Do you guys lag ?

What is your ISP ?

Can you choose which servers to play on (I tend to have better pings on European servers) ?

i have a friend who plays it on cyberia 512k dsl account
works perfect no lag
I used to play on a 512kbps Ogero DSL connection until I realized you couldn't have more than 15 people in a game without there being lag. That's when I gave up on online shooters.
1) Lags - Depends, in a ground war yes, in normal Free for alls and TDM/6v6 modes no not so much i.e. its more than playable

2) Ogero - 256 cnxn - For very good hosts i get 3 bars (170-199ms lag) and for ok ones its 2 bar (200-210ms) that sounds drastic but pretty much almost everyone else has the around same latency so you dnt realize it that much. Trust me its good

3) No, Mw2 works on p2p matchmaking, meaning it it will match you up with the best host with respect to your cnxn. I usually always join UK lobbies, rarely US.

Top Tip: I've found that i can improve lags by playing in parties of 6 (of course these party of 6 ppl are not situated in lb )

IF the game didn't work off of matchmaking we would have gotten much much better ping rates.
I have a Sodetel Gaming Package (512 + fixed IP) and I get 3 bars most of the time
Connection: Wise Desktop Modem + Terrasmart 512Kbps
Latency: I tend to find games at >150ms where I usually get 3 bars but it's 2 bars most of the time.
Favorite game type: Hardcore TDM or any other Hardcore mode

P.S: I can't get DSL connection since I moved recently to a new building where there still no phone box installed & I have to recharge every 15~17 days because MW2 tend to consume alot of upload because my max freakin upload quota is 750MB (I just wanted to nag about it)