hello there
well i started working with c++4 months ago after a month a friend told me to work with vb6 because its more easy from c++ i started with vb6 and i learned a lot of coding but i like to learn more codes if someone can help me with some codes or a website that have a list of codes or something like that and thank you
Hello Ballouta, since you started with C++ I guess it would be much better to continue with it, learn it to the max and then change to what language you like best. C++ is a very good language and much better than VB6 although harder but once you learn it right you can become a good programmer. For example, VB6 has poor data structures, not object oriented, and is becoming obsolete.

Personally I have worked with VB6 and it is quite powerful and efficient for small apps and data driven apps. Furthermore, when dealing with VB6 you have to be aware of the fact that it has become a legacy language, no more supported by Microsoft and after the OSs after windows 7 will not be equipped with the VB6 run time. In case you want to stick with VB then I recommend you shift to VB.net which is more supported, modern and "theoretically" Object Oriented.

Other than that I recommend you stay on C++ and learn all the ins and outs, anything you want to do in VB6 and be done in C++ and more. When you are an expert in C++, learning Java, C# and VB would be a peice of cake. So why to imprison yourself from the very begining? Btw 4 months for a language as C++ is not really enough.for example: Did you get deep into data structures in C++? Did you learn about the win32 library? Are you sure about your OOP knowledge in C++? If you are comfortable and enjoying C++ stay with it, just don't listen to anyone before you see by yourself.

Anyways, you demanded some resources about learning VB6 and I will give them to you, there you go:






Thats what I have for now, In case you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask. I would like to wish you the best of luck in anything you pursue, have a good day :)
I've never tried VB, but if you want to learn proper programming, there are many languages you could take a look at. It all depends on what you're interested to do. If you like gaming C# is really hip at the moment. Plus it gives you a good basis to build upon.
dear AymanFarhat :
first thanks for the link. well yes... it was 4 months ago but not all in c++ i only worked with c++ in about half a month :P but i really found vb6 easier to start with i thought the codes were more logical and faster to learn
dear AymanFarhat :
first thanks for the link. well yes... it was 4 months ago but not all in c++ i only worked with c++ in about half a month :P but i really found vb6 easier to start with i thought the codes were more logical and faster to learn
You are right, actually beginners are usually attracted to easier languages, and that's what happened to me when I was you age, but then I realized that learning a strong language right from the beginning can give you a very good base especially for programming courses at the university. Anyways, good luck in your VB6 it is a fun language and you can do basically any small apps in it that run well under Window$, your welcome to ask any questions, keep up the good work and good luck :)
AymanFarhat wrotegood luck in your VB6 it is a fun language and you can do basically any small apps in it that run well under Window$ :)
that's want i want :P the little application that have all shortcuts i need :P and thanks
Can I urge you not to start with VB? Once again I've never worked with the language, so I cannot give a proper reason no to, but I'll say this:

1- VB has the worst reputation in programmers circles. Apparently it gives you bad reflexes you'll never get rid of.

2- I've worked with programmers with a VB background. Believe me you don't want to end up as crippled as they are.

There are tons of languages you can start with. I'd strongly urge you not to start with C++ either (if you're interested in C++, start with regular C).

But if you're looking to make quick desktop application that would easily run on any platform, yet still are powerful application, I'd have to recommend Python.

I talked intensively on the subject. There has been some good discussions on this forum about what programming languages should be taught/learned first. I suggest you take a look at these posts.
Can I urge you not to start with VB? Once again I've never worked with the language, so I cannot give a proper reason no to, but I'll say this:

1- VB has the worst reputation in programmers circles. Apparently it gives you bad reflexes you'll never get rid of.

2- I've worked with programmers with a VB background. Believe me you don't want to end up as crippled as they are.

There are tons of languages you can start with. I'd strongly urge you not to start with C++ either (if you're interested in C++, start with regular C).

But if you're looking to make quick desktop application that would easily run on any platform, yet still are powerful application, I'd have to recommend Python.

I talked intensively on the subject. There has been some good discussions on this forum about what programming languages should be taught/learned first. I suggest you take a look at these posts.
Agree, C++ may be hard for beginners at a young age, so C can be fine but still it is a 'dangerous' language if you don't stay alert of every step you make. In my opinion, C#, Python, and Java are good languages to get started with. :)
well thanks ill take a look on them
Hi ballouta :)

I agree.. VB 6 is really obsolete. at least you should start with .net

I think i remember that you mentioned that you are like 14 or something
for desktop applications , I'd say you start with batch programming.
It is easy, simple and fun !
if you are on windows , you open notepad and type in it commands from the command line
You can use this to automate tasks on your computer, do them faster and collect data either about your computer or on new computers
If you have time , install linux ( on virtual machine or double boot ) and go to scripting there.

