@arithma: OK, I'll take that and I will raise you. Added the Fold method again (since a sequence is a worst case scenario) which I think (did not check your code thoroughly) is equivalent to your shuffle, and voiala:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
namespace SplitTeams
class Program
class Player
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Rating { get; set; }
private static int _TotalPlayers;
private static Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
private static Player[] _Players;
private static bool FindSwappables(Player[] team1, Player[] team2, int diff, out int player1, out int player2)
player1 = 0;
player2 = 0;
int? maxDiff = null;
double halfDiff = Math.Abs(Math.Ceiling((float)diff / 2));
for (int i = 0; i < team1.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < team2.Length; j++)
int currentDiff = team1[i].Rating - team2[j].Rating;
if (currentDiff > 0 && diff > 0 || currentDiff < 0 && diff < 0)//elligible swap (same sign)
currentDiff = Math.Abs(currentDiff);
if (currentDiff <= halfDiff && (!maxDiff.HasValue || currentDiff > maxDiff))
maxDiff = currentDiff;
player1 = i;
player2 = j;
return maxDiff != null;
private static void Cut(Player[] team1, Player[] team2)
for (int i = 0; i < _Players.Length / 2; i++)
team1[i] = _Players[i];
for (int i = _Players.Length / 2, counter = 0; i < _Players.Length; i++, counter++)
team2[counter] = _Players[i];
private static void Swap(Player[] team1, Player[] team2, int team1Index, int team2Index, ref int sum1, ref int sum2)
Player temp = team1[team1Index];
team1[team1Index] = team2[team2Index];
team2[team2Index] = temp;
sum1 += team1[team1Index].Rating - team2[team2Index].Rating;
sum2 += team2[team2Index].Rating - team1[team1Index].Rating;
private static Player[] Fold(Player[] players)
players = players.OrderBy(x => x.Rating).ToArray();
int foldedIndex = 0;
bool rightLeft = false;
Player[] folded = new Player[players.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < players.Length / 2; i += (rightLeft ? 1 : 0), rightLeft = !rightLeft)
folded[foldedIndex++] = rightLeft ? players[i] : players[players.Length - i - 1];
return folded;
private static void Split(Player[] team1, Player[] team2)
_Players = Fold(_Players);
Cut(team1, team2);
int s1, s2, sum1, sum2;
sum1 = team1.Sum(x => x.Rating);
sum2 = team2.Sum(x => x.Rating);
int diff = sum1 - sum2;
while (diff != 0 && FindSwappables(team1, team2, diff, out s1, out s2))
Swap(team1, team2, s1, s2, ref sum1, ref sum2);
diff = sum1 - sum2;
#region Util
private static void GeneratePlayers()
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
_Players = new Player[_TotalPlayers];
for (int i = 0; i < _Players.Length; i++)
_Players[i] = new Player { Name = "Player" + i.ToString(), Rating = rnd.Next(2000) };
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan diff = end.Subtract(start);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Generated {0} players in {1} milliseconds", _TotalPlayers, diff.TotalMilliseconds));
private static void SplitAndReporttoConsole()
Player[] team1 = new Player[_TotalPlayers / 2];
Player[] team2 = new Player[_TotalPlayers / 2];
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
Split(team1, team2);
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan diff = end.Subtract(start);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Split {0} players into 2 {1} player teams in {2} milliseconds.", _TotalPlayers, _TotalPlayers / 2, diff.TotalMilliseconds));
float sum1 = team1.Sum(x => x.Rating);
float sum2 = team2.Sum(x => x.Rating);
float perc1 = (sum1 * 100) / (sum1 + sum2);
float perc2 = (sum2 * 100) / (sum1 + sum2);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Team 1: ({0:f2}%)", perc1));
foreach (Player p in team1)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Name: {0}, Rating: {1}", p.Name, p.Rating));
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Team 2: ({0:f2}%)", perc2));
foreach (Player p in team2)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Name: {0}, Rating: {1}", p.Name, p.Rating));
private static void SplitAndReportToFile()
FileInfo fi = new FileInfo("C:\\output.txt");
FileStream fs = null;
if (!fi.Exists)
fs = new FileStream("C:\\output.txt", FileMode.Create);
fs = File.Open("C:\\output.txt", FileMode.Truncate);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs);
Player[] team1 = new Player[_TotalPlayers / 2];
Player[] team2 = new Player[_TotalPlayers / 2];
DateTime start = DateTime.Now;
Split(team1, team2);
DateTime end = DateTime.Now;
TimeSpan diff = end.Subtract(start);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Split {0} players into 2 {1} player teams in {2} milliseconds.", _TotalPlayers, _TotalPlayers / 2, diff.TotalMilliseconds));
float sum1 = team1.Sum(x => x.Rating);
float sum2 = team2.Sum(x => x.Rating);
float perc1 = (sum1 * 100) / (sum1 + sum2);
float perc2 = (sum2 * 100) / (sum1 + sum2);
sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Team 1: ({0:f2}%)", perc1));
foreach (Player p in team1)
sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Name: {0}, Rating: {1}", p.Name, p.Rating));
sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Team 2: ({0:f2}%)", perc2));
foreach (Player p in team2)
sw.WriteLine(string.Format("Name: {0}, Rating: {1}", p.Name, p.Rating));
private static void InsureTotalPlayers(string[] args)
if (args.Length > 0)
int.TryParse(args[0], out _TotalPlayers);
if (_TotalPlayers % 2 != 0)
throw new Exception("Invalid PLAYER_COUNT, must be even.");
static void Main(string[] args)
/* _Players = new Player[]
new Player{Name="A", Rating=500},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=1},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=233},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=10},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=71},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=112},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=9},
new Player{Name="A", Rating=46}
_TotalPlayers = 10000;
_Players = new Player[_TotalPlayers];
for (int i = 0; i < _TotalPlayers; i++)
_Players[i] = new Player { Name = i.ToString(), Rating = i };
Console.Write("Press any key to exit.");
and check the time :Split 10000 players into 2 5000 player teams in 12.6953 milliseconds.
That is expected but what about a random input instead of a sequence:
Split 10000 players into 2 5000 player teams in 127.9297 milliseconds.
Beat that !!! ;)