yasamoka wroteIt's not necessarily the monitor...it may be a compatibility issue between the graphics card and monitor...meaning that if the card in another system works with the same monitor over a different cable...then it's neither the card nor the monitor.
DVA is usually easier than VGA to configure since it's a digital signal. So you don't have to worry about setting up clock, phase, timings, etc... Seems your problem is a compatibility one. Why don't you try the disc drivers? And how are you cleaning up your old drivers? Use safe mode and driver sweeper.
i know its a compatibility issue
and this has happend to me before, when i used my monitor on my friends nvidia 9800GT (MSI)
on my onboard intel HD graphics it works excellently.
i did try the disc drivers that came with it, i also downloaded the latest drivers from nvidia's site and asus site (the asus sites was older than the driver that came with in the disc.
i use device manager to remove the drivers, (when you remove it it has a check box that removes the driver completely) and when i install the new drivers i always make sure it does a clean install (removes the old one and installs the new one)
my DVI cable brand is Samsung (so its not the cable)
had the same problem on a diffrent Nvidia card (that means its the drivers)