Hello there i have recently joined this website.
I am a cs Student going into my final year at the Arab open university . planning on doing as much internships as i can this year to gain as much experience as possible, and try to learn all the essential i am gonna need.
i have an interest in Android Development and front-end and back-end development.
and hopefully i am gonna get to meet new people who share the same technology love i have and hopefully this community will help me improve my skills
Hi there wmz96, welcome to the forum!

How did you come across us?
i have an interest in Android Development and front-end and back-end development.
Nice. Have you played around with React Native? I've used it on a few projects now and it's been working out well. It's definitely not the holy grail, but It's been a smooth way for me to churn out mobile prototypes (I have more of a front-end background and barely any native experience).
Welcome! Don't forget to dig through the forum there's a lot of stuff you might enjoy.