euuuh, who's on BB here?
many? few? almost no one?
I'm using a Curve 8900 without the BB service. Browsing is less intuitive than with an iPhone, but the qwerty keyboard is just what I wanted. Also, it's really configurable but it's kind of hard to find "cracked" apps (as opposed to jailbreaking etc). All in all, I'm happy with it, I still use my iPod Touch for on-the-go browsing though.
personally i find apps to be a bit overrated. enno never sticked to an app more than a week even when they were easy to find (when i was on winmo).
The essentials are there, browser (opera), IM, calculator, media player, ... and for the people more into social websites, facebook, twitter, ... these are the stuff you keep using (and they are available free on appworld), the rest it's usually a matter of days before you forget about them.
halla2 kamein now they announced opengl on bb, so it will bring some new games on it (which is mainly the area where bb was falling behind), but bleh.

basically wanted to check who's on bb in the forum to see if it's worth it to have a lebgeeks group on blackberry messenger.

btw samer, is blackberry messenger usuable over wifi? or you can only use the browsing?

for the hardware keyboard, i really miss having one... i'm on the storm and i'm starting to really consider going for a bold or curve (waiting for the new bold to get out in uae and then i'll decide :P). he touchscreen is big and nice and all, specially that it is clickable, but nothing beats a good nice hardware keyboard
I find that these 3G devices are plain old bricks in lebanon. I always used to make fun of people having an iphone in leb, its just about appearances.
I got myself an iphone in france, I use it all the time 3G is a blessing :p but now I'm in vacation in leb, other than making a phone call, its useless. It is designed to have internet on the go (3G), without it its like a palm, no more no less.
BB is a bit better, since we have the service in leb, but is it any good?

As for the keyboard, you get used to anything once you use it daily :) Now I can type on the virtual keyboard of the iphone without looking at it (no my fingers are not small, and I use both of my thumbs to write )
i use a bb the "8100 pearl" no bb service , very reliable phone . same problems with apps
crazy, bb seems to be fine in lebanon, some of my friends are using it and they seem happy about it. compared to UAE i just find it way overpriced, as here we have the unlimited package for 40$, while for the same price they just get 10MB. and for me what makes bb more interesting than 3g is that i can have the internatinol package, so can use it both in lebanon and uae without having to pay for the roaming fees.

btw, can't lebanese buy a sim from uae, get the international package for 54$/month and use it in lebanon instead of the 40$/10MB?

as for the keyboard, yeah, you get used to everything, i'm not facing problems with typing on the storm anymore, but the problem is with the cursor. if i want to go back, lets say 2 letters back without erasing, it's a HUGE challenge. on HTC i used to have the wheel to move the cursor, on the storm you have to use your finger. no training will let you do it with no problems :P
halla2 the advantage with the storm is that in portrait mode i can have the multitap keyboard (like regular cellphone), which makes it MUCH MUCH easier to type with 1 hand while driving (but slower than the full qwerty keyboard).
getting HTC TOUCH HD2 in 1 week ! Wanna sell my HD1 anyone interested ?
nourberro wrotehow much kareem ?
PM me I will give you the link to the website where Ive posted it for sale 2 days ago with all details and accessories.
btw, can't lebanese buy a sim from uae, get the international package for 54$/month and use it in lebanon instead of the 40$/10MB?
Well yes, you can do that but the downside is that you would have a non-Lebanese number..
samer wrote
btw, can't lebanese buy a sim from uae, get the international package for 54$/month and use it in lebanon instead of the 40$/10MB?
Well yes, you can do that but the downside is that you would have a non-Lebanese number..
MTC TOUCH : Enjoy reduced rates and increased usage on BlackBerry! Starting Nov 09 BB Individual for $40/month & 100MB and BB Entreprise for 36$/month & 100MB

Received minutes ago.
Kareem wrote
samer wrote
btw, can't lebanese buy a sim from uae, get the international package for 54$/month and use it in lebanon instead of the 40$/10MB?
Well yes, you can do that but the downside is that you would have a non-Lebanese number..
MTC TOUCH : Enjoy reduced rates and increased usage on BlackBerry! Starting Nov 09 BB Individual for $40/month & 100MB and BB Entreprise for 36$/month & 100MB

Received minutes ago.
Alfa will start offering the same. I think they should make the entry price more affordable.
4 months later
Guess am late for the topic battikh. But am on BB (recently moved to Dubai). M using the curve 8900
BTW, the beauty of your Storm is the clickable screen. That changed all my perspective concerning RIM. They're good
I think you can create a BB forum on Lebgeeks. During my last trip to beirut last month, i saw that almost everyone is holding a BB now (juz like here in dubai.)
Its pickin up
10 days later
samer wroteit's kind of hard to find "cracked" apps (as opposed to jailbreaking etc)
i cant believe samer is saying this although he said hes against cracked apps so why searching for cracked apps then
Aj_BlaZ wrote
samer wroteit's kind of hard to find "cracked" apps (as opposed to jailbreaking etc)
i cant believe samer is saying this although he said hes against cracked apps so why searching for cracked apps then
Just so it's clear, I never said I was against cracked apps. I just said you are not to post links to them in this forum. Get your warez elsewhere.