Another thing you could learn is flash...it is easy, deals with lot of fun stuff... you will be able to do cool photo effects for your friends, you can do some games like shoot them up and without much effort if you keep it up you can easily use this as a small income revenue

But personally i think you better go to web programming !
You can first learn how to make some HTML , some php , you can look into open source CMS and packages like drupal , wordpress [ This will make you read and troubleshoot code instead of having to build from scratch ]
Like this if you learn web programming stuff, you will be able to do cool stuff , like a website for you , for your school , for the scout organization , for the girls... and there are infinite number of technologies you can use
jQuery , Ajax , PHP , HTML , javascript - or complete platforms : django and the likes

I think at this age , you should worry about the outcome , this what will make you stay on programming
and never take sides in programming languages ( we call it get religious )
If you want to stay on desktop computing and do some hard stuff.. i recommend checking QT
You can download some beginner programming courses from universities like Yale , Harvard for free from http://www.academicearth.org/

ooops .. sorry for the long reply
mir you're probably right. I did not notice that he's that young. At that stage you should really focus on easy technologies with good outcome.

Web development is the best. Mir said all there is to it. Ballouta, take a look at these (HTML, PHP, and such ...). I think you'll like it.
i need an expert in vb 6 to make a connection between a program made in vb6 with a usb joystick and the serial port ? :( i cant find any , its for a new thing im building :)
jadberro wrotei need an expert in vb 6 to make a connection between a program made in vb6 with a usb joystick and the serial port ? :( i cant find any , its for a new thing im building :)
Wouldn't take an expert. Search the internet for the win32 communication api.
ballouta wrotehello there
well i started working with c++4 months ago after a month a friend told me to work with vb6 because its more easy from c++ i started with vb6 and i learned a lot of coding but i like to learn more codes if someone can help me with some codes or a website that have a list of codes or something like that and thank you
Your friend gave you an improper suggestion.

You should assess your needs first. If you're really planning of pursuing a career in programming, stick to C++ up until you're familiar with all the programming concepts then reassess your needs and identify what you plan on doing. The development field branches out exponentially, If then on, you plan to work your way through web development there's a wide range of technologies you can choose from with their respective frameworks.

- Ruby on Rails (Ruby)
- Django (Python)
- CakePHP (PHP)
- J2EE (Struts, Seam) (Java)

And the list goes on, mind you, these are just examples, there are dozens of other frameworks you can choose from for each language.

My advice to you is to continue with C++ until you find yourself comfortable with programming concepts then move to http://www.w3schools.com to familiarize yourself with html and css, after that you can effectively choose any of the above listings to follow.

Ofcourse this is not the optimal path to follow, however I cannot assess what you really want to give the optimal advice.
Ballouta, if you could tell us in what you're more interested (games, desktop applications, web applications, web design, embedded systems, ...) so we can tell you exactly what language to start with.
im not really interested in something i just need something to fill my time with , and i found vb6 easy and fun to work with
im not really interested in something i just need something to fill my time with , and i found vb6 easy and fun to work with
Although it is easy to work with, but you will cripple yourself. In the future, there will be no place for VB6, you will have to switch to another language, and switching from VB6 to another language such as C++ or Java will be hard. I agree with xterm, once you start at something, make sure to continue until you finish it.
well k ill go with c++ but is someone can give me a good website as visualbasic.freetutes.com to start with c++ website for codes and what they do ...
Good decision, here are some resources:

http://cpp-tutorial.cpp4u.com/ *Tutorial

http://www.cplusplus.com/ * This id a C++ forum where you can ask all your C++ related question

http://www.dreamincode.net/ * Another good forum which includes a C++ sub forum

http://www.uow.edu.au/~nabg/ABC/ABC.html * Another good tutorial

http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~wjk/C++Intro/ *This is a good tut also, as it starts from the very beginning and goes to the advanced topics

http://mathbits.com/mathbits/compsci/compsci.htm *Another tut

You can find more tuts on the net but the best thing to do is get a good book and read it to the end while you do practice, and hopefully you will reach what you want, keep up the good work and good luck :)
thank you for you help :) im installing it now from the internet 167mb it will need 5 hours in Lebanon its been about 10 min and its 4mb :/