Hey everyone, even though I've been browsing this forum a lot, I never had anything to say. After finding this out, I wanted to give back to the community.
Last week I tried getting wap to work on my alfa line and it took a while to figure it out but I got it to work.
The mobileconfigs that I was trying weren't working so I changed it a little and its fine now
MTC wasn't blocking iPhone's from wap as alfa is doing but they didnt support it.
Since then I switched to mtc for better reception at home and noticed faster wap.
Push notifications don't work because the ports are blocked..
Anyways here's how to set up wap:
Download http://www.mediafire.com/?6j6xjueek4iw8jc and email yourself (to an email set up on the iPhone) either the mtc file or alfa file.

If you use mtc just install and you're done.

Alfa is more complicated. (Check update below!)
You need to be jailbroken to make it work..
Open cydia and install "user agent faker"
After its done go to settings and tap on user agent faker
Choose custom then press back and type 3 spaces into the blank
Tap applications then slide on for safari and the other apps you want on wap then press the home button.
When you're using wifi its better to turn it off but it doesnt matter that much.

Congratulations, you have wap on your iPhone even if customer support says its not supported.

UPDATE: Alfa allowed the Safari user agent so all you need is to install the profile and it's all good.
I don't think wap is useful on the iPhone. You get 20 MBs. Basically useless on such a data-heavy device.
MTC post paid + wap = unlimited data usage
its hard without all applications working but you can't beat unlimited...
^ I have alfa and I'm prepaid. I don't want to jailbreak so no safari for me.
Thanks for the configuration though. Hopefully they'll have better wap offers.
Postpaid line + jailbroken + GPRS works ok for me (10$ - 50mb)
a month later
very nice tutorial thank you ! but can this setting enable Whatsapp as well ?
most apps do not work on WAP for iphone. For whatsapp and others get GRPS
Thank you for this useful info, I will re-subscribe to WAP and post the feedback. Alfa+prepaid+3gs jailbroken os 4.1
@ZeRaW GPRS is not available for prepaid lines. So we're stuck with wap, which is mostly useless.
Thank you Amjad! It worked without a problem on Alfa + Prepaid + Iphone 3gs + os 4.1 :) I can browse safari wappages without a problem even thou its slow which is normal for a wap service, anyhow Unit convertor application can gets its update thru wap also the weather app is working and facebook app is working, the mail gets updated but It needs a GPRS/WiFi.

I wanted to ask you what does the <3 spaces> do when you go to the User fake agent and assign the custom?

Other than that thank you.

Hey bro i still cant get the wap to work on mtc i downloaded the file now whats the next step ? if you can walk me through step by step that would be helpfull
tc thnx :)
leblinux wroteI wanted to ask you what does the <3 spaces> do when you go to the User fake agent and assign the custom?
You're just setting the user agent to blank because alfa blocks the iphone user agent.. This way makes websites show the pages as if you're using a desktop but tricks alfa into thinking you're using a chinese phone for example... If you feel like experimenting, type in a touchscreen phone's user agent so websites show in their mobile format by default..

AhmadSh wroteHey bro i still cant get the wap to work on mtc i downloaded the file now whats the next step ? if you can walk me through step by step that would be helpfull
tc thnx :)
E-mail the mtc file to your phone (if you have only one e-mail then you can e-mail to yourself). You have to be on wifi for this. After receiving the e-mail just press on the file to install.

I have a question for anybody with wap or gprs on mtc.. I have an issue where after turning on data from the settings I would have to wait 5-10 minutes before I could use the internet. If I talk on the phone, I also have to wait. After trying both wap and gprs on my postpaid line, my results have not changed. I tried both limera1n and greenpoi0n on my 4.1 iPhone 4 (with old baseband) and I used the carrier reset by pushfix to enable changing the data settings.
Does anybody else on a 4.1 iPhone 4 (not factory unlocked) with mtc have to wait for the internet to activate?

I also have a theory that Blackberry Service enables gprs for prepaid lines. If you have access to a prepaid line with Blackberry Service enabled, try to use the gprs settings on any other phone with that sim card.
It worked great just one more question do I have to do this every time I renew my WAP settings ?
and once again, thanks.
@AhmadSh No the settings stay saved in the phone until you remove it from settings/general/profile
No problem :)
Can anyone plz give me a feedback if whatsapp works using those settings?
Thnk you.
@LebK No unfortunately whatsapp only works on gprs
a month later
thanks a lot amjad :-)

i have a few questions , can i turn off wap by turning of cellular data ?
does e buddy work on wap ?
what about notifications ?
is there a fix for safari to browse normal pages ?
ebuddy used to work on wap but apparently they blocked it. of course u can still surf the web version m.ebuddy.com
a month later
Could Alfa have blocked WAP on the iPhone, even if you did jailbreak it?
Apparently, every time I try to open a site on Safari, it says "Access Denied."
Can anyone please tell me how to use WAP on my iPhone if it does work?
by typing "3 spaces" you want me to type the words or actual 3 spaces?