• Gaming
  • What did you achieve in gaming today?

First of all i jus wanted to say that I was inspired to post this thread from the playstation.com forums.
Anyway, in this thread you just post what you achieved in gaming today, You can talk about the games that you beat or trophies or achievments that you unlocked... ANYTHING gaming related.

Im gunna start off first. Registered a GB account but im still waiting for it to be eligible :(
umm ill post something easy to achieve :) [taken from Here , yea its me..]

What do you mean you're waiting for the GB account to be eligible?

Gaming achievement for the day: went to Virgin Megastore and they still didn't get PSN cards. Its been weeks since they last stocked these items. Gonna try with Sony World tomorrow.
I bought crackdown 2 , nice game online anybody wants to play?
i have 2 platinums in uncharted 2 and assassin's creed 2
6 days later
I got my 25th platinum, in bioshock2.
well ... ummmm nothing really important was having some lag :\ but i got the achievment perfect storm in eye of the storm :P ( WoW )
Well I got the achievement for buying 50 players in Fifa 10 manager mode.
I reached chapter 8 in mafia 2 and I must say its really an awesome game!
I can agree with you Nemesis-301 ... A really great game. I also reached Chapter 8 so far.
Finished Crash Bandicoot 2 for PS3 100%

nostalgia ...

onto Warped ! ... once Virgin decide to get PSN cards so i can buy it :/
4 months later
my dead nation score campaign score :)

coop mission

i took lebanon alone to rank 27

join me so we can be number one killing zombie country lol
Got knocked out of the Champions League and Fa Cup in Football Manager.
Played basketball on Nintendo wii, it's fun :P
replaying alan wake on nightmare , its very hard:p
Finished mission 6 in Red Alert 3 with the Allies
Guys please resize and compress your images before posting!!

L3ama, our connections are already shitty! Use your brain!


Here's my recent stuff in Minecraft: