Am i the only one who sometimes, when i want to end a process in windows, it takes like hours for the process to be killed? It's so annoying!!!!! when i want to end a process i don't want to have to watch him have a slow death and watch him suffocate and fight to stay alive for minutes and make my whole system go down with it. when i try to kill a process, i don't want to have regrets, second thoughts, ... i just want to kill it and move on with my life... damn windows :@ god bless kill -9
this is the so zgirteweh character of you

You Kill with No Regrets and want to kill fast and quick hmph :mad:

the time left is for you to say a little prayer for the dying process you just killed ! mijrem ! or at least a prayer so that it doesn't keep on freezing :P
mmmm, maybe windows is the religious os and linux the atheist one?
windows being the one with flaws, or lets say, question marks, which is imposed on us by microsoft (the god) as it is with no modification allowed, which makes you pay for falling for temptation and stuff. while linux is the atheist one, everyone modifying it, creating different tastes of it, putting them to the test and keeping the ones that work best, the os that doesn't require a prayer to kill a damn process :@

Nice, Impressed, habbet l fikra :D
I haven't thought of it that way before
What's your hardware and Windows used Battikh? You can always tweak that around. The toughest process takes a maximum of 7 seconds (yes, I timed it, I am that geeky) to end.
i have an ibm T60 (lenovo) upgraded to 3GB of ram and i'm on win xp sp2. halla2 it's not like it's frequent, it happens rarely, but when it does, it's damn annoying :P
oh, and i usually keep my laptop for 1-2 months without rebooting, so it might also contribute for the messy behaviors :P
and it's usually firefox that hangs... (which i also don't completely close for weeks).
:mad: don't nag, if it is not worth nagging !
on lenovos it's just the one under the "insert" key, next to "F12", yeah, it's up there :P no delete button neer the space bar :P doing a ctrl+alt+del with just one hand requires excessive training and can lead to serious injuries :P
Ya i noticed that, some processes have a wasta with the os... especially applications that are from some company called Microsoft.
funny, i usually use both hands to do the ctrl + alt + del thing, even on a regular keyboard

i am practicing it with one hand... i need some processes to kill please :P
hehe try killing system idle process it never dies... practice at will