Rapidshare wroteDear Client
Welcome to Rapidshare, here are your login credentials
Please note that Rapidshare is now blocking access to accounts that are shared by multiple users.
This means that it you should avoid sharing your account with other people or to downloading from multiple computers (or multiple IPs) at the same time.
I recently bought a Rapidshare Premium account and I received an email from Rapidshare/Reseller about the instructions and the username and the pass, and as you see at the end they said not to share my username and pass and avoid downloading from multiple IPs at the same time.
I have a close friend of mine who is subscribed with IDM (my ISP too) and we both have the same Public IP (IDM use NAT I think so a lot of IDM subscribers share the same public IP) and as a Premium user you can download without any limit and you can open as many link as you want in parallel so do you think if I share my account with my friend I might be busted by Rapidshare ?