arithma wrote^ Poster above does not know shit.
Point noted..there much complicated then they know not lying to woman is like lying.So you have to it..
Though it's disgusting as a practice, women, just like men, are programmable... One with enough dedication can lure in more than one who isn't trying. We're all programmed to react some way to certain excitation. On the long run, men strive for praise, women strive for security. What happens till a person stabilizes is a throw of a dice. But really, doesn't the chloroform work?
Anyway, girls are really people if you missed that point. Sometimes it's worth knowing them as people before locking your eyes on their racks. Just saying.
Jennie wroteThose of you who were admiring the openness of western women, and going on and on about London and Germany, where “you’ll get laid more often than you change your underwear” seem to forget that the hard-to-get-attitude many Lebanese girls exhibit are merely a reaction to their own attitude, which is, the least to be said, unworthy of praise. Let go of the Madonna-whore complex!! A western woman on the horny mode is sexy and knows what she wants, but a Lebanese woman with a libido is a filthy whore, and therefore, all your friends should know that you “nailed her” and maybe try their luck, considering how easy she is!
I do not wish to generalize, like many of you did, but you have to acknowledge, if you have an ounce of objectivity, that this mindset is pretty widespread, even predominant among Lebanese males.
Obviously you misunderstood my comments. Where did I say that I praise the western girls' openness? I merely mentioned the fact that they are way too easy, and that's not something which appeals to me. The fact that my current gf made me literally struggle to be with her is what made me fall so deeply in love with her. In case you do not know, men, in nature, prefer the hard-to-get type of girls. I mentioned that I had a bunch of ex-gfs but I never fell in love with any of them, why? Simply because they were too easy to get, and consequently they were too easy to let go. My feelings for them were never profound so I never cared about breaking up with them.

Now, you cannot claim that all Lebanese girls are not influenced by the Lamborghini guy. I could safely say that at least 80% of the Lebanese girls would step into his car if he drives by and asks them to get in. Only a little percentage of Lebanese girls are mature enough to see through the shallow image of the arrogant Lamborghini guy (thankfully my gf is one of those mature ones and that's why I love her).

Oh and by the way, I never said that a Lebanese girl with a libido is a filthy whore and I did not give any "dating tips" because just like you said "girls do not respond to our moves". I'm very aware of that. Please do not put words into my mouth :)
arithma wroteAnyway, girls are really people if you missed that point. Sometimes it's worth knowing them as people before locking your eyes on their racks. Just saying.
But keep in mind, those shallow girls who cannot think beyond their Gucci pants and Jimmy Shoe shoes only deserve the arrogant Lamborghini guy. I have no respect for this type of girls or men. It's not about the gender, it's more about the degree of maturity and way of thinking of that person.
@Jennie: I didnt say evil parents. All i can say is that in our country or Arab world there is a huge gap in our minds one wants the west the other the east. Think about the mix.
Hell, I would fall for the Lamborgini guy. I would fall for a Lamborgini fucking goat.
Still racks and smooth legs and small wastes are hot these days. Who can deny that. We're all animals, and we all have our instincts. Get too civilized and you lose your human fucking nature. Literally.
Back in the wonder ages, when fire was Web 2.0, men would clubber each other on the head and claim the women. They were more or less possession. Though feminists want that to go away with all the strangling of the human nature we're doing, innately it still exists.

Remember guys and girls, it's all about pinning down a beautiful woman, splitting those legs, and fucking for offspring. Flip it as you will, that's the fact.
Here is the truth: Men never care for you they want sex so that's why they screw after marriage. And this care when you are a "gf" you get is for that goal it is like a holy grail to them.

I wont continue because talking about this made some of my sisters friends kill me.
arithma wroteRemember guys and girls, it's all about pinning down a beautiful woman, splitting those legs, and fucking for offspring. Flip it as you will, that's the fact.
LMAO! Dude, I love your pragmatism! :P
Kareem wroteAJ_Blaz dude, I'd love to watch you, just to see how it goes with you.
dont worry nchallah 5er :)
arithma wroteHell, I would fall for the Lamborgini guy. I would fall for a Lamborgini fucking goat.
Still racks and smooth legs and small wastes are hot these days. Who can deny that. We're all animals, and we all have our instincts. Get too civilized and you lose your human fucking nature.
no fuse to use

guys why do you think like that , first of all getting a gf means your going to marry her and having kids and stuff and working to keep your family safe

