kopite wroteHave the same problem, but I'm on a Thomson TG585v7 router (Terranet ADSL, 512K)
Any help ?
P.S : Tried to set up DMZ, but the Thomson settings page can't list my PS3 as a device able to do it.
1- If you have any firewalls in the Router, turn them off.
2- When you want to DMZ, you just have to enter an ip address in the field.
3- Assign your ps3 with the same ip address you used to DMZ in the router.
Flyingwizard wrote a great How to, check it out and apply it to your router. ( you can always save your settings before tampering with the router, in case u messed up something, you can always restore)
As a note: turn off everything that might be using the connection, laptops, iphones, anything....
And connect the ps3 to the router with a cable and not wireless...
In the end good luck.
dont forget to post your PSN id
so we can kick your ass online :)