in lebanon DVD BASE also rents out PS3 games, i think its 5$ per week
Hey kareem the website you posted that is related to renting, where is the store located?
gamer4life wroteHey kareem the website you posted that is related to renting, where is the store located?
Its located in Sadat street below LAU in Beirut......
Some news

Company of heroes Online will get a Western release.
CoH online
As reported the 2006 CoH game will be completely free with multiplayer and singleplayer.

Also Another Total War game announced, this time a remake of the first TW game Shogun.
Shogun 2 Total War
oh thats a middle finger from EA(EA games F**k up evrything).
That link is fake
take a look at this

Plus that mag on the TF2 blog is from March.

But still i have high hopes that HL2 Ep 3 will be announced at E3 since Valve canceled their Portal 2 event and promised us a "surprise" instead.
Could be just a cake though :P