if you think getting married because of her look HA you need to understand that a nice girl having respectful words , conversation Akhla2a 3alye is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more important of her looks or if she got money or not

in a second note , the one whos going to accept you will be having the same thoughts of what you have , you want to get laid every night so does she !!!!
@Aj_BlaZ: We are not Utopia, and yeah they share our thoughts and sometimes surpass them(you get the idea). But what i meant is that we are a 24/7 sex machine.
Marriage is for suckers!
guys why do you think like that , first of all getting a gf means your going to marry her and having kids and stuff and working to keep your family safe.
Dude, I don't know how old you are but getting married is the least of my concerns right now. What I value in my relationship is the things my girlfriend and I share: adventures, stories, debates, different ways of seeing things all on a platform composed of love and trust.

Looks/money VS cleverness is an oversimplification of things. It all comes down to how your interactions go.
I’m even more revolted because, somehow, for an obscure reason, I’ve always considered geeks to be a (slightly) “superior” breed of men, but I’ve just been proven wrong.
I totally agree with most of your points except that one. If three or four geeks expressed obscenely hypocritical comments it does not mean that geeks are like that. Your sample size is just too small. It does mean however that not all geeks are like that (no shit, Sherlock).
@xterm: I think you are married and this prooves that:
Men never care for you they want sex so that's why they screw after marriage
kareem_nasser wrote@xterm: I think you are married and this prooves that:
Men never care for you they want sex so that's why they screw after marriage
What is the point of posting this Kareem?
samer wrote
kareem_nasser wrote@xterm: I think you are married and this proves that:
Men never care for you they want sex so that's why they screw after marriage
What is the point of posting this Kareem?
I am saying what is the normal primitive psychology of man.
Just to note that gf doesn't mean you love her and true love the really rare one happens 3-4 times in your lifetime normally.
Personality is good and all. But you can't wank at personality.
There's a reason men feel excited about beautiful women. Usually a beautiful woman is healthy. Clear skin (no diseases), red lips (good blood flow), long hair (general health indicator), breast size (been said to collerate with man's requirement of having a female to feed offspring - though other species don't exhibit this sexual correlation) and so on. Different cultures have different preferences (possibly due to different environments and norms) but you can almost always see what is preferred is actually geared towards health. Recently media fucked things up, but a hint of the natural past still strives unshaken.
What's wrong with getting laid every night?

