
  • Oct 6, 2017
  • Joined Sep 5, 2015
  • Hi,

    I'm a Computer Engineering student and I'm looking for a job, however almost every job out there in a computer store requires a degree or previous experience from other jobs.

    I have never worked before, but I do have the experience and do pretty well in fixing computers on my own.
    Anyone of you guys has worked some place that requires no years of experience?

  • Is anyone having issues with their Ogero DSLs?
    Internet for the past 3 days has been absolute shit, I keep losing connection and even when there is connection, it's slow as hell..
    I can't even watch a 144p video on YouTube while usually I do at 480p without pausing.
  • vegetaleb wroteI saw Moto 360 once at Stars but even them are expensive
    In Lebanon it's considered a luxury item, Moto 360 v1 is sold 150$ used while you buy it 70$ in Europe
    BTW don't think about the V1, they have battery problem that can't be changed, stick to v2 or Huawei
    Yeah I was looking forward to get the V2 but it's 300$+ so nevermind, I'll wait a bit.

    Thanks for replying anyway!
  • Hey,

    If anyone of you guys bought a smartwatch here, mind sharing with us from where you got it and for what price?
    I'm looking for shops that sell smartwatches in Lebanon, android smart watches in specific.
    Please no Virgin, Khoury Home and Abed Tahan cause we all know they sell them for much more than what they're really worth.
    I'm looking for shops that reasonably price their smart watches.
  • Hi,

    6 months ago I used to buy "SKIP" Internet cards from Malik's. They used to sell them without any subscription. There was many plans: 20$, 50$, 100$, etc.

    However last time I checked they stopped selling these. Is there any other place in Lebanon that sells Internet cards without having to sign papers and stuff? Just like "SKIP" cards.
  • I've had OGERO DSL service for over 4 months now, and I've never had an issue regarding ping/latency.
    However, I'm now facing an issue where ping is VERY bad.
    If I ping google using cmd (when not ingame), I get stable and good ping like usual. However as soon as I join a server, abnormal ping shows up (10k-15k ms). As soon as, I exit the game, normal ping shows up again.

    I've contacted dumb OGERO company, and the stupid guy said "t2akkad men wasletak", I told him I tried plugging my laptop into the DSL using ethernet but didn't get lucky, he still said "t2akkad men wasletak" and hung up the phone IMMEDIATELY. Thank you for your support OGERO.

    Has anyone of you guys had this issue before ?
  • PCandParts is a very reliable online shop.
    I ordered my pc parts from there and assembled my desktop (paid them around 1100$).
    I also have a friend that bought a laptop from pcandparts, it was a Lenovo Y50 (the newest generation), and he's had no problems whatsoever with laptop/with them.
  • So I'm currently subscribed to a monthly 2 Mbps DSL unlimited plan from Ogero.
    I was told one year ago that this was the maximum download speed this area could handle due to the absence of fiber optics there(?).
    Is there any Fanar residents out there that are getting more than 2 Mbps ? Or if you have any idea of the max download speed there, please let me know if I can upgrade.
    I may change my ISP which is currently Ogero, if I found another one that offers higher download speed than Ogero.
  • Tech Guru wrote@mickzster
    Do you have an MSI Afterburner installed , by default the fans has a 0 rpm util the GPU temperature reaches 60 degrees Celsius , you need to check your fans profile through MSI Burner.

    Also, you need to check the power management through Nvidia Control Panel, if its set to maximum performance , the GPU core clock will be locked to 1114Mhz, regardless of its load, this might raise power draw and temperature.

    Also, check your GPU temperature while idle through GPU Z, if zero rpm fans it must stay on 30 degrees Celsius with regualr desktop usage (browsing internet etc..) , and enable some GPU statistics live while your gaming through MSI After Burner like (load , temperature , Fan Rpm % etc..)
    Thanks for your reply,

    I have MSI afterburner installed, ill check whenever I get home.
    As for the nVidia control panel, i didn't change anything since I built the computer, so by default I don't think it should be locked to 1114Mhz. I'll keep you updated as soon as I'm home, and provide you with GPU statistics.
  • vegetaleb wroteIt takes about 2 to 10 minutes for the fans to stop after quitting a game, in your case perhaps the game is still running in the background or you have a case with bad air circulation, can you control+Alt+Delete after quitting the game to see if it's still listed as active?
    Nope, the game's process ends as soon as I quit the game (any game basically).
    I waited one hour for the GTX to cool down, and it does cool down, however the fan that is closest to the case's front panel stays on. The other one close to the I/O shield turns off.
  • Elie335 wroteprovide some data logging please
    Which software can I use to data log my GPU?
    This is my first pc build so I'm quite new to this stuff.
  • I bought this graphics card a week ago from pcandparts, it is a MSI GTX 970 GAMING 4G.
    Great video card, runs games smoothly at high settings.

