now back to the topic :p
i liked what rahmu suggested and i have few things to add:
rahmu is right when he said that we have to make the internet non-geeks addicts involved in this campain but there is a problem in that; not all of those dudes realise that the internet is slow. lots of my freinds, some of my family who are facebook\msn addicts thinks that a 256kbs connection is awesome and it is very fast and they are happy about it, and when i am nagging about my 512kbs/1Mbs connection they are like WTF. so in order to make them feel that their connection is slow is to make them youtube addicts :P we can do that in lots of ways (blogs like rahmu suggested, create some personal vlogs and some short videos describing how slow the internet it, make them suffer watching them, ..... in other words inform them that there is much more interesting stuff than facebook and msn) and let them know that the internet speed is not only about download but upload that totally sucks here. We can also benefit form gamers and inform them what is the perfect connection for games, what is ping ? how important it is for games ? ....
other than that we can make them involved by taking advantage of the Lebanese instinct : compare our internet to other Arabs counties and especially Syria. here's a sample of speed comparison:
so i think we should first create a blog, a serious one and work on it all of us in a pro way.
oh i forgot we should also inform people that no one is getting the speed they are paying for.
another thing other than speed we should focus on is the traffic limit, and the price of our internet and we should suggest solutions so that we won't appear that we are just nagging.
but we still have one major problem : POLITICS !!!! every aounist will think that we are attacking basil and we are agaisnt him , i know that form my parents , ...... . of political shits.
they just cannot understand this phrase:
rahmu wroteIn other words, we're not attacking Bassil, Aoun, Hariri, Sanioura or anyone in particular for that matter... all these guys owe us decent connections)
but it is better to try doing than sit and cry and nag ! so im interested in this thing, and these are the idea i got when i read the post today, I'll add if i came up with anything else :p