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  • Geeky Christmass Decoration

hahahahahahha battikh... :lol: :lol:

Great post

of course some other ideas, and i am doing a search on the subject , i got my own apartment to decorate as i please hihihihihihihi
but how to find so many H and O keyboard letters.. 7ada 3indo shi reserve ?
there are always the CDs and chips u can cut as star or tree ... stuff u can hang as boule
what did u do so far :D ?

check this pic
oh thanks for correcting the link.. still jehleh in facebook

yeah, maybe rolf would exchange it for labneh :P
but i want to write HoHOHOHooHohOHO ! not huhuhuhu :mad:

i have an old keyboard at home.. but my bro painted it and rasam 3al keys, midreh shu 3emil fi, keyboard modding :P

i will get a keyboard.. ano kila shi 10$ :P

my ex keyboard at work .. had the letters mim7iyin 3anno, so ma byinfa3 :P , maybe i get typex and write on the keys :P
lol battikh :D
yes i saw those as well :D :cool:
but any ideas how to cut the CDs ? and the chips ?

- i already did the keyboard letters thing :D
^^ for the circuit bord, it can be cut with good scisors and some patience not to mess it up.
for CDs, i think it can be done with a cutter and lots of patience too, going over and over threws the same line till the cutting is deep enough... and u can always use a mabrad to make the corners rounders in case it gets a bit messy.
i think the others have personal problems with santa... maybe he didn't get them the gifts they wanted so now they're boycotting him. can't think of any other convincing reason...
a year later
mir wrotelol battikh :D
yes i saw those as well :D :cool:
but any ideas how to cut the CDs ? and the chips ?
the CDs and the PCBs can be laser cut at doculand .
ok, now THAT's the best christmass decoration :P

too bad my boobs are too small to put a red led on it and disguise it as rudolph
i want to know if she supplies the electricity , or its a new type of LED that runs on lactose :P