euuuh year is ending so i was wondering if we could have one of these things tech blogs do. we could vote for lebgeekers' favorite <insert something here> of 2008, we could do it for browsers, os, antivirus, cellphone, laptop, gaming console, video game, firefox extensions, ... and if you don't want to restrict it to geeky stuff, we can also do it for movies, restaurants, drinks, ...
so? can we? can we? can we? bleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, can we?
and if we can, i think we should 1st nominate the candidates, and then when it's all ready, we start the voting...
so? can we? can we? can weeeee? i wont shut up till u tell me we can.... fine, i'll shut up :@
halla2 i know there's not enough members and that in some cases we might get winners with just 2 votes, but still, it could be fun :P
so? can we? can we? can we? bleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, can we?
and if we can, i think we should 1st nominate the candidates, and then when it's all ready, we start the voting...
so? can we? can we? can weeeee? i wont shut up till u tell me we can.... fine, i'll shut up :@
halla2 i know there's not enough members and that in some cases we might get winners with just 2 votes, but still, it could be fun :P