my sister wants eyepet for her birthday so im guessing ill be getting the eyepet move bundle, hopefully it'll be out here.
the Kinect for the 360 will be released on 3rd October,
So the MOVE will be released before Kinect !!
from were did u pre-ordered it cause i won t to buy it can t find a place that is getting one soon
I live in the US so I got it from Amazon. Not sure when it will be available in Lebanon.
playstation move is now available in lebanon
i want to buy it but which bundle cam to lebanon the one with sports champion +starter disc or the one with only the starter disc
i found only the one with the wand+ps eye and the starter disc and bought sports champion for 70 000 LL.Searched all of lebanon to find it right next to me in sony world
MasterBatata wrotei found only the one with the wand+ps eye and the starter disc and bought sports champion for 70 000 LL.Searched all of lebanon to find it right next to me in sony world
I didnt want to name places. But in case it might be of help for future users.
Nino is selling the bundle: wand + ps eye + starter disc + 1 game of ur choice (sports champion, Racket, Kung fu party) at 120$

I bet that is cheaper than sony world
at sony world the box is app 119.000ll with the game 70.000ll about 190.000ll it is just 10.000lbp
I'm going to get my PS Move on Tuesday hopefully it would turn out to be good :D
May get it if it's mandatory to play No More Heroes PS3, otherwise not thinking of getting it.
Waiting for some reviews to see if it's worth buying.
Cyril wroteWaiting for some reviews to see if it's worth buying.
Very quick review: Hardware is amazing. Wait until enough games are out before you buy it though.
practo wrote
Cyril wroteWaiting for some reviews to see if it's worth buying.
Very quick review: Hardware is amazing. Wait until enough games are out before you buy it though.
yep indeed.. w bought move having with it only 1 game that is sports champion.. there is not enough really good games on move yet.. so yea.. i also agree waiting for more games.. but its worth the money..
KILLZONE 3 is gonna support PS Move and 3D now that's gonna be a game u would buy the move for
Resident evil 5 is getting re-worked to support the move
omarmasri wroteKILLZONE 3 is gonna support PS Move and 3D now that's gonna be a game u would buy the move for
Have you seen the gameplay video? I think we should wait for a better solution for FPS gamers.

As for 3D, I'm definitely going to get a 3D TV when a 32" size get released. 3D TVs IS for gamers since games will unleash their full potential not a TV series or a soccer match with two layers blurred images!
is it me or did the gaming industry just go downhill ?
unforgiven wroteis it me or did the gaming industry just go downhill ?