    However, I've had some fan issues with it.
    It has the Twin Frozr feature which allows the fans to spin only if the graphic card is in gaming mode. Other than that, the fans should be off at idle state.

    In my case, I turn on my desktop computer, GTX 970 is silent. When I play games, one fan or the two (depending on the game being played) start(s) up.

    However, when I quit the game, fans would keep running. I have tried waiting for one hour to see if they would turn off, but they didn't.
    I have to manually reboot, so I shut down my PC. And I press the power button to power it on (Using the Windows 'Restart' option doesn't turn off the fans on reboot).

    After manually rebooting, my PC would be silent once again.

    Is my GTX defective? I doubt that it's meant to always run loud even after gaming .. :/
  • The GTX 970 Gaming 4G is a great choice !
    Just built my PC one week ago.
    But I don't know if my GTX 970 is defective: when I play games with high settings, the GPU fans turn on, HOWEVER, when I quit the game, fans are still on.
    I tried waiting hours for the fans to go off, but no luck.
    I have to shut down my computer and power it on again manually (restart option doesn't work sadly) for the fans to go off and to render the PC silent once again.

    Previous GTX 970 4G owners, please share your experience.

    Other than that I have had no issues.
  • I've had 2Mbps from OGERO for 1 year now, and I had no problems whatsoever since then.
    Ping is stable, download speed is stable. At least that's what I wanted, don't know about you guys, but I think Ogero is the one of the best ISPs in Lebanon, if not the best.

    I live in Metn by the way.
  • Adnan wroteThe one year PS+ subscription is more expensive on the UAE store (at least when I saw it). I had a UAE account, but quickly switched to a US one afterwards, which has more deals and stuff.

    Just make sure you buy region 1 game discs to be able to download the DLCs as they are region-locked.

  • Yup,

    Turned out exactly as I assumed, my old desktop's PSU was running alright.
    I built my new gaming rig 2 days ago, test the UPS, and it worked !

    Here's my gaming rig if you're interested:
    - Gigabyte GA-P85-Gaming 3
    - Intel Core i5 4460 3.2 GHz
    - Kingston HyperX Fury Red 8GB (4x2) 1866 MHz
    - MSI GTX 970 4GB GAMING
    - NZXT S340 Case
    - SanDisk SSD Plus 120GB
    - CoolerMaster Devastator Mouse/Keyboard Gaming Bundle
    - My old HP's 1TB 5400RPM HDD
    - HyperX Extra Large Gaming Mouse Mat
    - NZXT Red LED sleeved kit(for the case)

    Anyways, thank you guys for your support!

  • Hey,

    I just got a PS4 and I was wondering if I should create a US or UAE account.
    Because I want to download DLCs which are apparently unavailable in Lebanon.

    Maybe experienced PS4 users can help me out?
  • mickzster wrote
    Stygmata wrotedid you try to connect ur pc directly to the power outlet ?
    did you test your ups with another machine ?
    can you test your electricity ( from outlet and from ups ? )
    are you sure all your ram sticks are well seated ? cpu fan is turning ?
    Yep I tried everything you asked me before you do
    I guess it's the power supply.. The monitor remains on when electricity goes off.
    I'll keep you tuned whenever I test it on my new desktop.
    I still need two parts to complete the build, i5 4690K and a MSI Z97 Gaming 3.

    Thank you, forgot to say it.
  • Stygmata wrotedid you try to connect ur pc directly to the power outlet ?
    did you test your ups with another machine ?
    can you test your electricity ( from outlet and from ups ? )
    are you sure all your ram sticks are well seated ? cpu fan is turning ?
    Yep I tried everything you asked me before you do :D
    I guess it's the power supply.. The monitor remains on when electricity goes off.
    I'll keep you tuned whenever I test it on my new desktop.
    I still need two parts to complete the build, i5 4690K and a MSI Z97 Gaming 3.
