Great delay to USA, You (Residence of Tripoli) are lucky :)
I think we started to note an improvement on the internet experience in lebanon, thx to Minister Nahhas, i hope that we get the best desired internet connection in lebanon ASAP.
a Traceroute from a Terranet account to that passes through WISE gateways !?!

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 31 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []
2 52 ms 47 ms 49 ms []
3 52 ms 49 ms 46 ms []
4 47 ms 46 ms 49 ms []
5 * * * Request timed out.
6 50 ms 53 ms 51 ms
7 52 ms 54 ms 54 ms []

8 53 ms 51 ms 54 ms []
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 130 ms 131 ms 130 ms
11 137 ms 129 ms 129 ms []
12 130 ms 131 ms 132 ms
13 131 ms 133 ms 130 ms
14 130 ms 132 ms 130 ms []
15 135 ms 133 ms 134 ms
16 134 ms 136 ms 135 ms []

Trace complete.
Good if this is gonna reach us all in Lebanon of course over time it would be great and having a good bandwidth is even better.
But after all this my latency really changed about the past 2 months it i was like 150ms more than now. We can say that gamer4life is in beta.
- Beta of IMEWE cable.
- Latest stable version of CADMOS cable. :)

anyone has infos about the upgrade of CADMOS cable ??
Although I have this low ping, but I'm not able of getting 3green in mw2, I'm getting 2yellow and sometimes red, while last week the ping was higher by 15-25ms more and i was getting 3green all the time, does anyone have an explanation for it?
you have to know on which server the game perform the ping (wireshark tool), maybe it is a crowded server.
amkahal wroteyou have to know on which server the game perform the ping (wireshark tool), maybe it is a crowded server.
What's wire shark tool?
i wldnt care less about ping cuz i dont rly play online games......all wat i need is unlimited connection with 512ish speeds
gamer4life wroteAh ok then here it is:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\riad>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 20 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []
2 15 ms 16 ms 16 ms
3 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms
4 16 ms 15 ms 15 ms
5 * 20 ms 15 ms
6 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms ----> 16ms Channel: Fastpath
7 97 ms 102 ms 99 ms
8 98 ms 98 ms 98 ms []
9 98 ms 97 ms 96 ms
10 97 ms 99 ms 98 ms
11 98 ms 97 ms 97 ms []

Trace complete.
I'm on Ogero and tweaked my modem to get the minimum latency, usually, no ISP can get a latency lower than Ogero's one as AFAIK... So interpreting your result, and comparing it to mine :

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 42 ms 41 ms 39 ms
3 42 ms 41 ms 62 ms ----> 43ms average Channel : Interleave
4 84 ms 41 ms 41 ms
5 108 ms 107 ms 109 ms
6 106 ms 108 ms 107 ms
12 110 ms 113 ms 113 ms
Trace complete.

My conclusion, you are set on a fastpath channel not interleave which is the default one either based on your request as you are a gamer and need lower latency or because you nagged to much about high latency :-)

Going to Fastpath from interleave will improve (lower) latency. It also lowers your noise margin db, which can lower your line stability.If your line is pretty clean, there's no need for interleave, DTM can also avoid certain frequencies as well to lower the error rate.

Better explanation from the Internet :

Interleaving is an error correction protocol that is implemented for your line at the DSLAM. With Interleaving enabled, the DSLAM can correct errors in the data stream it receives before passing that data to your gateway router. It is usually implemented on noisy or marginal lines and can greatly increase sync stability and effectively eliminate "first hop" packet loss. The largest drawback to Interleaving is that it will increase your ping time, specifically to your first hop gateway router.

If Interleaving is not enabled on your line, it is configured as FastPath. FastPath allows the DSLAM to pass the data received from you to the first hop router without performing any error correction. As a result, marginal lines could experience an increase in packet loss and decrease in sync stability (i.e. frequent sync loss). However, FastPath has lower ping times, especially to the first hop router. [ The reason why you got 1% packet loss in some tests ]

So in other words, you are saving 30-40 ms just by using Fast path channel.

Just my 2 cents...
I cant believe this: i was downloading K-lite Codec Mega pack from, and the download stops then suddenly rockets to 90Kilobytes/sec. (i have 512k)
kareem_nasser wroteI cant believe this: i was downloading K-lite Codec Mega pack from, and the download stops then suddenly rockets to 90Kilobytes/sec. (i have 512k)
Hmm the download was still active but you were receiving nothing because you were lagging ( ping timed out) and suddenly catched up everything pending for the remaining seconds ? maybe ?
I thought of that but it is on the server side not my ISP. Right?
Or could it be packet loss?
Kareem wrote
gamer4life wroteAh ok then here it is:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\riad>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 20 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []
2 15 ms 16 ms 16 ms
3 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms
4 16 ms 15 ms 15 ms
5 * 20 ms 15 ms
6 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms ----> 16ms Channel: Fastpath
7 97 ms 102 ms 99 ms
8 98 ms 98 ms 98 ms []
9 98 ms 97 ms 96 ms
10 97 ms 99 ms 98 ms
11 98 ms 97 ms 97 ms []

Trace complete.
I'm on Ogero and tweaked my modem to get the minimum latency, usually, no ISP can get a latency lower than Ogero's one as AFAIK... So interpreting your result, and comparing it to mine :

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 42 ms 41 ms 39 ms
3 42 ms 41 ms 62 ms ----> 43ms average Channel : Interleave
4 84 ms 41 ms 41 ms
5 108 ms 107 ms 109 ms
6 106 ms 108 ms 107 ms
12 110 ms 113 ms 113 ms
Trace complete.

