
  • Aug 26, 2016
  • Joined Jun 5, 2016
  • ISP: Mobi for the last year and half
    I have been having this problem since the beginning of 2016 and I have contacted them many, many time but it's always the same.

    Speedtest result to approx ALL servers inside lebanon (I tried them all)

    CMD result when pinging google.com is averaging 110 ms.

    League of Legends ping is always stuck on 125 ping to be exact, RARELY lower and just huge ping spikes to 200 + while no one else is using the internet (I checked in the modem's settings)

    Is anyone else having this problem and fixed it?
  • Hey im using the 2mb from mobi and am curious to see how others are doing with mobi.. for the past month my ping is 130+ and lots and lots of ping spikes and even pinging a server in lebanon using speestest.net will average 130-140.. it used to be 20-40 maximum.. they said the central is overloaded (?) well my friends using idm or terranet or whatever get 80-90 pings on league while i get over 130 and ping spikes to 300-400 (when no one else is using the internet)

    AND EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, theres a problem and the internet is cut for hours.. for ex right now its been 2 hours "fixing the problem" and the customer support are as shitty as it gets:
    Me: alo bonjour
    Him: 3ana meshkle ok?
    Me: o*sakkar*k
    Whats your experience with mobi? Am really curious.

    And I live in sin el fil beirut


    So I was checking the plans and saw something interesting:

    DSL 3 2 Mbps 40 GB + FNQ* $14.99
    DSL 6 2 Mbps 50 GB + FNQ* $25.99

    Refill: 1GB = $1

    Umm so basically 11$ more for ONLY 10 GB more quota ? If every 1gb is 1$, I can take the DSL3 and refill 10gb for 10 for 24.99$ and save 1$.. where's the logic in that offer ? I called them and apparently the sales department doesn't work on weekends.
  • Hey, just registered to the forum, so lately my ping is actually literally stuck on 125, it won't go anywhere below 125, it just won't, it used to go as down as 90 in LOL but now it's 125 and above

    Speedtest.net averages 140 ping to every host INSIDE lebanon.. I used to get max 40 ping to any of those servers.

    I'm using 2mbps mobi dsl service

    Edit: I called mobi customer service:
    Me: Bonsoir meshterik ma3kon dsl, l internet bati2a wl ping ktir 3ale
    Him: 3a hal ra2em?
    Me: eh
    Him: 7a a3mellak refresh w a3tik ip jdide (?)
    Me: Ok bs shu l mshkle ?
    Him: Ma fi mshkle
    Me: Ok tayyeb, bas..
    Him: *sakkar*
    Me: .......

    Edit: Now my ping average 150 to hosts INSIDE lebanon, yay

    Anyone else?