• Gaming
  • How many ps3 games do you own?

I tend not to keep more than 7-8 games at the same time.

The only games i keep all the time are Metal Gear Solid IV and Mortal Kombat (For the wife, i had to change 2 controllers already! She always breaks one when she loses)
xterm wroteThe only games i keep all the time are Metal Gear Solid IV and Mortal Kombat (For the wife, i had to change 2 controllers already! She always breaks one when she loses)
Consider purchasing large numbers of controllers NOW. Your kids will be breaking tens of controllers per day :D.
They'll be playing all day long with the wife, and then challenging you in the evening to play with them! I'm quite sure that they'll beat you as well...

Kids... Oh kids. They ruin everything :P
Bioshock 2
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Dragon Age: Origins
Final Fantasy 13
God of War Collection
God of War 3
Singstar (for the wife)
Super Street Fighter 4
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

As xterm said, I tend not to keep that many games at a time. I usually play a game to finish it. If it has any upcoming DLCs and if I liked the game, I keep it. Also, if it has online play and is fun, I also keep it.
If not, I usually end up selling them on elmazad.com
1- Fallout 3
2- Call of duty 4
3- FIFA 2010
4- Demon's Soul
5- Prototype
7- Singstar Abba
8- Little big planet
9- Dirt 2
10- Call of duty world at war
11- BioShock2
12- Call of duty Modern warfare 2
13- MGS4
14- Battlefield Bad Company 2
15- Street Fighter 4
16- Tekken 6
17- NFS undercover
18- Buzz Quiz TV
19- Resident Evil 5
20- Dead Space
21- Far Cry 2
22- BioShock
23- God of War Collection
24- God of War 3
25- GTA4. Liberty stories
My PS3 Games collection:

1- God of War 3
2- Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
3- inFamous
4- Demon's Souls
5- Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
6- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

P.S: This is in chronological order of purchase
Is it ok if I post my 360 games here or would it be breaking the rules of this thread? :P
My list of games

Killzone 2
Wipeout HD fury
Uncharted 2
Resistance 2
God of war 3
Here are my list:

Street Fighter 4
Uncharted 2
Call of Duty: MW2
God of War 3
Fifa 09
Fifa 10
Fifa World Cup
Battlefield 1943
TMNT: turtles in time reshelled (little brother)
Tekken 6
Assassins Creed 1
Assassins Creed 2
Far Cry 2
Bomberman Ultra
NBA 2K10: Draft Combine
Madden NFL Arcade

As xterm and elchebib said, i also don't really tend on keeping many games I'm trying to keep them less then 10 games.
I have a total of 30 retail games:

-Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
-Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
-Killzone 2
-Little Big Planet
-Motorstorm Pacific Rift
-BUZZ! Quiz TV
-Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
-Call of Duty 5 World at War
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
-Battlefield Bad Company
-Battlefield Bad Company 2
-Super Street Fighter IV
-Need For Speed SHIFT
-Bioshock 2
-Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction
-Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty
-Assassin's Creed II
-Army of Two
-Mirror's Edge
-Burnout Paradise
-Fifa 08
-Pro Evolution Soccer 2010
-Resistance: Fall of Man
-Fallout 3
-Fifa Street 3
-Metal Gear Solid IV
-Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe

+6 PSN Games:
-Pixel Junk: Shooter
-Burn, Zombie, Burn!
-Zombie Apocalypse
-Fat Princess
-Comet Crash

36 Games Total =)
Flakk : u simply have an epic collection. Best of the Best.

i used to have a lot, but sold'em cause i needed some heavy cash, now i only have GOW collection, GOW3, CCOD MW2, Red Dead Redemption, and Blur. again am gonna get Killzone2, Resistance2, wipeout hd, and Infamous for keeps.
i always thought of selling games but the feeling you get when you hold a ps3 game in your hand is simply :D:D:D:D so i decided to make a collection lol :)
Hamboza wroteFlakk : u simply have an epic collection. Best of the Best.

i used to have a lot, but sold'em cause i needed some heavy cash, now i only have GOW collection, GOW3, CCOD MW2, Red Dead Redemption, and Blur. again am gonna get Killzone2, Resistance2, wipeout hd, and Infamous for keeps.
Thanks :D
I only tend to buy the exclusives for the PS3.

Is Blur any good ? or not worth getting on the ps3 ?
Flakk : u simply have an epic collection. Best of the Best.
Yup relative to the Lebanese it is the best. But it still needs MW2 :P.
it will survive without mw2,

blur is very nice i got from a friend, but its not my style, so am looking to trade it
7 days later
This is my list of PS3 games :

1. Call of Duty : World at War
2. The Age Of Empire
3. MotorStrom
4. FIFA Soccer 10
5. Street Fighter IV