develop , A nice article over at mark Otuteye's site. Make sure you check it out. Oh and to discover what's new at Google, checkout Google Labs. http://labs.google.com/


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