
  • Apr 21, 2017
  • Joined Apr 13, 2017
  • Hello,
    i have in home for more that five years a 2-bay Dlink NAS with Seagate HDD in RAID 1 . This server is nearly filled , and i need to buy a new server.
    I am thinking of getting a 4 bay system, i have checked local retailer and there is QNAP and SYNOLOGY options, also found online in Ubuy a good price system
    ZyXEL Personal Cloud Storage Server [4-Bay] with Remote Access and Media Streaming [NAS540]

    However i am afraid to get it for the lack of support in Lebanon.

    Can you recommend to me a Good Diskless NAS price/quality for home use, since i need to buy also 4 ironlwolf seagate HDD .
  • Legitimate Cablevision User for more than 7 years, par around 150$ per year without sportschannel package. best part is the HD channels. worst part is they force you to have their own receiver, so i dunnow if it can be cracked.
    also bought a 60$ receiver that crack polish and french channels on hotbird, i got my sports matches from there :)
  • Look in published Ads in journals and the "official journal" (جريدة رسمية), and usually you can take a copy of the tender "by hand" from the Administration itself.
    Nothing is published online, unless it has external fund like the UN or the EU.
  • Since Graduated from College since 2001, i did a lot of head scratch to remember my Old Rusty C++ Knowledge,
    finally nailed it after 2 hours, and managed to crack the login riddle..

    working mostly in Network and System Administration and Operator support...

    I hope i can provide some help and get some of the knowledge that roams in this site..