My conclusion, you are set on a fastpath channel not interleave which is the default one either based on your request as you are a gamer and need lower latency or because you nagged to much about high latency :-)

Going to Fastpath from interleave will improve (lower) latency. It also lowers your noise margin db, which can lower your line stability.If your line is pretty clean, there's no need for interleave, DTM can also avoid certain frequencies as well to lower the error rate.

Better explanation from the Internet :

Interleaving is an error correction protocol that is implemented for your line at the DSLAM. With Interleaving enabled, the DSLAM can correct errors in the data stream it receives before passing that data to your gateway router. It is usually implemented on noisy or marginal lines and can greatly increase sync stability and effectively eliminate "first hop" packet loss. The largest drawback to Interleaving is that it will increase your ping time, specifically to your first hop gateway router.

If Interleaving is not enabled on your line, it is configured as FastPath. FastPath allows the DSLAM to pass the data received from you to the first hop router without performing any error correction. As a result, marginal lines could experience an increase in packet loss and decrease in sync stability (i.e. frequent sync loss). However, FastPath has lower ping times, especially to the first hop router. [ The reason why you got 1% packet loss in some tests ]

So in other words, you are saving 30-40 ms just by using Fast path channel.

Just my 2 cents...
Karim do you think they are turning everyone progressively to fiber since IDM AND Terranet subscribers in Tripoli got latency improvements?
Fernand wrote
Kareem wrote
gamer4life wroteAh ok then here it is:
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\riad>tracert

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 20 ms 99 ms 99 ms dsldevice.lan []
2 15 ms 16 ms 16 ms
3 14 ms 14 ms 14 ms
4 16 ms 15 ms 15 ms
5 * 20 ms 15 ms
6 16 ms 16 ms 16 ms ----> 16ms Channel: Fastpath
7 97 ms 102 ms 99 ms
8 98 ms 98 ms 98 ms []
9 98 ms 97 ms 96 ms
10 97 ms 99 ms 98 ms
11 98 ms 97 ms 97 ms []

Trace complete.
I'm on Ogero and tweaked my modem to get the minimum latency, usually, no ISP can get a latency lower than Ogero's one as AFAIK... So interpreting your result, and comparing it to mine :

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 42 ms 41 ms 39 ms
3 42 ms 41 ms 62 ms ----> 43ms average Channel : Interleave
4 84 ms 41 ms 41 ms
5 108 ms 107 ms 109 ms
6 106 ms 108 ms 107 ms
12 110 ms 113 ms 113 ms
Trace complete.

My conclusion, you are set on a fastpath channel not interleave which is the default one either based on your request as you are a gamer and need lower latency or because you nagged to much about high latency :-)

Going to Fastpath from interleave will improve (lower) latency. It also lowers your noise margin db, which can lower your line stability.If your line is pretty clean, there's no need for interleave, DTM can also avoid certain frequencies as well to lower the error rate.

Better explanation from the Internet :

Interleaving is an error correction protocol that is implemented for your line at the DSLAM. With Interleaving enabled, the DSLAM can correct errors in the data stream it receives before passing that data to your gateway router. It is usually implemented on noisy or marginal lines and can greatly increase sync stability and effectively eliminate "first hop" packet loss. The largest drawback to Interleaving is that it will increase your ping time, specifically to your first hop gateway router.

If Interleaving is not enabled on your line, it is configured as FastPath. FastPath allows the DSLAM to pass the data received from you to the first hop router without performing any error correction. As a result, marginal lines could experience an increase in packet loss and decrease in sync stability (i.e. frequent sync loss). However, FastPath has lower ping times, especially to the first hop router. [ The reason why you got 1% packet loss in some tests ]

So in other words, you are saving 30-40 ms just by using Fast path channel.

Just my 2 cents...
Karim do you think they are turning everyone progressively to fiber since IDM AND Terranet subscribers in Tripoli got latency improvements?
Well dude you never know, but since his traceroute showed that he and I are passing through the same route, 195.50.120.* , I can say they are still using the same backbone. As for the internal network, maybe they are connected through fibers to Ogero ?? I can't say because I must have valid arguments and with only a traceroute you can't say, but if that latency is all the same for IDM and Terranet customers not only specific users, connection from ISPs to Ogero must have definitely improved; still too late to judge.
kareem_nasser wroteI thought of that but it is on the server side not my ISP. Right?
Or could it be packet loss?
Yeah, ping timed out of packetloss, the same IMO. But one thing for sure, no need to celebrate :P
Hmm IDM is like a Joint stock company so many important ppl invest in it so basically it has better chances than other ISPs.
Lol celebrate for the internet in here nah this wont every happen or maybe will in the afterlife.
Kareem, is there a way to switch my THOMSON TG-585v7 between FASTPATH and INTERLEAVE modes ??
BTW my DSL Type is fluctuating between G.992.5 annex A and G.992.3 Annex L US Wide.
Kareem wrote..............
Hey kareem I would like to see the difference between ur isp and mine in the ping I'll start but choose the same servers as mine.