Here's a more elaborate reply to Jennie
I haven’t been participating actively in this forum for a long time, but as I inadvertently stumbled upon this thread, I couldn’t stay silent.
Classical case of provocation vulnerability.
Come on guys, some of your comments are obscenely hypocritical!! I’m even more revolted because, somehow, for an obscure reason, I’ve always considered geeks to be a (slightly) “superior” breed of men, but I’ve just been proven wrong. And come to think about it, my assumption was completely unfounded.
Having preconceptions about geeks is more like the generalization that the guys here were making. It still also horrifies me that you see us as "geeks" and just that. I've reviewed your post history. It seems, you like all the simpleton girls I've known, would rather make stereotypes to simplify your life and think less. It may work well for you (just as a cat's undiscriminating fear of large moving objects works well for it to survive more). I wouldn't call a cat really smart though. Instinctive and programmed.
Lebanese girls have been denigrated to the core in this thread, and quite frankly, I do agree that the superficiality and the “silly-cone” are getting way out of proportion. But this is not the real issue.
It’s very easy to blame one’s failures on the “other”. God knows men have been doing it since the beginning of time (metaphorically). Remember the apple?
What were you trying to say over here? So you agree that a lot of girls are becoming superficial. Doesn't that grant a lot of the guys here the right to assume that recipes would work for them. Going back to the previous point. Why shouldn't geeks here not fascinate about stupid girls and want to have fun with them. Just because you have superficial thoughts about noble geeks?
Those of you who were admiring the openness of western women, and going on and on about London and Germany, where “you’ll get laid more often than you change your underwear”
It seems you have decided that people were getting laid when the guys were only saying girls outside are more approachable.
seem to forget that the hard-to-get-attitude many Lebanese girls exhibit are merely a reaction to their own attitude, which is, the least to be said, unworthy of praise.
Such a large phenomenon can't possibly be pinned down to one side of the other. It's as if we have two leagues. One for men and one for women, and they're in some kind of secret delibrations, each of them. Wake up. It's more of a social reality more than anything to point fingers at. The real cream here is the fact that people tend to be vindictive here. We are in a masculine community. Even the women here think in the way a women thinks in a masculine community. They marry for power. Their security is mostly ravaged through if 1) they risk their virginity or reputation and hence lose possibility of getting married 2) the social and monetary status of their candidate partners greatly affect the rest of their lives, as such they are very cautious in their choosing.
Let go of the Madonna-whore complex!! A western woman on the horny mode is sexy and knows what she wants, but a Lebanese woman with a libido is a filthy whore, and therefore, all your friends should know that you “nailed her” and maybe try their luck, considering how easy she is!
The above can be explained in terms of the previous comments. Men are sexually starved. We have excitants going everywhere. A whore literally short circuits the brain of a man on a need. You wouldn't really understand as female urges are not calls for action, males' are.
I do not wish to generalize, like many of you did, but you have to acknowledge, if you have an ounce of objectivity, that this mindset is pretty widespread, even predominant among Lebanese males.
You did generalize, you did stereotype, and you were even disappointed by us. You were having expectations for us. You expected us to be different. Shame on you.
Now on a lighter note, I would really like the people who are trying to find a scientific approach to dating to stop doing so. We (women) are not programmed to respond in a uniform fashion to your “moves”.
The really safe move to do in this country is get a job, make some money, look for a female in a family similar to yours with similar financial status. Works every time. That at the very least proves that there does exist a scientific approach.
As I've also included somewhere earlier, women do respond to excitation. Be it a laugh, social awkwardness, power, ambition, wit, sexual attractiveness.. It has to be something, and it usually works.
And confidence when approaching a girl, in my opinion, is overrated. Alpha males (or guys pretending to be alpha males) do not appeal to everyone. I, for example, prefer shyer men, and would be much more likely to respond in a positive way to a guy who tends to act goofy in certain social settings, than to the Lamborghini-driving, cigar- smoking idiot with an ego bigger than Russia! (Plus, I do believe that men with expensive cars are trying to overcompensate, and the wise Mrs. Doubtfire puts it very well)
I know for a fact that a girl/woman that says this kind of thing is especially susceptible to being attracted to the guy with power. It doesn't have to be that idiot who has his daddy's car but a real man with work off his forehead. While females might feel comfortable around socially fun people that lighten the mood, the one that will catch her from the neck and make her heart pound will usually get the cream.

I write because I care.
Aj_BlaZ wroteif you think getting married because of her look HA you need to understand that a nice girl having respectful words , conversation Akhla2a 3alye is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more important of her looks or if she got money or not
So why not all of those? Why would I want to be with a girl who doesn't look good? Let's face it, you always get attracted to a beautiful girl before being attracted to her wits. If the girl doesn't look good, you're not going to approach her in the first place. If she's beautiful, you're going to approach her, get to know her better and consequently you'll realize whether she's as good as her looks or she's just a "dumb package" i.e: sexy with no brains. (Note: I'm not undermining girls with this statement, I'm just describing an extreme case to make a point). The bottom line is: I have to be attracted to her physically and intellectually, otherwise it ain't gonna work.
samer wroteI totally agree with most of your points except that one. If three or four geeks expressed obscenely hypocritical comments it does not mean that geeks are like that. Your sample size is just too small.
Hopefully this comment does not include me. Again, I did not say that western girls' openness appeals to me. I was simply stating a fact (which is a bit exaggerated in case u did not notice). Refer to my posts above. :)
"Girls are not human, they are machines made by God to please men" - family guy, Peter Griffin
kareem, i was just making a funny :-)
arithma wroteWhat's wrong with getting laid every night?
Yeah, seriously what's wrong with that? It's a good exercise. 30 minutes of sex burn 500 calories. That should keep you from going over-weight.
arithma wrote
Jennie wroteThose of you who were admiring the openness of western women, and going on and on about London and Germany, where “you’ll get laid more often than you change your underwear”
It seems you have decided that people were getting laid when the guys were only saying girls outside are more approachable.
arithma wroteMen are sexually starved. We have excitants going everywhere. A whore literally short circuits the brain of a man on a need. You wouldn't really understand as female urges are not calls for action, males' are.
No? Dude, have you seen a horny girl before? The only thing which prevents her from taking action is the fear of losing her beloved virginity. (talking about the typical Lebanese girl)
arithma wroteThe really safe move to do in this country is get a job, make some money, look for a female in a family similar to yours with similar financial status. Works every time. That at the very least proves that there does exist a scientific approach.
You forgot to mention that you have to be of the same religion too. But being filthy rich could make her and her parents disregard the religious difference sometimes.